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Q: if you could live and work anywhere in China ,where would it be?

I have to go back shortly for a Wedding and so got me thinking if I really had to stay i China where would I like to go

Yes I give China a lot of shit but it just different shit that i have to deal with in Australia. (see todays news headlines from Australia )

and no that the Australian dollar has taken a nose dive  it makes China a acttractive option.

so where would you Go?

9 years 21 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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I am in Wuxi, Jiangsu and loving it.  Probably the best Chinese city I have been to.  Clean, modern, no spitting, and the girls also wear minis.


Ru Dong is nice too

might check it out next visit to my Sister in laws

9 years 21 weeks ago
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Don't believe there's no spitting.  What! Chinese live there?


9 years 21 weeks ago
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9 years 21 weeks ago
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If there's word 'sex'  included as condition for my choice, I'd go to Fujian, mostly because of the women in minis driving the scooters.


and you are why they think all of us are perverts no

you are a special one indecision               wink

9 years 21 weeks ago
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Certainly an individual :)

9 years 21 weeks ago
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 I had to mention 'sex' (without visa specification) to get you going

I saw funny thing here in my city in one of the T-shirt stores: on the closed doors they have sign 'Welcome' (and 'Closed' on the other side). Owner hanged T-shirt as display with 'Pervert' written on the front just bellow the 'Welcome' sign. 

I took a pic with puter's webcam, but it wasn't nice (visible), so I didn't post it here.

9 years 21 weeks ago
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9 years 21 weeks ago
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Chengdu is a nice enough town. I am starting to realize that I actually enjoy dealing with Muslims here...mainly because they think something is holier than money, and don't have a 'Chinese is best!!!' complex. Qinghai or Gansu would be nice. 


Yeahhhh me and Islam don't exactly play well together so I might give that area a missindecision

9 years 21 weeks ago
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Chengdu is nice except no sunshine most days of the year...

9 years 21 weeks ago
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Town? of 10 million?

9 years 21 weeks ago
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Islamic community in Chengdu is not big. Actually you must search for them to find them because they are on pretty low profile in here...

I find Chengdu OK but nothing special. The city is very plane, due to earthquakes the buildings are low. Again due to earthquakes majority of buildings are new.

In comparison to it's surrounding cities/provinces the costs of almost everything is higher but it's not necessarily followed by better quality.

Life is pretty slow in there.

Who ever likes such environment so it's a winner - I personally much more like neighboring Chongqing where the life rhythm is much faster, society is much more competitive and hunger for success is visible everywhere.

But after all Chengdu is still much better place than Shanghai for instance ... 

However it's worthy to realize that for people who cannot speak Chinese at conversational level or above these places may be difficult - Chengdu is not really English speaking environment (with exception of 'foreign quarter' and foreign restaurants and bars).

9 years 21 weeks ago
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9 years 21 weeks ago
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I am in Wuxi, Jiangsu and loving it.  Probably the best Chinese city I have been to.  Clean, modern, no spitting, and the girls also wear minis.


Ru Dong is nice too

might check it out next visit to my Sister in laws

9 years 21 weeks ago
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Don't believe there's no spitting.  What! Chinese live there?


9 years 21 weeks ago
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9 years 21 weeks ago
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I'm another going to throw my hat in the ring for Chengdu.  Of all the places I've lived in China it's comfortably the nicest.  I'd straight away rule out anywhere in the north.  There are a few other places in the south that are livable however.


I'm in the north.  The extreme north west to be precise.  My city is better than any other city in China for  a few reasons.  But the price to pay is there's nowhere to have a beer.  At least, nowhere normal.


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Hong Kong.



9 years 21 weeks ago
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Somewhere near the Ocean. I need the ocean. COME TO ME, PRECIOUS OCEAN!

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9 years 21 weeks ago
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I really like Dalian - clean, modern, not too hot in summer, nice sea breeze, warmer than most of the northeast in winter 


I've never been to Dalian but as it's more to the north than Qingdao so I guess in winter it must be hell ...

In Qingdao if the wind is blowing so you may deduct another 5-10 C from the thermometer and sometimes you have even trouble to walk outside due to the strong wind.

In the summer than it's almost a paradise with blue sky, relatively warm but due to the everlasting wind really pleasant.

9 years 21 weeks ago
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I lived in Qingdao for a couple of years and had to get out due to the retarded traffic. I do miss it though, in some ways.

Haven't been to Dalian but so many ppl have expressed that it's a nice place, but Qingdao is better.


9 years 21 weeks ago
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Yea, I'm sure the wind could be bad in winter but I'm really just comparing it other parts of the northeast that get frigid in winter. I'm a cold weather person and live in the far northeast so my standards are different than most people's. Dalian is awesome in summer. 

9 years 21 weeks ago
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And I'd really love to go to Qingdao, I looked into going to the International Beer Festival there but I ended up going to the International Beer Festival in Dalian instead wink

9 years 21 weeks ago
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I was only there a few days. I loved Dalian, and could absolutely live there.

9 years 21 weeks ago
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Zhuhai. easy access to HKIA

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9 years 21 weeks ago
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There are lots of cities that are pretty decent.


I think I would choose Sanya. I just love the ocean and the island feeling.


Sanya has a cool vibe to it that feels not too Chinese (unless it is Spring Festival, then don't go)... or maybe it makes dealing with Chinese easier because of the low pollution and sunny rays.


I like Hangzhou, but mainly the surrounding small towns... they build these sort of villa cabins and string party lights along them all so it looks beautiful with nature during the night.


China has a lot of very beautiful places... it is just that pollution and/or tourism ruin them eventually.


That's an interesting choice - I've only seen the pics of Sanya during Spring Festival and it looks truly horrible. I guess a good rule of thumb during Spring Festival is to go against the flow - live in Sanya the whole year and then go to Shanghai for a week when all the mainlanders descend on Sanya. Or just lock yourself at home with enough booze and steak to ride out the occupation. 

9 years 21 weeks ago
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I lived in Sanya for 2 years a few years ago.  I found it kind of boring, there's not a lot to do except sit on the beach.  It's a nice thing to do occasionally, but not every day.  Also the place is full of Russians.  Not the rich ones either, its the poor ones who cant afford to go to Thailand.  When they get drinking it's not a pretty sight.  But the environment is very nice, good weather except the rainy season and no pollution.  Living in a resort kind of feels like your not part of the real world, and when I left it was quite a come down to earth.  Back to reality...

9 years 21 weeks ago
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@estern - I found quite a lot to do while I was there.


There is the sea food market where they cook up some fresh sea food on the grill. There was a nature park, a bunch of beaches (some you had to take a ferry to go to)...

Chilling at the apartment we rented with a nice view of the pool. Go swimming in the ocean or in the pool. There was a nice restaurant owned by an American guy that made awesome cocktails (outside the main city).


It was a little boring downtown however... just full of shopping centers.


Yeah, the Russians don't really improve the place. Lots of signs in Russian and most of the Russians can't even speak English... and stare down anyone who isn't Russian... but meh.

9 years 21 weeks ago
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Sanya is outstanding.....and even better is the rest of the island which is huge and no people...except Haikou...    beautiful beaches with no people, rain forests, unoccupied land.     Ive spent a lot of time there and you can ride a scooter or moto right on the sand.  I see only one negative thing there...that is the 'beetle nut' spitters and the red stains on the ground...pretty gross.. uck!

9 years 21 weeks ago
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9 years 21 weeks ago
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Guangzhou, zhu jiang new town to be exact.

I am always upping guangzhou on this site. And that district was amazing. Expensive but catered to foreigners and very few chinese people. It was quiet. Farmers had zero reason to go. It felt like an embassy area. Green and quiet.

I moved from there years ago now and when i go back its busier now but still miles better than where I currently reside.


I agree totally.  I lived in Tianhe about a year, but usually hung-out in ZNT.  It sure is nice there around the new USA Consulate.  I used to make the round of the pubs and then go find a grassy lawn to lie on and gaze at the Canton Tower... a beautiful thing at night..   nice way to spend the evening.   

 * guess we should try to keep ZNT hush hush though~

9 years 21 weeks ago
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Ah yes, Zhujiang NT, nice place, I usually stick to Tianhe, take the APM to move around, sometimes cross the river to Haizhu around the Tower and go to the airport in Baiyun or the CHR station in Panyu, and... that's it. I haven't been to Yuexiu or Liwan aka the "real Guangzhou" in years, messy, crowded, smelly, not my type of place.

9 years 21 weeks ago
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9 years 21 weeks ago
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