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Q: Is the job market for foreigners in Shanghai shrinking?

12 years 49 weeks ago in  Business & Jobs - Shanghai

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No not at all Cool

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12 years 49 weeks ago
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Not so much shrinking as the laowai population is growing. The sheer number of people that move to China cause they can get a job for just being foreign. And the 1st tier cities get not only that but then from all those that move from other Chinese cities to get a break from China in some place that is more westernized.

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12 years 49 weeks ago
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Not yet... wait until you see what the social employment benefits does to the foreign employment market

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12 years 49 weeks ago
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12 years 48 weeks ago
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Wait and find.Maybe you can take the initiative to persuade them to hire you. Good luck. Wink

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12 years 48 weeks ago
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With the exception of teaching, yes the job market for foreigners in Shanghai is shrinking. There is a new law which demands companies PROVE that they need a foreigner for a position that cannot be done by a local Chinese person. This applies to Chinese companies but not for foreign owned ones.

So before, some companies would hire a laowai for face reasons or to seem more "international". They don't have that option anymore. If a specific job can be done by a Chinese person, they cannot just hire a random foreigner to fill the position. There needs to be specific reasons, like "We need a native English speaker" or "We need someone experienced in the American market".

The opportunity is still here but yes, the job market for foreigners is shrinking.

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12 years 48 weeks ago
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I jut saw a bit on the news about Westerners from countries with wrecked economies flooding China's job market. Most of them, despite having the right credentials, aren't having much luck when competing with hundreds of thousands of Chinese college graduates every year.

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12 years 48 weeks ago
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Not at all. But here in Shanghai, it's tough luck since the regulations are being tightened. Unless you have all the means to become an English teacher, then you're all good. (all the means? look at the postings and see what they want, academies are getting toooo picky already). Otherwise, you can try working as business developer stuff or business analyst.

Oh, I noticed this, foreign engineers make it big here! So does accountants and finance analysts.

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12 years 45 weeks ago
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I would say in some specialties they would be and in others they won't be. They could be shrinking in let's say Engineering since 6 out of 10 engineers come from China anyways. Chefs would probably be a shrinking number as they already have many chefs in shanghai. The only job that they might not have a shrinking problem is teaching. Teaching elementary childrien is one of those jobs although I don't know how long that will last with the policy they have adopted here in China.

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12 years 26 weeks ago
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we are one of the biggest lighting company in zhongshan,guangdong province,we are looking for foreigner for the sales positon.i dont know where i can find the foreigner to join our company~~


You cannot find one? :P Open your eyes - they are here (me included) :P


I would love to go to China to work, but I can´t find a company that want to hire me yet.


12 years 24 weeks ago
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12 years 26 weeks ago
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it is infact shrinking as most European/American companies are trying their best to reduce expenses..... fear of further recession.. with 1st thing to do is to reduce no. of

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12 years 26 weeks ago
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Yes, two facts coming into consideration.


First, the economy of China has surpassed the value of cheap labor, watch the Phillipenes and Vietnam closely, Euro and American companies have already begun to move, only headquarters are being left in major cities but production sites are moving quickly.


Second, the Chinese recession is impeding quicker than anticipated by the government, for the Chinese the taxes have been lowered, for the foreigners they have rose by almost 8%. The Chinese government wants to put more into the economy by less importing and more in country buying which could possibly work if the housing prices continue to fall, but alas, the corruption and the lack of a foreign market will be their eventual downfall.

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12 years 25 weeks ago
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Not just in Shanghai but most of China the demand for foreigners is shrinking. With the Chinese students who have studied abroad with the same qualifications as us who are returning and with a good command of english. Why pay us more money then someone who has the same qualifications for a lower price. But in the end there will be jobs that we can do better and jobs that they can do better.   

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12 years 25 weeks ago
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yes, so far, i know so many company in need of foreign workers, maybe you can't find that kind of information, if you need any help , i'd like to do something, so just send email to me


Do you know so many companies that look for foreigners to work for them? :P Make them look my way - here am I, don´t move...OVER HERE.. :)

I would love to go, but yet no one I applied to has asked me to come over (or even for a job interview on Skype for that matter).

I know it takes time to get the first job after graduating, but this is killing me. I hold a Bachelor in International Sales and Marketing Management which of course is not like - Wooooow. Amazing - but still it should be possible for me to get a work.



12 years 24 weeks ago
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12 years 25 weeks ago
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There are plenty of jobs available but finding a good job  is becoming increasingly difficult to land. For every job listed with a salary of 16,000 RMP or more either in Beijing or Shanghai, there are a hundred applicants.  

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8 years 15 weeks ago
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Not where I live, the job market here is growing at a tremendous pace and so are the rewards! Earning double what I earned 2 years ago!

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8 years 15 weeks ago
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It seems that for teachers the demand will always be there and for more of a business job, yes its shrinking a little companies are hring less foreigners as chinese are coming back and its less easy to just hire a foreign face for appearances value to your company ... so when things get tougher people should get better like getting better qualifications, learning chinese etc ..

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8 years 13 weeks ago
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A lot of competition here in Shanghai. Here are so many foreigners look for job here.

Here in Shanghai, a lot of foreigners share apartment together and take metro to go to work.


But some foreigners are much more wealthy, they get single flat for 10K RMB and eat out and take taxi to go to work and usually their companies cover their expense.

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8 years 13 weeks ago
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