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Q: Identifying potential pedophiles in China

With this sudden eruption of resident pedos in China I've been looking at pinpointing a certain person myself.


However, some countries do not allow public view of registered sex offenders.




If you feel there is a sexual predator living his (or her) exile in China, what can be done?

11 years 20 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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if you know for sure you should call the Cops

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11 years 20 weeks ago
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Report them to your embassy, first, just so they can contact the police back home and check to see if he/she is a wanted person.  Canada may not have a public list, but I guarantee your embassy can investigate using their private investigators.  If he/she is wanted, the Chinese government hates pedophiles and will take quick action to send him or her packing without hesitation.


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11 years 20 weeks ago
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I'm not Canadian, but you mean report it to the Canadian embassy? (Not my own)


Oh, sorry when I saw you mentioned Canada in your post I assumed you were from Canada.  If you know what country the potential ped is from, report them to the embassy of that country.  If you aren't sure where they are from, as long as you got a name and maybe a photo, that should be good enough to submit to your own embassy, and they may (or may not) put it in a national registry that investigation teams around the world share to find these kind of creeps.

Also, if you have an idea where the person might be from, send an anonymous tip to a crime prevention hotline, or the police department where he may have once lived. Finding a wanted criminal or sex offender is a big victory for those who may have been victims in the past who are worried for their safety, and you will protect the Chinese here abroad.

11 years 20 weeks ago
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He is Canadian and the register is not available to the public in Canada.


The thing is we have no concrete evidence that he is a pedo just many little clues and give aways.

11 years 20 weeks ago
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11 years 20 weeks ago
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dandmcd's advice is probably the best.


You should report them to their embassy so they can't escape when they return home. Either that or <insert homicidal rant here that would be harmonized if I were to post it>

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11 years 20 weeks ago
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If they are a convicted sex offender and Canadian they wouldn't be able to leave the country.


legally they would not be able to leave but getting out of canada is easy, i could be in russian in 3 days without a plane.

11 years 20 weeks ago
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How? Canada doesn't boarder Russia. 

11 years 20 weeks ago
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cross through alaska and the aleutians and your there. done this a few times, not recommended in dead of winter though.

11 years 19 weeks ago
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I CALL BULL SHIT ambiv... and there aren't any roads in the region of Siberia. Entering the USSR illegally like that would get you in trouble. If that were possible, North America would be flooded with immigrants. HTF can anyone travel that wllderness and the that trip would cost more than a flight.

11 years 19 weeks ago
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So, you're suggesting pedos are hiking throught he most dangerous wilderness to cross from Northern BC or the Yukon to alaska then what...swimming? from Aluetian to aluetian? 


get a life. 

11 years 19 weeks ago
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11 years 20 weeks ago
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Leave the pinpointing to the Police,our you could be pinpointed  yourself p

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11 years 20 weeks ago
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if you have his passport number, send me a private message and i can get  an interpol report to verify.

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11 years 20 weeks ago
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i would like to make a serious proposal. all english speaking countries working together with interpol should create 2 databases. one of teachers working out of their countries. and an updated list of sex offenders / suspected sex offenders. they should be cross checked daily. and schools should be able to freely check the sex offender database. 


Answer of the century. I pucking hate pedophiles.


ADMIN, don't delete. just censor. You have my blessing.

11 years 20 weeks ago
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how the puck can sb thumb this down?

11 years 19 weeks ago
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There are peds on this board, obviously.

11 years 19 weeks ago
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the question got the same 3 down so ...

11 years 19 weeks ago
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11 years 20 weeks ago
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Invite him to dinner and ask him if you can surf his web that way you can quickly find out what he has stored on his computer. If you find something that says he is one then call the authorities...


Invite him to dinner and search his web, how do think of things like this,,pure genius.

11 years 19 weeks ago
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hahahahhahahahahah, smart ass arent u

11 years 19 weeks ago
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11 years 19 weeks ago

There are cookies, bookies and too many rookies for me to sit here trying to be a hooky! Looky Looky don't call me a wooky. Touchy Touchy Feely Feely Spicy Spicy Nicey Nicey & that's what the doctor Ordered!!

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I heard about these guys Silva and Matty

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11 years 19 weeks ago
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he 65, she 19....pedo?


No. While I dislike older pairings for other reasons, both of them are old enough and experienced enough to understand everything that needs to be understood. They are both consenting adults. People are only pedophiles if they mess with children.


Pedophiles should all die, tbh.

11 years 19 weeks ago
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i would never have a guy like that as my friend. because i think what he is doing is disgusting but he has a right to. 2 consenting adults. i always worry when some equates a 19 t/o with a child. there is a secret meaning there that i have heard actual peds use as justification

11 years 19 weeks ago
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11 years 19 weeks ago
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