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Q: How much money do you spend each day or month, on average?

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My boss said to me a while ago that I should manage my money.


I am in Shenzhen.


I find it nearly impossible to spend less than 100 RMB per day.  I stand a chance if the lunch at school is ok and I eat quite a bit of it, but, even then, it can be a very expensive daily life in this city.


I admit that, due to the fact that I am so busy and tired most days, I rarely cook at home.  I used to be able to eat in a few cheap restaurants, but then I moved because my girlfriend wanted to, and now we don't really have many restaurants, and then they are average at best, and in these, we spend at least 60RMB each time. 

11 years 15 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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Not counting rent, utilities, weekly grocery purchases (300 RMB/mo), I spend about 20 kuai a day.  Sometimes even less.  Starting with staples.  A pack of smokes: 6 kuai.  Two hefty bottles of beer: 7 kuai.  Public bus: 1 kuai.  When the bus is late, the occasional taxi: 10 kuai.

But then my budget goes haywire when I buy Western food at my local RT-Mart or visit my favorite Western pub.  I try to keep both at a minimum, though.

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11 years 15 weeks ago
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Including your grocery shopping?


I want to know, if I may, and if you could all reveal, what you spend excluding your rent and bills.


Sorry for not making it clearer earlier.




Carl, There are days when I spend no more than 20 RMB - usually on my pet vices: cheap smokes and cheap beer.  I eat at work and at home on those days.

Now, my monthly grocery spending was understated in my post.  I erred and the figure should have read 300 RMB/wk and not 300 RMB/mo.  That weekly figure includes a bottle of foreign wine (70-to-100 kuai) and dog food (expensive!)  I generally stay away from the marked-up Western goods as it really bugs me to buy a box of Raisin Bran, for example, for 3-4 times the price back home in the States.  And forget American-made cookies or Swiss/Belgian chocolate.

So, yeah.  What does that come to?  About 1,200 for groceries, 14 a day to satisfy my vices, and the occasional taxi for about 10 kuai.  Qingdao cabs are cheaper than cities like BJ or SH.  Flagfall is 9 kuai and everything in QD is within a 10-kuai cab ride.  Nice compact city.

Sorry for the miscalculation.  Blame it on Tsingtao beer.  3.5 kuai for a BIG bottle.  I put back two of those and I start to see double...  Hic!  wink

11 years 15 weeks ago
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11 years 15 weeks ago
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I live in the affluent part of this town so I easily spend about 2,200 RMB per month. The nightlife is expensive and 35 RMB away by cab. That gets expensive. Even the pools halls are expensive. 

In short, I spend about 3,000 RMB per month on food, taxis, cigs, entertainment and whatnot. 

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11 years 15 weeks ago
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around 250 rmb per day i usully eat at pizza hut 100 25 to 40 for parking 30 cigs and 40 at subway daily so 235 would be in the ball park

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11 years 15 weeks ago
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For my gf and I we spend about 2 - 3,000 a month.


You figure some days you just eat some shit food, 7 rmb gai jiao fan, 5 rmb snacks


dinner have like 2 dishes and rice - 50 rmb


Ride a bike everywhere, no smoking, sometimes a beer with dinner. 


Other times go food shopping, buy cereal and milk online that gets pricey

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11 years 15 weeks ago
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3-4000 for the food and stuff budget. We mainly cook at home, none of us drink any alcohol at all. 

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11 years 15 weeks ago
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Eating out comes out of the 'luxuries' budget which obviously is only used once all the 'essentials' have been covered.  We have 4 of us at home, (wife, daughter (3yrs), mother-in-law, and myself) we get change out of 500RMB for the monthly food budget.


If I eat out because I'm too lazy to go home or too busy at work I eat at a Chinese noodle shop or dumpling shop, 12RMB if I'm pigging out, or 6RMB if I'm not. However that happens perhaps 4 or 5 times a year.


If you want / need to eat western food in China you are going to have to pay, and pay handsomely!

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11 years 15 weeks ago
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Not counting the apartment and related expenses....

About 7000 month on food and eating out...around 5000 a month on bar tabs...and in total around 30000 a month all in on everything not counting rent and utilities.

It's tough being a rock star.surprise

I am also in Shenzhen.

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11 years 15 weeks ago
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5000 RMB, but I am in Luzhou. So most of it is on parties, smokes and eating out!



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11 years 15 weeks ago
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I agree with xxxcdbxxx, but still manage to get through most months on about 4000, I frequent the little xinjiang noodles place downstairs from my apartment because the food is quite clean and cheap ( 10 for beef noodles).

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11 years 15 weeks ago
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I usually spend my entire salary, no room for saving anything if you want to live a comfortable life.

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11 years 15 weeks ago
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I do not know, I  just spend the money as they come indecision

and we still have something in account, we are 3 at home and I am the most expensive person at home.

Even I eat at starbuck's a beef with salat or dan qiao fan at lanzhou shop or take food from home, total amount is hardly reaching 100rmb per day. I do not count coffee which I have big bucket for 2-3 weeks 60 or 80rmb for 1.  Monthly fees for housing, mobile, electricity, internet, transportation i roughly 2300rmb.


 I know, I can save a bit more ... But life is just one ...

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11 years 15 weeks ago
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Depends. I find that in China I can without spending much money for long periods of time, though suddenly a whole load of things will hit me like bills, rent, a broken computer, a load of friends visiting, and it's the complete opposite. 


If I'm careful, I can usually save most of salary which is much more than I could say for my old job at home. However, if I go a little crazy and follow the temptations, I can end up broke very quickly. It's also easy to fall into these temptations in China! 

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11 years 15 weeks ago
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Average meal cooked 50, restaurant 125, street food at night 10. rent 1600. entertainment 15000+. average 30000 a month total

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11 years 15 weeks ago
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