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Q: I need to renew my Z-Visa/Residence permit with my new employer.

I found a new job and I need to extend/transfer my Z-Visa/residence permit to my new employer in Beijing. I currently have a Z-Visa/Residence Permit with my current employer in a different province. I have 2 questions about this:


My new employer is in Beijing and they asked me to mail them my original degree. They said a scan is not enough. Is this normal/necessary?


Their headquarters is in Beijing, but I will be sent to work at their branch in Zhengzhou. Is it okay to live and work in Zhengzhou if have a residence permit from Beijing?

9 years 17 weeks ago in  Visa & Legalities - China

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Your new employer must be authorized for FTeachers hire.

You must receive Release letter and FEC Cancellation Cert. from your present employer.

If you complete the Contract, your present employer must submit both docs. to you or to your new employer in 30 days after your last working day ------> Chinese law.

With this two docs., your new employer will be able to extend your RP.


I never mail original degree. My last school asked me for it, and I replied they can see it, when I'll arrive in the town. Nobody asked me anything about original degree since last September.

SAFEA anywhere in China doesn't require original degree, online file was always sufficient in last 5Y.

It is probably wink of your new employer. 

I suggest, you dial Foreign Expert Bureau (SAFEA) for more on that.

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9 years 17 weeks ago
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Your new employer must be authorized for FTeachers hire.

You must receive Release letter and FEC Cancellation Cert. from your present employer.

If you complete the Contract, your present employer must submit both docs. to you or to your new employer in 30 days after your last working day ------> Chinese law.

With this two docs., your new employer will be able to extend your RP.


I never mail original degree. My last school asked me for it, and I replied they can see it, when I'll arrive in the town. Nobody asked me anything about original degree since last September.

SAFEA anywhere in China doesn't require original degree, online file was always sufficient in last 5Y.

It is probably wink of your new employer. 

I suggest, you dial Foreign Expert Bureau (SAFEA) for more on that.

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9 years 17 weeks ago
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Do I need a new Z-Visa, or can my new employer just extend my Residence Permit?


No you don't need new Z. Your present school will/must take you to PSB (Exit-Entry Police) a week before your RP ends.

PSB will give you either 30-days RP extension or L visa. After you get your passport with 30-days extension, you must travel to your new employer site, where they'll need time to apply for new FEC and extend your RP at PSB. 

You aren't required to exit China.

If you'll exit China, you must apply for new Z to return.

No, it's not OK! if your RP is extended in Beijing, you should work in Beijing.

I'm not sure what to say, but I suggest you dial SAFEA in your city for more info. You should also make sure your new employer is entitled by Chinese Gov. for FT hire.

Enter 'SAFEA' in search above for address and contact nos. in your city. They have at least one employee with passable English anywhere I called.

9 years 17 weeks ago
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9 years 17 weeks ago
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Your RP is tied to your'll need a new one.

Your RP is tied to the city in which your they're pulling a fast one on you.

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9 years 17 weeks ago
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How I know if an employer is entitled by the Chinese Gov. to hire foreigners? They can say they are, but how do I KNOW?



You can ask them to send you their original license which allows them to hire you. They'll either send you a copy (which you will recall later, when they ask you for the original of your degree, etc), or make an excuse... Your call after that!

9 years 17 weeks ago
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9 years 17 weeks ago
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And since I just need to get a new RP, is it necessary for them to have my degree and to get a new FEC, and all that all over again?

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9 years 17 weeks ago
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Why don't you just name the company and those of us with experience can tell you what we know about it?

As it stands, it sounds like (rhymes with) Sampson or (rhymes with) Pagination.

And, as Icnif says, you can contact SAFEA and inquire as to whether or not the outfit is allowed to hire foreigners AND the legalities of having a work permit in BJ but being billeted elsewhere.



9 years 17 weeks ago
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9 years 17 weeks ago
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Beijing Imagination Education, that does rhyme with Pagination. I couldn't find anything about this company online.


Thought so. New(er) company, completely draconian contract.

And no, you are not legal being sent to another location on their behalf.

9 years 17 weeks ago
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Be careful with 'new employer must/should be authorized for FT hire', because you have valid RP. 

If your new school isn't authorized, they can't extend RP or apply for new FEC. Dial SAFEA, and seek info about your new employer.

My present School is one of the best employers I ever had in China. We signed Contract last Sep., however they just applied for FT hire authorization. I had to exit China (return home), and apply for new Z. Unnecessary PIA and cost (which I got refunded).

9 years 17 weeks ago
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Does SAFEA have a list of all the schools qualified to higher FTs?

9 years 17 weeks ago
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Yahoo-gle carry some links on 'Immagination Edu.'. I saw job adverts here with that name, I think.

Still, call to SAFEA is recommended with inquiry about your RP and new job placement and things.

Be polite when talking to SAFEA. Best IMO is to play stupid, and ask for an advice. SAFEA is Chinese Gov. there for us.

It looks your 'Immagination Edu.' is big fancy school, however it's against Chinese law to work anywhere else than in the same city, where your RP is. They might send you elsewhere, but then they must take you to PSB in the same city you'll be working for an extension of RP. 'Imm. Edu.' in that case acting as placement agent, with schools in different parts of China, same as Helen Group-po.

Edit: 'I would be very careful with your new employer. There are no traces on Internet about Imagination Edu.'

9 years 17 weeks ago
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Why do you worry what SAFEA has? It's Chinese Gov., who's granting authorization to schools in China for FT hire.

Of course they know details about your new or old employer, and if they don't they'll ask you for their name, and investigate matter further.

9 years 17 weeks ago
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LarryBird:      you should check this link

9 years 17 weeks ago
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@bird: That's an job advert. They're looking for FTs, but we want to know, if they're legit and things.

9 years 17 weeks ago
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9 years 17 weeks ago
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Thank you for answering every one of my questions. Few more:


My RP expires on July 10 and I want to start my new job on July 1. Can I just send/email my new employer the required documents and have them help me get a new FEC and RP before I arrive or do I have to arrive first and be there in person to get the new Residence Permit?


Also, do I need anything other than a new FEC and RP?



No, you can't do it before. With 30-days L or RP extension, your new school has time to apply for everything necessary for 'new Contract length' RP extension.  

To get both docs. from your present school, you must finish your Contract first. 

Don't plan any holidays or vacation in 30-days RP extension (L). It's just idle time in the city of your new job.

All matter of extending RP could be done in 4H, altogether with waiting in queue at PSB and new Med. exam at the Hospital.


9 years 17 weeks ago
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I wouldn't risk posting important documents in most countries, but especiallly in China!

9 years 17 weeks ago
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9 years 17 weeks ago
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You've been in China, working, for how long??

I ask this, because you actually asked about sending someone an original personal document!!! Something that's quite difficult to replace...


It doesn't matter where in eEh world you are, you NEVER post your original documents to ANYONE!


Worst case scenario, you send them a certified copy of it... or, you send them a normal copy, and present the original when you get there. Either way, you never let those original personal and important documents leave your possession!


3 Years, but with the same employer who has been very good to me.

9 years 17 weeks ago
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9 years 17 weeks ago
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So, do I even need to send anything ahead of time?


My current Residence Permit will expire on July 10 and my new job will start on July 1. It is my understanding that I must be there in person to apply for the new Residence Permit. My old Residence Permit will last 9 days after I arrive to start my new job, which should give me time to extend it after I arrive.


I answered that to you already! See above!

9 years 17 weeks ago
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9 years 17 weeks ago
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I'm confused here. You ask about the validity and legality of your situation - you can plainly see that it's not a legal position yet you're adamant about going forward without any attempt to contact SAFEA.

What gives?
The mention of Dalton is also being used by another BJ recruiter with the same m.o.


That's a funny thread, thanks. 


They sound like a really dodgy company. 

9 years 17 weeks ago
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I'm not sure if it's a legal position or not so I asked for answers here.


Update: They told me they will apply for my new Z-Visa in Beijing and register for my new Residence Permit at the police station in Zhengzhou. So that sounds good, but many of you told me I don't need a new Z-Visa, just a new Residence Permit?


But, they still seem to want my original diploma.


Personally, I just don't like talking on the phone, so I wanted to ask my questions online first. I will call the SAFEA soon.

9 years 16 weeks ago
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That means you'll still be illegal: the school that you're going to be attached to must be able to hire foreigners themselves. If not, illegal.

Registering at the police station in ZZ is only for the temporary residence permit and not the FRP.


Tread carefully.

9 years 16 weeks ago
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Ring SAFEA now, and find out if this outfit has the legal right to hire you - AT the place you'd be working...


Or, better yet - just forget them.


It's pretty obvious they aren't worth working for, and if you've got the quals and experience, you can get a job quite easily in so many other places... legally!

9 years 16 weeks ago
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They have a branch in Zhengzhou that is run by them as well. So I'm not working for a different company in Zhengzhou, just a different branch with the same company name. I will get a Z-Visa in Beijing and then go to Zhengzhou to get my Residence Permit.


Does this sound right?

9 years 16 weeks ago
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No, technically still illegal.

The branch must supply you with ALL paperwork for you to be processed there otherwise they are still not technically legal. I would make 100% sure that the visa and FRP are being processed in ZZ.

If you get caught with papers saying that you're registered as working out of Beijing, you're still illegal.


Press them on this issue and ask why everything is not been processed in ZZ. Just remember, no matter how thin they slice it, it's still bologna.

9 years 16 weeks ago
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9 years 17 weeks ago
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A: Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I
A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman