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Q: if your work permit is one city but you want to live in another, can you?

Hi guys,

I want to ask about it 

if your work permit is one city but you want to live in another, can you?

Since I am not native ,schools can  not provide me z visa by their school.Now one school wants to hire me and I am not agree with student visa they offer.So they found an agent and they can provide me z visa with too much cost but anyway.The problem is ,agent told me that my visa and residence permit will be in Nanjing but i will live in Qingdao.

Is it possible ? Won't be problem while declaring my address to local police statıon? Won't they ask why u will live here while u re working in Nanjing?

I am waiting replies about this subject who has any idea or has experience about it.

Thanks in advance.

7 years 14 weeks ago in  Visa & Legalities - China

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NO , YOU CAN'T. You must work in the same RP company address you provided at the beginning. 

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7 years 14 weeks ago
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You'll be sneaking around/illegal in Qingdao if RP is in Nanjing. Your agent probably think you won't be declaring anything in Qingdao.


I'd say that's is impossible, and you could also get definitive answer at PSB.



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7 years 14 weeks ago
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I've had a work permit and resident permit issued in Shunde before and lived in Guangzhou BUT I did work for that company legally. I commuted to work. 


The PSB officer questioned me at the resident permit application stage about living in GZ and where eking in Shunde. I showed my driving license and told him I'd drive everyday. 


What your school is exposing to do is illlegal and there are risks to it. You might not even be allowed to get your temporary registration on city you'll live. 

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7 years 14 weeks ago
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Go ahead and do it. 



7 years 14 weeks ago
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If you're asking the question then you already know the answer. 

After a year in, no fucking excuses, illegal is illegal get it through your fucking heads. (Rant!)

7 years 14 weeks ago
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It's basically the deal "walk around at your own risk" keep a look out over your shoulder and tour your school and have an exit plan. Everyone needs to work, good luck.

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7 years 14 weeks ago
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A) being a 'native' is completely irrelevant for most jobs. The only time it becomes relevant is if you want to teach a language. If you're teaching your native language, then it shouldn't be a problem (although, China hasn't worked out which countries actually speak what languages as their L1... Just look at the limited number of countries that are considered L1 English countries!


B) as Hotwater said, yes, it's perfectly fine to have an RP for one city, but stay in another. However, as he said, you will have to commute to that other city in order to work... Good luck with that! 


C) it won't be legal to live (as in, rent an apartment, have your local police registration, etc) in a different province to the one you work in (except very temporarily).


D) what the agent is proposing gets people kicked out of this country, and banned from re-entering for 5 years. PLUS being fined. And, perhaps, jail time (for intentionally breaking immigration laws). It will take ONE - just ONE - check of your passport to get you arrested. And, in Nanjing, that's pretty likely to happen!


I've lived in a Nanjing for 4 years, never once have I been subject to a visa check. 

7 years 14 weeks ago
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7 years 14 weeks ago
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NO , YOU CAN'T. You must work in the same RP company address you provided at the beginning. 

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7 years 14 weeks ago
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Can? Of course! It's a free country isn't it? (wait, is that..., nevermind) Should? Well....

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7 years 14 weeks ago
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You must WORK in the place your visa says. You can LIVE in another city. I worked in Tai'he, but lived in Meishan. I just needed a Registration Voucher from the local (Meishan) PSB. The school I worked in was quite happy to help me do this and even gave me a loan to pay the annual rent.wink I might add that Tai'he is like a suburb of Meishan. Like Qingbaijiang is a suburb of Chengdu.

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7 years 13 weeks ago
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