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Q: Ideas for English Corner

Hello All,
I will soon host an English Corner once a week for a class of 10-30 begginer-Int adult students. I am searching for some new topics for the class. Looking for something outside the normal English Corner Topics. Any ideas????

8 years 47 weeks ago in  Teaching & Learning - China

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What is one thing you would ask a foreigner?

Would you date your teacher?

How would you describe Chinese humor?

Are Chinese people getting fatter?

What's the coolest Chinese historical event you know of?

What should your new years resolution be?



Basically, all the questions that get asked on here by people who don't offer any opinion themselves, you could recycle.


That's what I think they're doing, trying to generate conversation here, English Corner style.


Some seem to work, some don't.




Your <insert bodily function> - how is it today?

8 years 47 weeks ago
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Good one Stiggsy!


BTW, do you like Chinese food?  Call me.  No, I'll call you...what's your telephone number?

8 years 46 weeks ago
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8 years 47 weeks ago
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"How to properly dispose of a body"


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8 years 47 weeks ago
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If you have no ideas, then you shouldn't attempt to teach. Full stop. Period.

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8 years 47 weeks ago
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What is one thing you would ask a foreigner?

Would you date your teacher?

How would you describe Chinese humor?

Are Chinese people getting fatter?

What's the coolest Chinese historical event you know of?

What should your new years resolution be?



Basically, all the questions that get asked on here by people who don't offer any opinion themselves, you could recycle.


That's what I think they're doing, trying to generate conversation here, English Corner style.


Some seem to work, some don't.




Your <insert bodily function> - how is it today?

8 years 47 weeks ago
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Good one Stiggsy!


BTW, do you like Chinese food?  Call me.  No, I'll call you...what's your telephone number?

8 years 46 weeks ago
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8 years 47 weeks ago
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Here's an idea, don't do it.


And it's a goody.

8 years 46 weeks ago
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8 years 47 weeks ago
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Think of your own ideas for English corner. How's that for a radical idea?

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8 years 47 weeks ago
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I witnessed the biggest training mill in this city hosting a cocktail tasting english corner for high school kids in the shopping mall outside the mill.

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8 years 47 weeks ago
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I think Viki has some good topics, but she may charge a consultation fee.


It's ok. She'll do anything for a super (white) whopper!

8 years 47 weeks ago
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8 years 47 weeks ago
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the bbc has some adult learning english stories, they have about 5 paragraphs and list about 3 to 7 new vocabulary words at the bottom, they usually involve current events around the world, print them out, have the group read it together, split the groups to read to each other, go over opinions about the content and vocabulary with them after group work. i honestly dont remember the exact website but any search engine should find it. its been 4 years since i did an english corner, all else fails use for some short stories, they have fashion and music, the news is usually a waste of time. china is the center of the world so news outside china they dont even understand the concept.i remember trying to teach a class how to write an essay about juvenile crime, since schools are prisons or gaokao factories here, you dont get to leave school early to do juvenile crime, so they dont even understand the concept, sorry if cambridge puts it on the test, you still have to write about, not my problem.

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8 years 47 weeks ago
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Vow! Except of ambivalentmace everybody just tries to be smart Aleck ...

How do you know OP has no idea on his own?

Have you ever heard the word 'consultation'?

Professionals frequently do that ...

Apparently most of you do not know - hinting something about the eventual professional level ...


Professionals get paid consulting fees.  This is a free Internet forum.  


If someone wants PROFESSIONAL help, they really should be willing to pay for it. 

8 years 47 weeks ago
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Actually, I wrote my reply in a serious way, wasn't trying to be a smart Aleck for once.

8 years 47 weeks ago
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OK then my apologies. Actually your idea is not that bad as a matter of fact.

Concentrating on China related topics without coming to too sensitive issues could really help to generate a conversation in such a heterogeneous group like the good English corner should be.



Not necessarily. A lot of consultations among professionals are for free. We shall not mix up the word consultation with guiding, coaching etc.

In my job this process is quite normal allover the world and it's to mutual advantage of all. 

We are not talking about commercial secret or any similar 'secret' tricks, right?

8 years 47 weeks ago
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8 years 47 weeks ago
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Beginner to Int level? Topics will be irrelevant. No-one will be talking except you - other than the standard 6 questions that will be asked over and over and over...


(here's a topic that just came to mind for some really silly reason - why TF has one of my neighbours now got a frikken rooster living in their glassed-off balcony area??? (yeah - I live in an apartment complex). going along with this - waht sort of moron would buy a large-ish sized dog to live with them in said apartment complex...? )


This is true.  I'm continually surprised when, at the end of each semester, the realization I've been talking to myself* hits me.  And then I do it again.  Fair dinkum, I wouldn't employ me.  What they need is a guitar playing teacher who is happy wearing a red nose and rolling around on the floor.


*Rare exceptions notwithstanding.

8 years 46 weeks ago
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8 years 47 weeks ago
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Put the students into groups of 4 or 5.Then ask them,to think of a new holiday or festival,each having their own idea.Then get them, to pick what they think is the best idea from their group.Last they work together thinking about ideas for that holiday/festival.It can be Science,Art,Food,Culture.When would the festival be,what would people do during the festival,etc.

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8 years 47 weeks ago
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Search for the one or two who can speak English and make them your go-to guys.  Get them to encourage the others to have a try at speaking.  Topics are easy, getting people to open their mouths to speak is nigh on impossible.

What's the venue?  If it's a pub, you're in luck.  If not, give everyone an early mark and head to the pub.  Those that follow will help you justify yourself.

Mostly, good luck.

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8 years 46 weeks ago
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I find that most students enjoy watching movies, listening to music or reading books. I notify them of the topic ahead of time.

"Who's your favorite actor/actress?" or "Who's your favorite singer?" or "Who's your favorite author?"  They should then prepare a little bit of background info on this one person; such as hometown, zodiac sign, married, children, hobbies. As the final prep, they can learn the title (in English) of their favorite movie, song, or book by this favorite person of theirs. I usually ask them to sing a few bars of their favorite song and most are very happy to do so.


Use zodiac signs for students to practice new vocab about their personality traits. Again, advance notification of topic. What are the personality traits (adjectives) of your sign? Which ones really describe you and which ones don't? (On the web there are some great zodiac cards/templates with dates, pictures/symbols, and traits.) My students have enjoyed this at English Corner. They enjoyed it even more in class. They should meet with others in groups of 3-4 and discuss their signs/traits. After about 9 minutes, they should all change and make a different group of 3-4.


Ripping info from the internet and repeating it is not helpful. EC should be more of natural discussion.

8 years 46 weeks ago
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8 years 46 weeks ago
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I just did one on Weddings in America that we very successful 



8 years 43 weeks ago
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8 years 46 weeks ago
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This website has lots of ideas for English Corner.  It also has premade PPT lessons and other activities for classes-especially for oral English for high school and college students.



Great web link.Thx!

8 years 43 weeks ago
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8 years 43 weeks ago
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A:  If you received an online degree in most cases it should have be
A: If you received an online degree in most cases it should have been from a reputable college. If it came from a degree mill that definitely would be a problem. You should not worry about how they will contact this place. If the degree is considered authentic the people will know where to go to inquire. In my case I needed a copy of my diploma and one company in China recommended a Clearinghouse that was able to verify my degrees. They did not provide copies of the diploma, though. If the place where you received this degree is acceptable in your country then, it should be acceptable in China.Another point to consider you stated it was an MS degree. I have not aware of any programs that allow students to hop from a high school education to a Masters degree level education. With that said maybe you received a Bachelors degree. If that is the case submit that information.  I would not encourage you to lie. In that you definitely will not have any paper trail to back up your story. Some companies do not accept TEFL online especially if it came from International Open Academy. That place is a one room office. I would consider that a TEFL mill. It was such a waste of time.Do you have the ability to do searches online? -- slspringer22