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Q: How long does it take to get from Beijing to Kunming by train these days?
12 years 36 weeks ago in Transport & Travel - Kunming
Normal trains run at an average of 60 to 70 Kms per hour. Bullet trains are running at a minimum of 250 Kms/hr at present time.
So, if you know the distance between Beijing and Kunming, divide it by the speed and you will get an approximate of the time required, plus a bit more for any intermediate stops. For your information, from Beijing to Kunming by train is 3,200 kilometers, and it will take from 38 to 44 hours depending on number of intermediate stops.
If you visit any website of Chinese train schedules, most of them will show train number, cost of different categories of travel available, departure and arrival times, distance and hours to arrive. This is from where I got the information shown above.
A basic law of physics good to remember :
distance = speed x time .
I took the train from Kunming to Beijing recently, in mid April 2012. It was supposed to take 38 hours, it actually took about 38 1/2 hours. The alternative train was listed to take 45 hours.