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Q: how will i know if i got the job or not?
i got the echinajob email and applied for some since last year but i never got any responce why is that?
4 years 40 weeks ago in General - Other cities
Unfortunately, according to the new Ncov prevention rules, you won't be able to tell if you get job or no.
However, posters at 'Answers' part of eChina-Tities website know sometimes even ahead of times, if you were successful or no at your new job application ...
Please, never give up of posting stipud questions ...
if the employer is not interested in you, they won't bother to contact you.
In the past, when I got a job the employer contacted me but the giveaway was when I started work at their establishment.
Unfortunately, according to the new Ncov prevention rules, you won't be able to tell if you get job or no.
However, posters at 'Answers' part of eChina-Tities website know sometimes even ahead of times, if you were successful or no at your new job application ...
Please, never give up of posting stipud questions ...