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Q: If it comes to guns.... what side would you fight for?

7 years 22 weeks ago in  Family & Kids - China

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hope for much strictr gun control laws.. seems too many out there!


Too true, too true. 


There are WAY too many gun control laws. 

7 years 22 weeks ago
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7 years 22 weeks ago
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What gun would I fight for?  I like my Mosin nagant at home, so I would fight for that. 


that's funny I also have as my only gun a surplus mosin nagant M44. Just saw it was super cheap and bought on impulse. Never fired it but looks badass

7 years 21 weeks ago
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7 years 22 weeks ago
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Colt M1 1911A1 .45cal


Did you know the same rounds can be used in the Thompson machine gun?

7 years 22 weeks ago
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didn't know that...  never educated myself on the Tommy gun, for a rifle w/ fully automatic capability I was partial to the M16 or AR15. .223cal if I remember correctly.

7 years 22 weeks ago
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So... why? (the gun, not the ammo usage)

7 years 22 weeks ago
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why the Colt 1911?  Lots of reasons- I'm into Classics, be they cars, clothes, furnishings, movies, music, or firearms.  Second, I'm a WWII history buff, and that was the Allies sidearm of choice (or issuance) during WWII, especially the Pacific campaigns which are my main interest.  Third, me and a group of my best friends all bought one right after HS, we all had one, it was the choice back then.  Fourth, rightly deserved or not the 1911 has a rep of being just about indestructible. Throw it in salt-water, mud, drop it off a cliff and you can still pick it up and fire the thing. Fifth, for me it just has the cool look to it. After all John Wayne carried one.  6. Power- .45 has stopping power. Doesn't have to be a hit in center mass like u might need with 9mm. With any hit from .45 HP the guy is down and unlikely to be getting back up. 7. If in a close-quarters combat situation it doubles as a club (tongue in cheek, but just barely)

7 years 22 weeks ago
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 You mean, you can also 'sho  -ot' without your reading  glasses on? 

7 years 22 weeks ago
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Actually the 45 was used extensively in ww1 by the US. Interesting to note that the colt 1900 was one of the first semi auto with ten shot mag in 38 cal. First used by the USA in the Philippines in is sad i know this

7 years 22 weeks ago
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@77.  sure, you just might not hit anything though 


@phil.   cool details. here's another- 'The pistol has a long and distinguished history with the US Armed Forces. Designed by John M. Browning in cooperation with Colt, it was adopted in the spring of 1911 and dubbed “Model of 1911 US Army Calibre 45.” With a few modifications to make the pistol more user-friendly, it appeared in WW2 as the Model of 1911A1 US Army, though all parts…including the ones modified…remained fully interchangeable with the originals.'

7 years 22 weeks ago
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I meant, one doesn't need to be that detailed. In other words, to achieve your goal you must hit a target doesn't matter where and because displayed gun has a lot of power damage at impact will be huge .....

7 years 22 weeks ago
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7 years 22 weeks ago
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hope for much strictr gun control laws.. seems too many out there!


Too true, too true. 


There are WAY too many gun control laws. 

7 years 22 weeks ago
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7 years 22 weeks ago
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Guns are tools and options in the use of force continuum . The best choice is the one most suited to the task at hand. Familiarity, Reliability, accuracy, stopping power, carry options, legality and suitability are considerations. I've been a martial artist and also carried weapons in official and unofficial capacities For most of my life. Short of war or a home invasion, most firearms are a liability. Especially, in anything less than a firefight. Unless you are well trained, professionally proficient and reasonably confident, you're just carrying the gun for another person to use. It was interesting to note particularly in our women's self defense classes, whether in Martial Arts (unarmed) or firearms courses (.38 Cal, wax and primer ammo, polycarbonate panels, live attackers, shoot/don't shoot choices), the students were generally incapable of gouging the eyes or of firing at a live assailant to save themselves. Yet, if we threatened to harm their child, everyone was ready to use deadly force.


Yeah, many gun-movie-stars here-o. surprise


Point of MA is ability of 'using bare hands at defense'.


Once in prolongated MA training one can explore physical abilities, which are unknown to 99% of sheeple, as ''seeing' movements behind your back" angel as one ....

If MA-ist is well versed, she/he won't carry arm, unless duty requires.

So I'd say, if you feel need to have an arm after your MA training, you should go back to the 'wooden -maki-wara- dummy'....

7 years 22 weeks ago
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You make a good point about the normal, stress-free difficulty in using a weapon to shoot/gouge at a live target.. but if they're correctly trained, then when the real need comes about, then they will be able to function correction.

7 years 22 weeks ago
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7 years 22 weeks ago
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Damn, a pistol packing judge, my kind of man, too bad it wasn't a female judge packing so I could send some flowers.

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7 years 3 weeks ago
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