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Q: i need to get out of my contract

I signed a contract with an agency and basically they got me here to china to find everything they promised is not the reality

i'm an english teacher and i have been with them for 2 months now and i'm suffering and can't take it anymore

i have a z visa and a 6 months residence permit that will expire in june

is there a way to get out of the contract or basically just find a different job in another province and just leave them ?

i want to find a job somewhere else but i'm scared they will blacklist me from working in china , can they do that?

please help me if you have information about working visas in china

11 years 35 weeks ago in  Visa & Legalities - China

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You can contact Foreign Expert Bureau in the city, and tell them about lies and points in the Contract your Company doesn't respect. I suggest, you take Chinese translator with you.


You should also find new School ASAP, which will extend your Resident Permit.


There is not problem about blacklisting you in China. There is a slight problem to get another sponsor for Resident Permit without Release Letter from your old Company.


Butt....., there is solution to Release letter 'glitch', too.


Who's your current employer? Put their name in the search bar on the top of this page, and you might get more answers about them.

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11 years 35 weeks ago
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You can contact Foreign Expert Bureau in the city, and tell them about lies and points in the Contract your Company doesn't respect. I suggest, you take Chinese translator with you.


You should also find new School ASAP, which will extend your Resident Permit.


There is not problem about blacklisting you in China. There is a slight problem to get another sponsor for Resident Permit without Release Letter from your old Company.


Butt....., there is solution to Release letter 'glitch', too.


Who's your current employer? Put their name in the search bar on the top of this page, and you might get more answers about them.

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11 years 35 weeks ago
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I think it is the Best International School in Zhengzhou @ Icniff


I was suspecting, it is Helen Group from Hangzhou, Zhejiang. I wrote few treads about them here.

11 years 35 weeks ago
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11 years 35 weeks ago
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pm me pepo36

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11 years 35 weeks ago
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You can find another school first, then jump out of the old contract, get a new work permit and a 10 months resident permit

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11 years 35 weeks ago
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Just leave then. If they aren't holding your visa then bounce as soon as you find a job. They might threaten to blacklist you and all that noise but they don't have any power. Consider this a valuable lesson.

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11 years 35 weeks ago
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And, if they've got your passport (and hence, visa), point out that unless it's been sent to the PSB/Entry Exit dept for getting your visa, then they're holding it illegally! You are required, by law, to have your passport on you at all times!

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11 years 35 weeks ago
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Just asking as I read the OP: Is there a "name and shame" list of schools and agents that are this miserable like what pepo36 has been through? Anyway, Pepo, don't get scared by those scammers. Think thoroughly before any decision you want to take and as visasam and others, ensure anything prior to leaving, but do get ready to leave. Que te vaya bien!

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11 years 35 weeks ago
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Gracias for the replies

well i know they are very powerful and they can blacklist me but what i need to know is whether this blacklist is for all of china or for the province i'm in

because to be honest i don't care about working in the same province but i wanna stay in china

i have my passport with me , they tried to keep it and i refused

but i dont have the foreign expert certificate


Blacklist how?


Look just at Echinacities job ads for Teacher jobs. 300 Schools looking for Foreign teacher daily, and one or few Schools can blacklist you?


Go by official channels:


1. Find new employer and visa sponsor;

2. Write complain letter to FEB in the city you are in;

3. Move to new job;

4. Apply for new Residence permit.

5. New Residence permit sponsor will apply for new FEC, after your old one gets canceled.

11 years 35 weeks ago
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Pepo no blacklist exists in China. Just people trying to scare you. 

11 years 34 weeks ago
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11 years 35 weeks ago
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I was once in a similar position. There were disagreements between me and my boss, and he threatened me, saying that if he fired me, I would never work in China again. He intimidated me. It was a form of bullying, but it worked. I stayed at the school very unhappily for another six months and finished my contract. I am working in China now for another company.

But my memories of my old school still hurt, and I often get depressed when I think of how I was treated so badly. I should have left, whatever the consequences. I realize now that my former boss could not have gotten me banned from China, and the same applies to you. And even if your employer can, you still should leave. It's not worth it to work in an unhealthy environment like that. It is bad for your mental health. So leave, and accept the (relatively insignificant) consequences and work at a place where you will be treated with decency and honor.

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11 years 34 weeks ago
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Speaking of 'blacklists' - there are also blacklists for schools.


It would be a real good idea to post  your stories on those various sites..., the various teaching forums (such as


So, in the future, when we threaten to blacklist them it will mean something!


(and, when you do your stories, make it factual - not just spewing bile and ranting...  They also need positive reviews of good schools, too.... people...!!!)

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11 years 34 weeks ago
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Thank you all for the replies

i decided to leave but i'm searching for another employer which isn't easy considering the fact that i'm not a native english speaker

anyhow I like the idea of shining_brow

i will wait until i get a new employer and settle down then i will bring this agency down..i will post on every forum and website about them and make sure no one suffers like i'm suffering now

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11 years 32 weeks ago
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