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Q: How to survive in winter in China?

Hey everyone, I live in Hangzhou and winter is pretty pretty cold here. Does anyone has some experience how to deal with it? How to warm up rooms, heaters or any other? Please share Smile

8 years 51 weeks ago in  General  - Hangzhou

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Add 'Harbin (and vicinity)' to your temperature meter. angel


Right after you'll read temp. in Heilong, you'll fell much warmer in Hangzhousurprise.

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8 years 51 weeks ago
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Firstly don't expect much sympathy about the cold for being in Hangzhou.  It's really not that cold!  But to get to your point, I would suggest covering floors/walls/windows, basically anything hard and cold.  I personally like to buy lots of rugs, the cold hard floor is a real killer and just drains the heat out.  Also try and get rid of any drafts.  Door snakes, tape around badly fitting windows and the air con tube, stuff like that.  In Hangzhou that should about be all you need, if you want a heater then knock yourself out, but expect your electricity bill to shoot up.


ammm the problem is my campus is in urban area with mountains and I live in dorm which is worse. But I ll try , thanks!

8 years 51 weeks ago
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8 years 51 weeks ago
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...Have you never experienced winter before?


yea, it was worst winter ive ever had

8 years 51 weeks ago
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8 years 51 weeks ago
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In Hangzhou, you are right on the latitude line of sanity ...30 degrees N. ..moving to the south side of town will not help much. It is not cold!!

stopping drafts and a little insulation should be fine......  insulation being blankets, rugs or carpets, towels or balls of cotton........plastic heat shrink and tape on the windows works good if you can find it.

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8 years 51 weeks ago
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Hangzhou? Give me a break.

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8 years 51 weeks ago
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Is it cold in Hangzhou?  I am just north of you in Wuxi and the weather has been great lately.  Hoping for a decent winter so I can use my winter clothes for a change, haven't had a winter in five years due to a lengthy excursion in the Pacific tropics.


until the end of November weather is so nice, from 1st of December you ll feel that harshness of HZ winter, it feels like cold shower

and dont expect too much in winter clothing, it is not really a winter here .Snowing is more likely 'icing'

8 years 51 weeks ago
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8 years 51 weeks ago
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get yourself a few electric timers off taobao or at an electronics market and then spend 30 rmb on those cheap plastic 2 bar duck heaters. granted they wont last more than 12 months but using a few of those with timers can really make a difference in places like bathroom for example, when you get up in the morning.

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8 years 50 weeks ago
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