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Q: How serious is the disease(Dengue fever) in Guangzhou?

Thinking about heading to Guangzhou soon for a holiday from OZ.

9 years 46 weeks ago in  Health & Safety - Guangzhou

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If you are talking about the Dengue fever, Google is your friend (if you are not in China).  This is a mosquito borne disease like malaria, and is not transmittable.  If you don't get bitten by a carrier mosquito or get a blood transfusion from an infected person, chances are good you won't get it.  Take the same precautions as for malaria.  Cover up, especially at night, and wear insect repellant.  


Personally I would just take another gin and tonic, this seems to work, as I have lived for long periods in the tropics and never even got malaria

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9 years 46 weeks ago
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If you are talking about the Dengue fever, Google is your friend (if you are not in China).  This is a mosquito borne disease like malaria, and is not transmittable.  If you don't get bitten by a carrier mosquito or get a blood transfusion from an infected person, chances are good you won't get it.  Take the same precautions as for malaria.  Cover up, especially at night, and wear insect repellant.  


Personally I would just take another gin and tonic, this seems to work, as I have lived for long periods in the tropics and never even got malaria

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9 years 46 weeks ago
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What disease are you talking about?


Bubonic plague?

Potato blight?

The zombie virus?

Saturday Night Fever?

Yellow fever (either the fun kind or the less fun kind)?



Is "The Disease" the name of a death metal band, and you want to know if they haven't sold out (and if "The Disease" is not the name of a death metal band, it should be).


Not enough information given. 


Dengue fever.

9 years 46 weeks ago
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he clearly says dengue fever

9 years 45 weeks ago
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He clearly says dengue fever now, after changing the title. Before, it was rather ambiguous.

9 years 45 weeks ago
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9 years 46 weeks ago
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The last number I saw, it was some 20000 cases in Guangdong province, the majority in GZ. But there are, what, 20 million people in GZ. Probably more die each day from falling on the street than from Dengue fever. Dengue fever certainly is a serious disease, but survivable for a healthy person. 

If there was an actual reason to be nervous, I would think you would hear reports of mass hysteria and people leaving the area. (naturally CCP might cover up such things)


24000 cases in Guangdong, out of which 22000 in Guangzhou.....

9 years 46 weeks ago
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thats true.Thanks for the information.

9 years 46 weeks ago
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9 years 46 weeks ago
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dengue fever in guangdong is pretty severe, especially in Zhuhai and Foshan as the news reported. So maybe guangzhou or shenzhen is a bit safer?

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9 years 46 weeks ago
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