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Posts: 9


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Q: How pricey is the West Lake Restaurant in Changsha?

Hey Guys,


I'd love to go to the West Lake Restaurant (西湖楼), even if just to say I went there, but as it's on the opposite side of the city to me I was wondering if anyone knows how much I can expect to pay if I go.  I'm not a glutton but I don't want to order the cheapest thing on the menu and stop off for 小吃 on the way home either!


I'm looking for actual example prices such as how much you paid per person when you went there or how much a dish is in RMB.  I know it's going to be one of the more expensive places to go for food, I just need to know HOW expensive so I can decide whether I can afford it.


Hope you can help!



11 years 35 weeks ago in  Food  - Changsha

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It's been a while since I've been there, but I remember there were four of us, and it ran around 200-250 RMB. It may be a little more now. It will all depend on what you order and how many are in your party. We didn't eat anything fancy, just basic, good food.


Of course, if you go, take your camera, as there will be plenty of subjects to take photos of if you enjoy "old China" style architecture. It's not old of course, but it looks great, nonetheless.

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11 years 35 weeks ago
Posts: 1968


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Dear Ezza,


Four course dinner, two persons each, with some beer, approximately RMB 150 - 200 person, or RMB 400 for two persons.  That is the minimum.  These are some pictures of what the restaurant does.  Actually, it gets 5 stars for its decor and only 3 stars for its cuisine, sorry to say.


Lake House dishes / menu Lake House dishes / menu

Lake House dishes / menuLake House dishes / menu

Lake House dishes / menuLake House dishes / menu


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11 years 35 weeks ago
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