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Q: I'm a nigeria citizen applying for a job in china. Would I be accepted

3 years 37 weeks ago in  Web & Technology - China

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Posts: 5321


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If you're applying for a job you'll know soon enough if you have been accepted.



You have so many pints ... 

3 years 37 weeks ago
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And those points are about as useful as an English teacher that doesn't know about capital letters or question marks...

3 years 37 weeks ago
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Once, I see only Q posted, it's most likely from an 'agent' ... and since English language is very specific and wide, OP might be asking here about a b-job ...

You can never tell ...

3 years 37 weeks ago
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Yeah mate, when you see the same question posted again and again by people that never reply or post again you get sceptical.

3 years 37 weeks ago
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.... and so you troll them..

NOOOO!!!!!!! - Lolcats - lol | cat memes | funny cats | funny cat pictures  with words on them | funny pictures | lol cat memes | lol cats

3 years 37 weeks ago
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At least, we have threads to talk about jandals ...

3 years 37 weeks ago
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3 years 37 weeks ago
Answers (4)
Comments (7)
Posts: 5321


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If you're applying for a job you'll know soon enough if you have been accepted.



You have so many pints ... 

3 years 37 weeks ago
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And those points are about as useful as an English teacher that doesn't know about capital letters or question marks...

3 years 37 weeks ago
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Once, I see only Q posted, it's most likely from an 'agent' ... and since English language is very specific and wide, OP might be asking here about a b-job ...

You can never tell ...

3 years 37 weeks ago
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Yeah mate, when you see the same question posted again and again by people that never reply or post again you get sceptical.

3 years 37 weeks ago
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.... and so you troll them..

NOOOO!!!!!!! - Lolcats - lol | cat memes | funny cats | funny cat pictures  with words on them | funny pictures | lol cat memes | lol cats

3 years 37 weeks ago
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At least, we have threads to talk about jandals ...

3 years 37 weeks ago
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3 years 37 weeks ago
Posts: 4495


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hmmm, shakethespeare said it best...  to be or not to be?  to offer up a serious response,,, or to crack wise?   well, we all know shakenspear was a bit of a smart-ass after a few 'pints',,  sooo, I'm going along w/ the Bard of Westminster,,, or wherever it was....


I'd say u have about as much chance of getting a job here as Sleepy Joe does on remembering to put his shoes on in the morning....  about as much chance as Trump does on legally overthrowing the election; about as much chance as I have of getting anyone here (school) to understand that it was a Big deal that General Yeager passed,, or that a functional understanding of basic English grammar is of importance to their education.  

*last week close to zero correct answers for some absolutely basic grammar q's...  college Ss mind u...






Yep, game over.

Country over.

Freedom over.

As we suspected...

The Deep State now controls SCOTUS.

It's ALL over! angel

3 years 37 weeks ago
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3 years 37 weeks ago
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Dec 12, 2020 11:03  ‘Hillary hates his guts, Biden calls him a hi-tech terrorist’

Australian MP calls on Trump to pardon Assange before leaving WH: ‘Hillary hates his guts, Biden calls him a hi-tech terrorist’

 Australian MP George Christensen called on Donald Trump to pardon WikiLeaks founder and fellow Australian citizen Julian Assange while he still can, as it seems to be the US president’s last month in the Oval Office.                    

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3 years 37 weeks ago
Posts: 19


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I will date you if you are a black woman.

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3 years 37 weeks ago
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A: Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I
A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman