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Q: If Trump is elected as President will there be a cry for Do Over?

Sore lossers in the UK call do over , the French did it quicker than signing a surrender decoration.
Will the US go down the do over path ?

8 years 13 weeks ago in  Arts & Entertainment - China

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If I was a UK citizen I probably wouldn't have voted for brexit because status quo works well for me, but I totally get why people are fed up with it.


Dan Carlin had a good take on it quoting others about how Brexit could be seen in many ways as people saying the system isn't working for me and those growth/job loss estimates either don't mean anything to me because i'm on the dole already or that they are just self serving fabrications.


Its kinda weird that we use GDP growth anyway as a proxy for the performance of a society. Like if we hit 5% for the year in a real country it's like "Great job everyone!!!!" even if the extra money earned goes to very very few people and lots of jobs were cut.


The economic problems that people are having are real and it's fucking disgusting I think to dismiss them as just being racism. As if a huge factor in what makes somebody racist and xenophobic in the first place isn't feeling disempowered and insecure like many working class people in the west do!


Good honest opinion .trouble is someone will always disagree with you . have a up vote to neutralise the down

8 years 12 weeks ago
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another upvote

8 years 12 weeks ago
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"As if a huge factor in what makes somebody racist and xenophobic in the first place isn't feeling disempowered and insecure like many working class people in the west do!"




So - why be racist and xenophobic, when you* should be fighting the system?


I'm reminded of Trump's BS about China taking the jobs... they didn't. It was the US manufacturers who moved to China. So, it makes less sense to bitch about (fight) China than to bitch about the US manufacturers!


(*generic 'you')

8 years 12 weeks ago
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I'll go one further and say that a good portion of the kinda breakdown in inter-group relations (misogyny vs feminism, black lives matter etc) weve seen lately is primarily economic and anxiety driven.


The world has become in my lifetime way way more cut throat and competitive. Except at the very top everybody across the board feels more anxiety more pressure and less opportunity.


I.E. it was easier for my dad to become a corporate executive than it has been for me to become one, it was easier for Dr. Humanities to become a humanities professor than it is for his kid to not be stuck at adjunct status, it was easier for Joe Six Pack to become a factory foreman than it is for his son to not be stuck working at wal mart or on welfare. The guy on welfare's kid? Dead. Or...maybe in jail for smoking meth. But everybody has to try that much harder just to maintain their spot, let alone advance.


So they start pointing the finger. The white people feel the opportunity pinch and start blaming affirmative action and immigration, the men feel like women get all the breaks and support, the minorities and women tell the white men they have no right to feel the anxiety they do when they have it so good and it become a circle jerk of victim mongering. Everybody is right that there is a problem and just wrong about the cause.

8 years 12 weeks ago
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8 years 12 weeks ago
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Call for redo of EU vote in UK was fake!


Only it turns out that many of the petition's signatories are fabricated in a prank engineered by hackers 4Chan and Anonymous (we are unclear if it is "the" Anonymous or just a lone hacker posting as "anonymous").  

The blog HeatStreet did the journalistic work the BBC, CNN, NBC, ABC, SkyNews and just about every other mainstream outlet failed to do, exposing the petition's signatories as fraudulent. The site reports:  


The BBC’s desperate shilling for Remain will come under increasing scrutiny as we exclusively reveal that the supposed ‘popular petition’ for a second referendum – wholly illegal and unworkable, and unprecedented in British history – is a prank by notorious sh*tposters 4 Chan.


The BBC, the UK’s national broadcaster, gleefully reported, as real, with no basic journalistic checks, an online petition that appeared to be growing at a colossal rate. By 1:30 pm, it was one of the fastest-growing petitions in history.


So fast, in fact, that somebody should have checked for bots and scripts. The BBC is failing totally in its Charter Duty to perform basic journalistic research.


UK passport holders will soon be 'non-natives' in Schengen:


As we reported, during a Tuesday speech to EU lawmakers European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker didn't speak any English, instead making the speech only in French and German. The games started much earlier than Tuesday however. According to the WSJ,  last Friday and over the weekend, Juncker gave statements and interviews only to German media, a decision that officials said was deliberate. Then on Monday during the commission's daily media briefing, chief spokesman Margaritis Schinas made his opening statement at  in French only, rather than the usual French and English. 

Several members of the European Parliament are worried that Juncker's decision not to speak English might send the wrong message, not only to British people.

From the WSJ


It’s as provocative as some of the arguments of the Leave campaign. Now we should react with openness and generosity,” said Sorin Moisa, a center-left lawmaker from Romania.


It’s like children in the playground,” said Cecilia Wikström, a centrist MEP from Sweden. “Brexit is to me so dramatic, so huge…that we shouldn’t react in this symbolic way.”


Ms. Wikström said that keeping English now could actually make communications in the EU a bit fairer, since most of those speaking it would be using a foreign language.


“I was always frustrated that native speakers had such a huge advantage,” she said.




8 years 13 weeks ago
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They might as well make the language French or German, they don't listen to any of the others anyway.

8 years 13 weeks ago
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LOL, 22 different EU official languages use mostly English as a major language between them, not German or French ('you nazi.....').

Dutch rather use English than German or French 'you know, because of the history....' one Zandwoort chap told me 20-years ago.

8 years 13 weeks ago
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8 years 13 weeks ago
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No. It's not in the constitution. The twelfth amendment says nothing about a "do over". There have been recounts such as in Florida in 2000 and there have been issues with spoiled or confusing ballots but there is no precedent for a secondary vote.


The Brexit referendum is a non-binding referendum and the Government are not compelled to take action on it. A presidential election is binding and final.


Something as important as Brexit should be considered carefully. Economists predict that the UK leaving the single market will wipe 2.75% of their GDP in 18 months. This will cost a lot of jobs.


By "economists" understand the constellation of dodgy institutes under control of Soros & affiliate and their minions.

8 years 13 weeks ago
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8 years 13 weeks ago
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after trump wins the left will be calling all the voters stupid for about a month or two, revenge of the angry white male, homophobic, racist, sexists, and other diatribes will be in all the newspapers. whining babies throwing a hissy fit, it will be fun to watch though.


Then he'll introduce a pile of policies, and people will realise just how stupid they were to vote for him!

8 years 13 weeks ago
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PS - not saying Hilary will be any better... you have 2 sucky choices...


The US needs to have an election policy/law that if "none of the above" wins the vote, then they have to start all over again with new candidates!!! (should be new parties as well!)

8 years 13 weeks ago
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Both parties are corrupt because money is the driving force for campaigns. A new party system  where there is an established platform (funded by the taxpayers). All contributions to campaigns and political groups must be made public. This only works if voters do their duty to seek out the truth and vote with a clear mind

8 years 12 weeks ago
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8 years 13 weeks ago
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If I was a UK citizen I probably wouldn't have voted for brexit because status quo works well for me, but I totally get why people are fed up with it.


Dan Carlin had a good take on it quoting others about how Brexit could be seen in many ways as people saying the system isn't working for me and those growth/job loss estimates either don't mean anything to me because i'm on the dole already or that they are just self serving fabrications.


Its kinda weird that we use GDP growth anyway as a proxy for the performance of a society. Like if we hit 5% for the year in a real country it's like "Great job everyone!!!!" even if the extra money earned goes to very very few people and lots of jobs were cut.


The economic problems that people are having are real and it's fucking disgusting I think to dismiss them as just being racism. As if a huge factor in what makes somebody racist and xenophobic in the first place isn't feeling disempowered and insecure like many working class people in the west do!


Good honest opinion .trouble is someone will always disagree with you . have a up vote to neutralise the down

8 years 12 weeks ago
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another upvote

8 years 12 weeks ago
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"As if a huge factor in what makes somebody racist and xenophobic in the first place isn't feeling disempowered and insecure like many working class people in the west do!"




So - why be racist and xenophobic, when you* should be fighting the system?


I'm reminded of Trump's BS about China taking the jobs... they didn't. It was the US manufacturers who moved to China. So, it makes less sense to bitch about (fight) China than to bitch about the US manufacturers!


(*generic 'you')

8 years 12 weeks ago
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I'll go one further and say that a good portion of the kinda breakdown in inter-group relations (misogyny vs feminism, black lives matter etc) weve seen lately is primarily economic and anxiety driven.


The world has become in my lifetime way way more cut throat and competitive. Except at the very top everybody across the board feels more anxiety more pressure and less opportunity.


I.E. it was easier for my dad to become a corporate executive than it has been for me to become one, it was easier for Dr. Humanities to become a humanities professor than it is for his kid to not be stuck at adjunct status, it was easier for Joe Six Pack to become a factory foreman than it is for his son to not be stuck working at wal mart or on welfare. The guy on welfare's kid? Dead. Or...maybe in jail for smoking meth. But everybody has to try that much harder just to maintain their spot, let alone advance.


So they start pointing the finger. The white people feel the opportunity pinch and start blaming affirmative action and immigration, the men feel like women get all the breaks and support, the minorities and women tell the white men they have no right to feel the anxiety they do when they have it so good and it become a circle jerk of victim mongering. Everybody is right that there is a problem and just wrong about the cause.

8 years 12 weeks ago
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8 years 12 weeks ago
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Ok, we tried the movie star as president and the rich people got richer at the expense of the poor and middle classes. So then we tried the charming guy and the black guy. The rich got richer at the expense of the poor and middle class. Now we are going to try with either a woman or an idiot. These days, every election is a do-over and everyone wants to undo the mess that has developed. But the results will be same. The rich will get richer at the expense of..... until the whole system collapses. The Brexit is just another example of the desperation felt by people worldwide who dont know who to turn to in their hour of need. Trump is just the Brexit in another form.


i agree, the results of the brexit vote have a lot in common with the trump phenomenon.


I don't like the messaging behind either of those things, but I think it's equally disgusting to dismiss the problems as being just racism and xenophobia. There are a lot of people getting screwed.


In some ways even if this doesn't benefit them they at least proved they can vote against the interests of the elites so just maybe the system can be tilted a bit back in favor of the working classes

8 years 12 weeks ago
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8 years 12 weeks ago
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So the Clinton meeting with the attorney general creates a scandal that will need a special prosecutor and delay everything until after the election. Well played Bill, but why am I not surprised, but if his wife loses and Trump takes over with a new attorney general, well there are plenty of non-extradition countries with women to keep him happy, not sure if he would still qualify for secret service protection.


This is US politics. Why are you so surprised?

8 years 12 weeks ago
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your forgetting that obama runs the show and nobody will do anything to him for fear of being called racist, so he could stop this email bullshit tomorrow, he runs the justice department, but this trickle is so the first woman president does not destroy the first so called black presidents legacy, this is on purpose, maybe its payback for the bad things bill has said about him over the years. maybe he wants to see the clintons squirm a little, if clinton loses, provided he lets her be the nominee, he can issue a pardon and have the clintons in his back pocket for years and their clinton foundation money for his own little adventures.


the story is going to get better as we go along. twenty years after bill, we now have secret service agents and former lovers telling the tales of bill clinton, in 20 years the books on obama should make the pulitzer prize list every year, i hope i live long enough to see this.

8 years 12 weeks ago
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8 years 12 weeks ago
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It's really shortsighted of people to try and overturn democratic process when it doesn't suit them...even when it's something I agree with overturning.


It's one of those things where in the long game you're better off temporarily having something you don't like than permanently losing your ability to affect change when something YOU want gets ignored and overturned because a louder group of people is complaining you got your way.


answer of the month well said

8 years 12 weeks ago
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Agreed about the reactions to democratic processes - but that's the problem with the democratic process! People who know little (or only care about a limited sphere) get to make decisions that affect many others.


Perhaps there should be a short test before one votes, to determine their actual knowledge of the issues, and the consequences of their votes...

8 years 12 weeks ago
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yes, when women starting voting and voters could be anybody, the us started running deficits, started the IRS, everything went down from there.


it should be property owners only, male or female that are allowed to vote, if you hard earned money is not on the line, then you have nothing to lose, just take from the above.  property owners regardless of race, religion, or gender only should be allowed to vote. the world would be a better place.

8 years 12 weeks ago
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Are you serious or is that a tongue in cheek answer? You don't think people who pay tax should have a say in who is spending their money and running their country? Just because someone doesn't have property doesn't mean they don't have a lot to lose too. Their jobs, their quality of life, the quality of their kids education and medical care.. What about someone who owns a business but not property? They might have a lot more to lose than someone with only a house on the line.

8 years 12 weeks ago
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8 years 12 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77