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Q: Is it possible to receive a replacement icbc card in one day?

I understand that the general policy to foece people to wait a week. Has anyone managd to kick off a sufficient shit fit to get the goddamn card back in faster tun around time?

6 years 13 weeks ago in  Visa & Legalities - China

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I had the same issue with the same bank. Unfortunately, there's no way it can be done in less than seven days.


Well, fuck. This is why I hate China.

6 years 13 weeks ago
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This is correct, 7 days, working days

6 years 12 weeks ago
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6 years 13 weeks ago
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I guess, if you go to the same Bank where you opened your account, they should give you new card on the spot.


However, that's only my theory. Whenever you must go to Chinese Bank and speak to the crew inside, you'll experience a lot of 'L hand around the ass to the R pocket ...' moves.  


Just go there and grab them ...  !


At first 'meiyou' you'll hear, just say:

'I ain't leaving the Bank without new card!' accompanied with determined stomp ...

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6 years 13 weeks ago
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I had the same issue with the same bank. Unfortunately, there's no way it can be done in less than seven days.


Well, fuck. This is why I hate China.

6 years 13 weeks ago
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This is correct, 7 days, working days

6 years 12 weeks ago
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6 years 13 weeks ago
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Many times that can depend on the province you are in, the bank you are dealing with, and the type of visa you have. Over the past year the government has made some changes. One of them has to do with proof of source of income. But every government has this for tax purposes. For example: ABC is a bank that isn't familiar with dealing with foriegners in Shaanxi province. The CIBC, and the Bank of China have the most experience. So your better off in dealing with them. As for your card, better off just opening a new account with a different branch. In this case, your employer will have to come up with some paperwork. How much paperwork depends on the bank you choose.


I have the paperwork,and the work visa to prove employment. I lost the card when my wallet was stolen in chengdu,butthe account is in Beijing. That in and of itself was a hot mess, because I apparently cannot just transfer one coty's ICBC funds to another city's ICBC account (so much for this being a developed country. 


I do need to access my funds...I finally have time togo to Beijing and put this stupid non-issueto rest. If I have to runthe city down getting old employers to submit paperwork, I will kill one of these imbeciles.

6 years 12 weeks ago
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It's super f'ed up that the banks are so restrictive in letting people deal with their money. Cross province fees. wtf

6 years 12 weeks ago
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6 years 12 weeks ago
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So to summarize the answers above, we have no idea. 


Unfortunately! That has always been the case of banking in china.

6 years 12 weeks ago
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I liked China Merchants Bank's Gold account without any balance limit and ATM card with Visa/Mc logo when I was still in China (last year!).

In every CMB I was (many!) in China, there was one or two managers who spoke English. 

Holding of the Gold account gave me an access to VIP Bank's area with comfy sofas, Chinese newspapers, tea, coffee and unlimited amount of candies ... he he.

I dislike ICBC 'cause opening of new account was accompanied with 20 RMB fee. I don't pay fee, so Bank can make money out of my money stored on the account.

6 years 12 weeks ago
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6 years 12 weeks ago
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I had my wallet stolen once and had the same problem as you, the acct was in a different city to the one I had recently moved to and I had to go back to the original branch in first city to do anything. It wasn't icbc but the crap service was the same.


Once they had verified my identity which was a nightmare in itself because the bank clerk who had originally input my details had put my first name in the surname box on the computer I would have had to wait however long to get a new card so I just withdrew all my money and walked out.


A bank that you can't access from  another city is useless, you might as well just use the trip there to pull your money out and put it in your other city acct.




yeah, that mispelling or wrong name order really creates a lot of Monty Python type sh*t in Chiner.....  lmao.

On my last flight the guy checking me in looked like he was gonna have a stroke,,, One letter of my name mispelled on my e-ticket!  He kept pointing it out like I was Osama bin Laden or sth....   I just looked at him and said ,,, well,   they let me on the first leg of the flight w/out getting twisted panties,,, what the fk are you so uptight about?, and asked him if he was surprised a Chinese clerk girl mispells one letter when writing an English name?  haha,,,  the guy cracked me up... thankfully his boss walked over and resolved the mess in about 2 minutes.


anybody still remember when international airline travel was still fun?  haha,,, Days gone by.....

6 years 12 weeks ago
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Shoot, that is what I feared. I doubt there exiets a non crappy Chinese bank service (or any service, for thwt matter), but that sucks for us both. 



6 years 12 weeks ago
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6 years 12 weeks ago
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If your Chinese Viki, and have a Chinese ID, that would explain why


To be honest, while I don't support trade wars or anything, I would get behind treating Chinese nationals exactly the way they treat foreigners in their shithole country.

6 years 12 weeks ago
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6 years 12 weeks ago
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I've gotten a replacement card from ICBC right away, but that was many years ago, shortly after they gave me my first, it needed replacing as ATMs wouldn't eat it


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6 years 12 weeks ago
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In Beijing they can give you a new card on the same day but change the card number. Otherwise you have to wait 7 days to get a new card with the same number.


Thats great news! Do you jnow anyone who has personally done this?

6 years 11 weeks ago
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Yes me about 2 months ago. Bank of communication

6 years 11 weeks ago
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6 years 12 weeks ago
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I finally went back to Sichuan, Meishan to get a new card from the China Construction Bank. They did it inside 2 hours.

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6 years 7 weeks ago
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If you don't mind getting a replacement card with a different card number on the front - they can generally issue you a card that same day that you apply if you have your passport with you and the old card.  If you don't have your card, and want to replace it with the same card number, that can take 4 to 6 weeks.  Keeping a card number is contingent on whether or not you have a lot of accounts that utilize automatic bill pay, etc.  

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5 years 41 weeks ago
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you can call the icbc coutomer call center to make sure your question.


ICBC sucks ...!

4 years 26 weeks ago
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4 years 26 weeks ago
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