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Q: I'm an English teacher from Russia.Is it possible to find a job in China?What are the first steps?

9 years 27 weeks ago in  Teaching & Learning - Beijing

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Expatlife gave you a bad advice, don't accept any jobs unless they give you a Z-visa. Probably you will have to work in a small and remote city but you can find a job if you have a BA degree and a 120-hour TEFL certification.


Yes ideally I would say the same thing and I would wish her best of luck finding a z visa job.


But...if that is the only option for her to work on a tourist visa what does she have to lose?


In case you havent noticed, the Russian economy is not doing well these days from all the sanctions. If she can come here and find work, even if only temporary until the crisis ends, that is good for her. If she gets in trouble who cares? She'll be sent back home hopefully having saved a bit of money and lived a little better for a while.

9 years 26 weeks ago
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9 years 27 weeks ago
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do as you would do in any country, look at the jobs sections online, such as the one on this forum.

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9 years 27 weeks ago
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Yes, I know russians who work as teachers. It is not so difficult, though it is living in a grey area. One idea is find a school to give you a student visa, then you can find some part time work. You can also do tourist visas but you need to live near a border crossing.

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9 years 27 weeks ago
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Open 'Jobs' section, prepare your CV, and email away to the jobs you're interested.

Chinese employers don't reply to applicants in which CVs aren't interested. Never mind! Check 'Jobs' site daily, and keep sending your CV till you don't land a job.


As soon as you have positive reply from the School, ask for the Contract sample. Ask Qs about everything on the Contract.


It's not wise to accept job at School, which doesn't sponsor Z visa. If School invite you to come to China with any other visa (L, F), I suggest you don't accept.


If you'll come to China with any other visa than Z, you must return to your home Chinese Embassy for Z, which is the only legal working visa in China.


Good luck!


Schools employ Russian English teachers with Z visas? I doubt it, with the new big-5-only rules. He's better off finding a job in a smaller city, wrong visa and school bribes immigration police. very common. they deport only about 200 of the most badly behaved illegals each year, and the rest are tolerated. low tier cities have lower salary, but cheaper living expense. he can still save plenty of money and live decently.

9 years 27 weeks ago
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Helena is 'she'name. New rules? I'm Non-native (EU) English teacher, returned to Henan a month ago with Z. 

I agree, FTs probably arrive&work in China with different kind of visas, but I just wanted to tell her more about 'right working visa in China'.


I forgot to say: ''Never mind, if School require 'Native English Teacher' in their job advert. Send your CV everywhere!'' 

9 years 27 weeks ago
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9 years 27 weeks ago
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Thank you so much for your advice!

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9 years 27 weeks ago
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get a suit for interviews. doesn't have to be expensive, as long as it LOOKS expensive, Chinese employers won't be able to resist.

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9 years 27 weeks ago
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Expatlife gave you a bad advice, don't accept any jobs unless they give you a Z-visa. Probably you will have to work in a small and remote city but you can find a job if you have a BA degree and a 120-hour TEFL certification.


Yes ideally I would say the same thing and I would wish her best of luck finding a z visa job.


But...if that is the only option for her to work on a tourist visa what does she have to lose?


In case you havent noticed, the Russian economy is not doing well these days from all the sanctions. If she can come here and find work, even if only temporary until the crisis ends, that is good for her. If she gets in trouble who cares? She'll be sent back home hopefully having saved a bit of money and lived a little better for a while.

9 years 26 weeks ago
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9 years 27 weeks ago
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I knew a Russian who openly claimed he was Canadian. With a white face, who knew?? He went a little overboard with it. Drapped in a Canadian flag for his CV pic and every other pic but ya gotta like his moxie. He was shrewed, id bet he made more money than other Russian teachers too.

The fact is, if your a good teacher, that will be enough
You might have a bit more of a difficult road but there are people from almost every country teaching here. Many with proper docs. Just find the right fit.


Yeah i known a couple people like that too.


Some of those guys from lower income white countries really clean up here too. Have great attitudes all they wanna do is work.


I dont understand the hostility of native slackers towards those guys. Some belarussian guy wants to work 60 hrs a week at a 3rd rate language mill on an L visa more power to him. Nothing but respect for that.


It's not like the "good" jobs still aren't going to require a passport from a native country so it's not like an American isn't going to be able to find something.

9 years 26 weeks ago
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9 years 27 weeks ago
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Working illegally is essentially your only option. Chris, you should learn the law. Russians can't get Zvisas to teach English. But I wonder if you could get a visa to teach Russian and have the school use you to teach English. Ask schools.

Check with ForeignHr , they are a way to bypass the law. Understand, that schools can screw you because you don't have a leg to stand on legally.


There is no such law in China. It's entirely Provincial SAFEA (Foreign Expert Bureau) decision, if Working permit can/will be granted to Non-native English teacher. Most schools know, if/where WP can be granted to Non, and in which cities SAFEA won't grant WPermit to Non-native English teacher.

Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and coastal Provinces/cities from Shanghai to Shenzhen, WP most likely won't be granted to Non-native English teacher. However, I had offer this summer to start working in Fuzhou/E instead Jianou/W, (of) Fujian province.

9 years 27 weeks ago
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Yeah that's all I was saying. Of course it's not ideal and I really believe that any american or brit that doesn't have a Z visa is being irresponsible/negligent. Putting flexibility over stability, most of the time nothing will happen but they can't complain if they do get caught.


But the situation is totally different for a Russian. If their option is either to sit around russia not working or work on a tourist visa in China i'd take the work on a tourist visa every time. It's not like they're gonna shoot them or anything. Worst case they get sent home in couple months...having gotten out of the depressing russian economy and hopefully put a few roubles in their pocket.

9 years 26 weeks ago
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Ici: My limited understanding is that recently (last year or 2) Beijing has clearly stated that  only teachers from a set list of countries. And yes this is China the policies are selectively followed City to city and province to province

9 years 26 weeks ago
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It looks, approving/issuing WPermit and FEC is Provincial decision. I'm talking out of my experiences, what you can't do

If there would be written in Law 'only Native...' as is in Japan, Taiwan, S.Korea, and few others, I can only work with 3M visa runs. But, that isn't case in China. 

Last year, School in Jiangsu told me FEB refused to issue FEC. I called FEB, and they confirmed 'Non-native English teacher can't work in Jangsu, and probably in every city on the coast'.

After Jiangsu, I got new Z sponsor in Fujian, with HK Z pick-up. I was working in Jianou, but I had offer in Fuzhou, too.

Now I'm in Henan, waiting on PSB to return my book with new RP.

If there would be Law, I could work in China only with L and F, or student visa. But, that's not the case.

9 years 26 weeks ago
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Ici: You have an EU passport? Many Chinese equate  EU with UK. A Russian passport is clearly not an English speaking country.

9 years 26 weeks ago
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Yes, I have EU passport with RP since 2011. I'm not sure about Russians. I've never met one with RP. I knew Polish student in Dalian in 2012. Whenever I write about 'look for a job', I advice similar as I do. 

As soon as School reply to my CV, I clearly state 'I'm Non-naive (Fidu) English teacher', and hr. either reply 'no problem', or they tell me 'not possible' as in Shenzhen, and cities in Jiangsu. Last year, it wasn't any problem getting WP in Fujian, Sichuan and Henan, where I'm currently.

I think, that's really individual experience, but anybody can sit in her/his home, and keep sending CVs till positive answer from China.

9 years 25 weeks ago
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9 years 27 weeks ago
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Most of the Russians are sponsored for teaching Russian. And they easily get Z-visas. And many schools accept that. They'd probably would ask you to lie to students that you are American or Canadian. You can easily get 7-9k

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9 years 26 weeks ago
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being able to speak english helps

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A demand for foreign teachers

Hebei Foreign Studies University is looking for full-time experienced English-speaking, Indian-speaking and Swedish-speaking tutors.


1. Foreign teachers from English-speaking countries if wanting to teach English

2. Accurate pronunciation and fluent spoken languages are required

3. Academic credentials above undergraduate

4. Excellent communication skills and rich teaching experiences are preferential.

5. Easy-going enthusiastic about education, patient, good team-working spirits

 If you have enough confidence, contact with us. 

QQ:  2569221697



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9 years 25 weeks ago
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A demand for foreign teachers

Hebei Foreign Studies University is looking for full-time experienced English-speaking, Indian-speaking and Swedish-speaking tutors.


1. Foreign teachers from English-speaking countries if wanting to teach English

2. Accurate pronunciation and fluent spoken languages are required

3. Academic credentials above undergraduate

4. Excellent communication skills and rich teaching experiences are preferential.

5. Easy-going enthusiastic about education, patient, good team-working spirits

 If you have enough confidence, contact with us. 

QQ:  2569221697



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9 years 25 weeks ago
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