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Q: How many babies are droped in China each day?

Just saw another local mum carrying her new born in her arms. Just got me wondering... how many babies are dropped every day in China? Must be a lot.

9 years 21 weeks ago in  Family & Kids - China

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I think less than you might imagine. They need to grip those suckers tight when they walk into traffic without looking, or ride motos without helmets. They wont ever drop them. That would take away the pleasure of letting their infants hang out the sunroof while the dad drives 140 down the freeway.

Chinese babies are more important you know. Because they can only have one. Dropping them is out of the question. But having them run around in 45 degree weather in the summer while wearing a parka and a towel to catch the sweat is cool. Thats fine.


You got the jist of my question Mike wink

9 years 21 weeks ago
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I love how they say they care for their children more because they can only have one and family is very important in China. Then they leave them playing next to busy roads unsupervised.You then see stories on the news about some kid getting kidnapped. The parents are saying stuff like "I don't know how it happened. My 2 year old son was just playing outside by the road whilst I was (insert any activity except caring for child) then when I looked out to see how he was, he was gone". I regularly see children being cared for in a way that is similar to how you would care for a dog. Oh, it is in the way, let it go outside. Feral children are everywhere here. At least the dogs go in the corner to poop though.

9 years 21 weeks ago
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Chinese hypocrisy exposed. Also the parents who see their children once per month because they are "too busy". I am not talking about the migrants who live 2000km away from their family but the local people. They claim to love their family yet they spend their whole time to run after money and in the case of daddy to spend that money on escorts and mistresses, mommy might spend it on handbags and beauty products. At the end Western parents spend more time with their family, which is beneficial for the child's development. When I was teaching kids a number of them told me that they like me more than their own daddy because their daddy is bad and is never home.

9 years 21 weeks ago
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Good point. When my mom first came to visit me, ill never forget her biggest impression. That all the parents dressed so nice but all their kids looked homeless. It actually sickened her the idea of people making their kids go without so the parents can have more.

9 years 21 weeks ago
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9 years 21 weeks ago
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I think less than you might imagine. They need to grip those suckers tight when they walk into traffic without looking, or ride motos without helmets. They wont ever drop them. That would take away the pleasure of letting their infants hang out the sunroof while the dad drives 140 down the freeway.

Chinese babies are more important you know. Because they can only have one. Dropping them is out of the question. But having them run around in 45 degree weather in the summer while wearing a parka and a towel to catch the sweat is cool. Thats fine.


You got the jist of my question Mike wink

9 years 21 weeks ago
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I love how they say they care for their children more because they can only have one and family is very important in China. Then they leave them playing next to busy roads unsupervised.You then see stories on the news about some kid getting kidnapped. The parents are saying stuff like "I don't know how it happened. My 2 year old son was just playing outside by the road whilst I was (insert any activity except caring for child) then when I looked out to see how he was, he was gone". I regularly see children being cared for in a way that is similar to how you would care for a dog. Oh, it is in the way, let it go outside. Feral children are everywhere here. At least the dogs go in the corner to poop though.

9 years 21 weeks ago
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Chinese hypocrisy exposed. Also the parents who see their children once per month because they are "too busy". I am not talking about the migrants who live 2000km away from their family but the local people. They claim to love their family yet they spend their whole time to run after money and in the case of daddy to spend that money on escorts and mistresses, mommy might spend it on handbags and beauty products. At the end Western parents spend more time with their family, which is beneficial for the child's development. When I was teaching kids a number of them told me that they like me more than their own daddy because their daddy is bad and is never home.

9 years 21 weeks ago
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Good point. When my mom first came to visit me, ill never forget her biggest impression. That all the parents dressed so nice but all their kids looked homeless. It actually sickened her the idea of people making their kids go without so the parents can have more.

9 years 21 weeks ago
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9 years 21 weeks ago
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I read "groped" to begin with .... but I got it now  dropped ...just don't see that happening the answer is    ZERO

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9 years 21 weeks ago
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not enough.


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9 years 21 weeks ago
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I saw another example today. I was sitting outside a shop and a young female came along the sidewalk with a toddler. Female decided she wanted to pop into the shop and left the toddler outside. The toddler toddled off.....

I was keeping an eye open, and when the female exited the shop, there was much panic. The toddler was gone.

I could see the kid. He had toddled up an alleyway and he was fine.

Did the female do a panic search? Nope, she shouted for help, everyone came out to help search. I was laughing my socks off. The toddler had only toddled 10 feet around the corner and was standing at the other entrance to the shop watching his guardian make her purchase.

Out of 6 people franticly searching, only one calmly looked around the corner into the alleyway and found the errant child.


It drives me crazy when people do that here. It chills my bones even just thinking about doing that to my son.

9 years 21 weeks ago
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This also reinforces for me how local people can only do one thing at a time. It's not that difficult to walk into a small shop with your toddler, buy what you want, while keeping an eye on the child out of the corner of your eye. 

9 years 21 weeks ago
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9 years 21 weeks ago
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I think everyone has missed the point here. He or she should have asked how many Chinese babies are born every day. Ha Ha.


11.93 births per year per 1000 people apparently, as of 2011. population of China is 1.355 billion.


Are you suggesting the value of an individual reduces proportional to the number of individuals?



9 years 20 weeks ago
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It probably does at that. More populous countries seem to be more eager to devalue their citizens' lives and restrict their freedoms.

9 years 20 weeks ago
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9 years 20 weeks ago
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On their head by their parents? As a primary school teacher, I can assure you it's quite a lot...

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9 years 20 weeks ago
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How do you think they get their head's flat like they do? Oooops! There goes baby!


Just kidding... actually in order to have that flat look... they make the babies sleep on hard pillows to flatten the backs of their heads. They think it looks better...


I think it makes their heads look more like watermelons... but meh.

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9 years 20 weeks ago
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