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Q: How does your city residents generally treat foreigners?

I am curious as I hear different cities have different attitude towards foreigners. 


For example, I heard that Zhengzhou generally isn't too kind to foreigners. I also used to live in a city near Shanghai called Changzhou and they weren't very nice to foreigners overall. Tianjin is pretty good for a larger city.


I am in a smaller city (Yuncheng, Shanxi) and people here are actually quite nice to foreigners. Yuncheng is a lower tier city but has things like Wal-Mart, Pizza Hut, the speed train goes through here from Beijing and luxuries that a larger city offers. 


However, there are not many foreigners so you still kind of get the star treatment but it is more curiosity and admiration than anything. Locals are generally quite nice and go a bit further to be helpful to foreigners. There are jerks but generally I would say this is a foreigner friendly city, however... the level of people that speak English here is quite low. 


In this city, there are foreigners from all places but because a group of South African guys came here early on they sort of tainted the reputation of black people. Drugs and sleeping with students that circulated through the city... nice guys but had a little too much fun. 


How about the city where you live? What is the general attitude towards foreigners and does it change based on nationality or skin color? 


10 years 35 weeks ago in  Relationships - China

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Suzhou... Overall people will leave you alone, with a medium level of stares. I always have the occasional 'HAAALLLLLLLOOOOO teeheehee', on a monthly basis. I remember, 2 or 3 times, I did not have the 2 rmb for the bus, only a 5 rmb or 10 rmb bank note, and a good Samaritan put me out of my trouble. When asking my way, people tend to go away from me with an embarrassed face, despite me asking in Mandarin (I'm 170cm and look really tame). In the places I go often for eating, even after 3 years, the people will look at me eating like a zoo animal and comment "ho, he took a spoon", "ho, he took some spicy sauce", "ho, he did not come with his wife", and make generic comments about Westerners. Despite me talking gently in Mandarin with them a couple of time.


Yeah, that can get really annoying. Reminds me a little of a Daily Show bit by Jon Stewart: "It's like walking on the streets with a six-year-old: Powice Car! Fire hydwant! Foweigner!"

10 years 35 weeks ago
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10 years 35 weeks ago
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I live in Guangzhou and  in the building I work there are many foreigners. I think people here is kind to them and great to work with them.

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6 years 50 weeks ago
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I'm fortunate. I have lived in Jun Jing, Liede, and Chebei areas of GZ. Few to no foreigners during my tenure.  Different styles of living, but, most  everyone is friendly and allow for my negligible amount of Mandarin and Cantonese. I'm more white mime, than white monkey. Smokers in elevators and people who sit while ignoring the needs of senior citizens and I don't get along. Still see several people wielding the child squirt guns. I shop in the local produce markets and they tend to look out for me.


Must have been quite a while back to live on Liede when there was few to no foreigners there!

6 years 50 weeks ago
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You're right Hotwater, I should have been more specific. I lived in the new Liede apartment area next to the river and Liede Bridge. when it was first occupied 2010-15 from right after they opened. Some richer foreigners on the left and two blocks away.  Foreigners on the right side of the Liede Metro Station near the bar/restaurant strip. I went there twice. But it was extremely rare to see a foreigner in the apartment or produce market area. It seems to be much more popular with foreigners now after I moved to Chebei. I tell myself, it's a coincidence.

6 years 49 weeks ago
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6 years 50 weeks ago
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People have generally been nice here, but once when I lived in the North the people were ruder in ways

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6 years 49 weeks ago
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I live in a Tier 88 town called Shiyan in Hubei Province. People stare a little bit but generally no one has been rude or disrespectful except one young punk on a bus one time. Overall I'm treated very well. When I was living in South Korea in the early 2000's, the verbal abuse and disrespect came much more often then it does here in China. South Koreans to me seemed much more in your face then the Chinese when it came to being a foreigner in their country.



I hear a lot about that too... does it have something to do with the Army base causing problems for the locals? I am pretty sure they REALLY don't like the army base being there and I heard of soldiers getting off with crimes like rape etc. 

6 years 49 weeks ago
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6 years 49 weeks ago
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In Shanghai there is no shortage of foreigners so its kinda nice go about your daily business un-noticed (unlike when Im in my wife's home-town which is a Tier-3 city in Hubei and kids point at you in the street saying "Měiguó rén"....while Im not even from that continent ...they also dont seem too impressed if you point back saying "Rìběn rén" : )

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6 years 37 weeks ago
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Shanghai tend to treat people normally. You act like a tourist in a tourist spot, yeah you might pay more if you don't haggle enough. Most places now prices are set so you pay what they ask for.

Daily life you get treated like a regular person, people push you to get seats, don't look up from their phones and walk into you.

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6 years 32 weeks ago
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I find my life in China, very lonely and isolated

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4 years 39 weeks ago
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Hi, I'm Chinese and I have a few foreign friends. Here's my two cents:

As a foreigner, you will feel at ease in either mega cities or super small towns/villages. Locals from the former just don't bother, and people from the latter are just plain nice and simple.

However, in the places in-between, you might feel uneasy at times as you get judged, stared at or mistreated sometimes.

I wonder if you'll agree with me?

If unfortunately you're living in those "in-between" places, there're a number of things you can do to instantely get people to like you:

1. Speak Chinese (for obvious reason)

2. If you're a guy, hang out with local guys. I mean it's common sense, right? If you're seen hanging out with females ALL THE TIME (locals or foreigners), you come across as a little weird, don't you ^_*

3. Help the local elderly people (e.g. when they try to cross the road, or lift heavy things, or get on/off a bus). It's a good Asian tradition. Practice it and it won't go unnoticed.

Hope it helps! And enjoy your living in China.


non-Chinese people don't really want to 'get people to like' them.

for the most part we just want to be left alone, not singled out or harassed (in the case of my experience)

It is enough that Chinese people think it is ok to say 'helloooooooo' after us (rarely would this happen to my face) and in one place i lived locals thought it was ok to touch my hair wiithout my permission.


why would guys have to 'hang out with other guys'?

what is wrong with a guy hanging out with women - guys like women just as women like guys?


To be honest, most of my interactions with Chinese who were strangers to me generally boardered on sexual harassment and i would receive unwanted and offensive questions.

dismissing this as 'curiosity' is just ignorant and lacking in courtesy.


whenever i encounter tourists or foreigenrs in my home country, no matter how small the town. guess what. They are treated politely because it is good manners.


as i said in a previous comment the treatment i received was between the adolescent and super creepy, being asked questions they would not ask another chinese person,


i would like if Chinese people treated foreigenrs as people, not zoo animals to be photographed or exploited.


4 years 35 weeks ago
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4 years 35 weeks ago
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i am haitian in my country people are really like to stare at foreigners and they are very nice too. they treat you like their brothers and sisters. that is the reason why foreigner people like to come down here and they enjoy our culture.


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4 years 29 weeks ago
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No matter which country or city you live in, there are good people or bad people. As long as you are a good person, you will be respected wherever you go. What do you think


some people just hate you cause you are an American or Japanese or black no matter if you are a good person or not

4 years 24 weeks ago
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exactly viicki... 'togetherway' is just some isolated loon......

4 years 24 weeks ago
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4 years 24 weeks ago
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