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Q: If I was refused entry to China can I be accountable for owing money to Chinese person?

I owned a private business in China. Just as I was about to make it legit so i could apply for the proper Z visa I was asked to go see entry exit bureau. Instead I left the country because I knew what was coming next, deportation. I was teaching many private students. My visa was still valid with 1 entry remaining when i left. I then tried to re enter two months later but was refused on grounds of working without a z visa. My question is simple. I had collected a lot of private tuition up front for teaching students. I cant get access to my bank account to pay them back or come back to China to finish teaching. My students are bothering my girlfirend who is now my ex for the money. What can the students and the Chinese police do to her or myself? The students paid the money to me not her. Just because she knows me can she be held liable? I have sent some money back but all my savings is in a Chinese bank and cant be accessed from an international ATM. I suspect the money is gone now anyways.

12 years 42 weeks ago in  Visa & Legalities - China

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Your money is not gone.
Try re-entry on an L visa.
Then you can access your account and pay what is due. 
Legally, they can't touch you because your business was illegal anyway. Morally, you just can't rip off students like that. 


I agree with Nile R, pay back the students you stole from. Do the right thing.

12 years 42 weeks ago
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12 years 42 weeks ago
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But he was refused entry the first time. There is something in the computer so how will he get back in on a different visa?


Get a new passport.

12 years 42 weeks ago
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By Chinese business standards you got off scott free, go take a vacation and enjoy your money. 

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12 years 42 weeks ago
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you're wasting our time, if you were serious about paying them back you would have mailed your ex the bank card so she could pull the money out. 

here's a good idea sneak back into china then pull the money out of the bank, pay back your students then go to psb office a scream "fuck you all!!!" when you get there attention scream "I have a gun!!" then things will settle itself from there

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12 years 42 weeks ago
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I agree with Crimo.  If you actually cared about your ex-gf or your students you would have sent your bank card to someone you trust to refund the money.

You were ripping people off with an illegal business, you got busted and now you are crying victim.  Pathetic.

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That's a very meaty question and I'd like to give it a very meaty answer -baloney!

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Similar to Crim's idea - meet your ex in HK and then give her the card... I think your students are owed that much effort from you...

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12 years 42 weeks ago
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Well.. I’m not agreeing (as usual) with above jealous wankers and believe that you are a victim as well here, but your story is not correct.
The only way that you can’t entry China in your situation is because the police have busted you teaching without a working visa and have given you several day’s to leave (normally this is about 10 days some times immediately) OR someone has reported you, you left quickly and they have put your name on the black list.
I don’t think it was your intention to rob the students tuition fee and run away with a few thousand rmb as you could have gain more with doing further what you did (teaching). It is also very normal here to let everyone paying in advance for any services. Why I think and believe this is because you didn’t exchange the money, otherwise it was very simple to draw it out worldwide at plenty of ATM’s. But you are stacked with rmb’s which only can be taken in mainland China. You didn’t set up anything properly (online banking and so on….) so for me, you didn’t had any intention to run away and someone ells screwed you as you are too naive!
Anyway what you were doing was and is ILLEGAL and most of all how you did it was very stupid.
For giving you some answers:
Your (?) money is NOT gone and is still in the bank here, I have never heard that they close a bank account even when there is no money inside, it’s always accessible again anytime.
The police and the students can’t do anything to you or your (ex) GF except from hiring some thugs and beat her (you) up. But likely this will not happen as it cost them money. ALL DEPENDS! Beside that, you are not here. Are you?
For entering China again as you are denied on your currently passport and sitting in the data base, it’s gone be impossible on THAT passport. DON”T do it on your current passport, your passport number WILL pop-up IMMEDIATELY. What you can do is to change your domicile in your home country, report your passport as lost, get a new one (Blanco, no entry stamps inside), apply for an L-Visa and re-enter China, you will have 90% chance to enter China without any problem or questioning. Their will be a good chance that you are gone be questioned but here is coming your changed domicile in part as there are many “cows” with the same name. (I hope you do understand what I mean?). Once you are in China again, you can do what you want. Hopefully you have learned your lesson and will set up a proper LEGAL bizz and WILL take care of your mess. Bring your OLD passport with you if you want to withdraw money on the bank counter as this is the one were you have opened the account with. 
Second solution will be to find a trustworthy person here or send a family member who can take care of it in your name, give them your pin-code from the bank, let them withdraw the money and say good-bye to China.


The new American passports have all old passport numbers and your social security number programmed into them. Any customs officer can with 2006+ tech can tell if there is a red flag (so to speak) on this guy or not when he either applies for the visa or tries to cross the border.

12 years 42 weeks ago
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Yes, you are right. But data base here and overseas data's are not connecting. and his NEW number will be screened only in first place. When he is little bit decent and don't act weird, he will have a very good chance to enter without any problem. Of course if they go to the bottom, they will find out by ease.

12 years 42 weeks ago
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i am going to knowingly break the law in a country known for heavy handed justice and i'm the victim??? mind you i collected peoples money and fled the country, without giving them a refund. you cant see through his BS story?? he fled thinking he could pull the money out the account in Hong kong and get away scott free after defrauding his students and gf. how is he the victim? he ducked so his gf could take the blow back. it is only right that his plan was short sided, and he cant get the money out from HK.

12 years 42 weeks ago
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Another one of benny's half-baked rants. And then what, benny?

12 years 42 weeks ago
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Crimo you are the biggest child here on the forum, you know? You think that their only can be wired to of out of HK? IDIOT.. Nobody has to be agree with me or to do what i say. Only this is the best what the OP can do when you are this situation, that's all folks! Now, please go back to your pig farms..........

12 years 42 weeks ago
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12 years 42 weeks ago
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You do all realise that declaring your passport as "lost" when in fact it hasn't been, is a federal offence, which is liable to end one up in jail if discovered...  IFF, perchance this is discovered, I'm pretty sure it'd end up on an INTERPOL database, which would seriously restrict movements to ANY country in the future... (just saying, as ppl here have mentioned using the old one, after the new one has been issued).


So burn it. Problem solved.

12 years 42 weeks ago
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Benny, YOU'RE the one who suggested finding the old passport and USING IT AGAIN!!! Hence, why I posted this! Consider - customs does a random search for some reason (maybe the guy looks suspicious, cos he knows he's doing something ILLEGAL as he goes through passport control!), find his original passport - he not only gets flagged, but then gets done for having 2 passports - and EVERYTHING is blown! I wonder when people realise that "Illegal" doesn't mean "need to spend effort to get around it"...

12 years 42 weeks ago
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Question. What bank is your money in? And is it not a union pay member?

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12 years 42 weeks ago
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