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Q: How many of y'all plan on staying in China ? I miss it everytime i go home !!

I've been here over 2 years now and everytime i go back to Ireland i get annoyed quickly at all the rules and the rudeness of people Smile

8 years 33 weeks ago in  Culture - China

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I'm not planning to stay much longer, but then again when I first arrived I never thought I would still be here 8 years later.


I actually do enjoy my life here, but so many things are getting worse, not better. Pollution is getting worse. The visa rules are getting tougher and tougher, the government says they want to attract foreigners but this isn't backed up by their actions. On top of this, and many other reasons, the cost of living keeps on rising, when I first arrived here I could live like a king for very little money. That is no longer possible. If there was hope for the future I'd be tempted to stay, but at the moment I'm really struggling to find any hope.

Also, what part of Ireland are you from where people say y'all and are ruder than in China?


To be honest, I have noticed that them who are catholic and them that are protestant in Ireland have a tendency to be a little rude to each other.


Sometimes, it can even go as  far as pulling faces and pointing at one another! 

8 years 33 weeks ago
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I pretty much agree with your statement that the situation in China is changing. Twenty years ago it was enough to be Westerner to get very preferential treatment. Several years ago the young boys and girls after graduation (or even without any degree) simply came and started to earn triple China average salaries or even more just for speaking their mother language. I still see the huge potential for young Westerners in China but just in case they are willing to learn and master Chinese to decent level of fluency and more in the segment required by Western companies who are still coming to China in numbers. For instance a young Western lawyer or economist, fluent in Chinese has pretty decent chance to climb fast and start earning very nice money relatively quickly. I do not want to say that teaching English jobs will disappear. But there will be less and less attractive and more and more demanding. There will be probably more jobs for highly qualified teachers who will prepare the local English teachers. Probably less opportunities for the young guys who want to experience life in Asia. What concerns of pollution so yes, it's really bad and will get worse.

8 years 33 weeks ago
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western companies are still coming to china, you mean the ones that are suckered in to steal their ideas and go home with their tail between their legs, most of the big boys are moving to india, the show is over here, i'm just waiting for the fat lady to sing, bad form to leave a show early.;_ylt=A0SO81W_rr1WiiYAkSlXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTByc3RzMXFjBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwM0BHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--

8 years 33 weeks ago
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I said "ya'll" in a post once on the internet and that means im not irish ? Im from Co.Armagh and i talk whatever way i want cos its a good laugh. Ya feel me ? In ireland there are a lot of fights over nothing and i mean fights where people get hurt and end up in jail. I haven't had any trouble in my 2 years in China and most of the people i met are nice and welcoming.

8 years 33 weeks ago
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@ambivalentmate; No, I meann those comanies which try to avoid the businessbarriers like customs duty and others by setting up the branches in China directly. BTW same like Korean, Indians and Japanese brands in Europe. On top of that a lot of companies who want to be geographcallly close to their potential customer and seeking good base of qualiified engineers and workers for reasonable costs.

8 years 33 weeks ago
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8 years 33 weeks ago
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Yes, I also like China and missing it when spending holidays at home.
But not so sure I will stay here for good. Foreigners cannot really integrate into Chinese society and I am sure this will not change during my life.
I do not really care when talking about definite period of time, but I assume it would bother me when I would decide to stay here forever.
But certainly I am not planning to leave anytime soon unless something unpredictable happens and planning to spend my active life in China.
I find absolutelly fascinating how 'different' can really mean different and not better or worse.
On top of that my experience with majority of Chinese people apparently quite differs from many other contributors' experience. I find majority of Chinese people quite nice and enjoy my work and life in here.


You are a Chinese troll/wumao extrordinaire!

8 years 33 weeks ago
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Because I have different point of view than you so I must be Chinese troll/wumao? Congratulation! I am sure you must be a really nice person to hangout with ...

8 years 33 weeks ago
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Because your grammar and syntax is 100% Chinese.

More Chinese viewpoints are needed and welcomed on the forums...but pretending to be a foreigner when you're not is just a farce.

8 years 33 weeks ago
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Jano: Go back to the English training school, tell them you want a qualified native English speaker only. 

8 years 33 weeks ago
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I am not a native speaker. Does it make me inferior in your eyes? OK, may be it does. In such a case I still believe the shame is on you! :-)

8 years 33 weeks ago
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Yes, you're Chinese nothing wrong with being who you are. But when you try to pass yourself off as someone else is when there is a problem. Can you grasp that simple concept. As a writing teacher, I know chinglish when I see it. 

Unless you're from another asian country I think you're Chinese from what I see in your writing. It's just my opinion. I could be wrong. But from what I see ....

8 years 33 weeks ago
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No, I am not Chinese. I am European. Majority of Europan have English as a second of third language only. But what does it matter? You challenge my English language skills???!!! You are certainly right if you are a native speaker ... Does it help you? OK. Up to you dude ....

8 years 33 weeks ago
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8 years 33 weeks ago
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Is it me? I've been around a number of Irish people. Never heard one use 'y'all'. I let the other remark where you were trashing other irish (you could've been joking, many of us see the worst in our own) but color me suspicious.


So because i wrote "ya'll" once on the internet i'm not Irish ?. What is the point of commenting on my simple post if you aren't answering my simple question ? And living in County Armagh isn't the nicest experience. I prefer being around nicer people with open minds and who don't get drunk all the time and get into pointless fights.

8 years 33 weeks ago
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God this is hilarious.

8 years 32 weeks ago
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8 years 33 weeks ago
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I'm not planning to stay much longer, but then again when I first arrived I never thought I would still be here 8 years later.


I actually do enjoy my life here, but so many things are getting worse, not better. Pollution is getting worse. The visa rules are getting tougher and tougher, the government says they want to attract foreigners but this isn't backed up by their actions. On top of this, and many other reasons, the cost of living keeps on rising, when I first arrived here I could live like a king for very little money. That is no longer possible. If there was hope for the future I'd be tempted to stay, but at the moment I'm really struggling to find any hope.

Also, what part of Ireland are you from where people say y'all and are ruder than in China?


To be honest, I have noticed that them who are catholic and them that are protestant in Ireland have a tendency to be a little rude to each other.


Sometimes, it can even go as  far as pulling faces and pointing at one another! 

8 years 33 weeks ago
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I pretty much agree with your statement that the situation in China is changing. Twenty years ago it was enough to be Westerner to get very preferential treatment. Several years ago the young boys and girls after graduation (or even without any degree) simply came and started to earn triple China average salaries or even more just for speaking their mother language. I still see the huge potential for young Westerners in China but just in case they are willing to learn and master Chinese to decent level of fluency and more in the segment required by Western companies who are still coming to China in numbers. For instance a young Western lawyer or economist, fluent in Chinese has pretty decent chance to climb fast and start earning very nice money relatively quickly. I do not want to say that teaching English jobs will disappear. But there will be less and less attractive and more and more demanding. There will be probably more jobs for highly qualified teachers who will prepare the local English teachers. Probably less opportunities for the young guys who want to experience life in Asia. What concerns of pollution so yes, it's really bad and will get worse.

8 years 33 weeks ago
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western companies are still coming to china, you mean the ones that are suckered in to steal their ideas and go home with their tail between their legs, most of the big boys are moving to india, the show is over here, i'm just waiting for the fat lady to sing, bad form to leave a show early.;_ylt=A0SO81W_rr1WiiYAkSlXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTByc3RzMXFjBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwM0BHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--

8 years 33 weeks ago
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I said "ya'll" in a post once on the internet and that means im not irish ? Im from Co.Armagh and i talk whatever way i want cos its a good laugh. Ya feel me ? In ireland there are a lot of fights over nothing and i mean fights where people get hurt and end up in jail. I haven't had any trouble in my 2 years in China and most of the people i met are nice and welcoming.

8 years 33 weeks ago
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@ambivalentmate; No, I meann those comanies which try to avoid the businessbarriers like customs duty and others by setting up the branches in China directly. BTW same like Korean, Indians and Japanese brands in Europe. On top of that a lot of companies who want to be geographcallly close to their potential customer and seeking good base of qualiified engineers and workers for reasonable costs.

8 years 33 weeks ago
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8 years 33 weeks ago
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I'm a long timer too and have(mostly) always liked living and working here. I've been able to improve my situation and am in a pretty comfortable place now financially and work wise.But I'm going home this year.


My reasons are similar to estern's in the post above.


I feel like the pollution has gotten a lot worse,to the point where it's actually dangerous rather than just unhealthy, I really can't stand it anymore. The internet has definitely gotten worse and I find the direction the government is taking recently kind of disturbing.

I'm also just tired of everything being needlessly frustrating and difficult and living with chaotic traffic, crowded city life and the usual complaints - spitting, pushing, lack of manners etc. Throw in some personal reasons and my decision is made.It's not worth it for me any more.


Ironically, given the title of this thread, it took a trip home and a trip to another western country to realize I didn't want to live in China anymore. I had forgotten there were places where people weren't rude and things like traffic rules and no smoking signs were respected, not disregarded


That's not to say I wouldn't recommend coming here, it has been a great experience for me that I would recommend to anyone.








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hey mcdonald, do they have McDonald's in Eire?  


  *chill out ya ossified plonker and don't pull my face!


Yes of course we do lol

8 years 33 weeks ago
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The very fact that this poster can't even begin to figure out why y'll is suspicious means this guy isn't who he says he is. Please don't tell him. 



There are words in my vocabulary that I often use, that would be strange coming from me. But I know and can explain it.

8 years 33 weeks ago
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then who am i ? james bond ? check your messages, friend.

8 years 33 weeks ago
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Not me, pal, I'm off as soon as my kids reach middle school age. I wouldn't put them through middle school here, it sucks.


yeah me too i agree about that

8 years 33 weeks ago
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8 years 33 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77