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Q: If I have a work visa, can I leave and reenter china as I please?

I am asking this because I don't plan on staying within the Chinese borders the entire time during my stay. I want to travel to other countries in the region (Korea, Japan, Thailand, etc.). I know that with certain tourist and business visas we can only enter one or two times and that's it. But if I have a work visa can I come and go whenever I want? Do I need a permanent residence permit or can I do it with just a visa?

11 years 9 weeks ago in  Visa & Legalities - China

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Yes, a residence permit can be used like a multi-entry visa. There is no limitation for exit and re-entry.


Do I need a residence permit or can I do the same with just a work visa and my passport? Also, how do I go about getting a residence permit?

11 years 9 weeks ago
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I assumed from the question that you already had a RP. Of course, you must first obtain the Resident Permit. It is that which allows you to enter and exit. Not the original 'Z' visa or WP/FEC.

11 years 9 weeks ago
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11 years 9 weeks ago
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You should be able to figure this out just with google. But some people even with experience here don't seem to get it. It isn't that complicated.


(1) Sign a contract and get the documents to enable you to get a Z visa from an embassy outside China, easiest in the home country, you need copy of original diploma plus a health check. It's doable but more iffy outside your home country. 


(2) Enter China on the Z visa. This allows you to enter one time, and the Z means you intend to work. They'll cross out the Z visa and write "Used" on it when you enter China. 


(3) Begin proceedings for residency permit. Your company/school will do this for you, but it's probably worth talking to foreign coworkers to see how well they do it, as sometimes the HR staff responsible for this is completely clueless about all the documents and deadlines involved.


The residency permit is in your passport, a full-page sticker just like the Z visa. You also have a Work Permit (a little blue book the company keeps) but the immigration authorities only care about the Residency Permit, you can enter and exit as many times as you want.

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11 years 9 weeks ago
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Your work visa will be good for only 30 days after you enter China, then expires.  Within those 30 days, you must get your Foreign Expert Certificate if not done yet, your work permit, get a health certificate via a health exam at the place indicated by PSB (about 285 Rmb), and last your residence permit.  Now you can legally work.

The cost of the residence permit varies with your nationality. The permit will be issued for the length of your contract, so try to get one for 1 year instead of 9 months. When you request the residence permit, make sure you ask for "M" entries (multiple entries), then you can exit and re-enter China as many times as you please.

As said above, your residence permit will be attached to your passport, and works as a visa, even if it is just a permit.

Another suggestion. Many employers try very hard to keep the originals of all these documents. Give them copies, but YOU keep the originals. They are in your name, and are yours. If problems develop with the employer, many try to use these documents to force you not to resign or leave before contract ends.

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11 years 9 weeks ago
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everyday and every seconds...just don't get exhausted..plenty of airlines/airfields ready for you.. just need enough fuels...

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11 years 9 weeks ago
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A: Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I
A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman