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Q: Is long hair looked down upon for men in China?

I may grow my hair longer, not extremely long, but longer than the average Chinese male haircut...

9 years 48 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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you are not Chinese, so they can't do anything about the length of your hair other than marvel at your flowing locks as you toss them in the wind 

seriously, depending on where you are working, unless there is a strict dress code due to the nature of the work-place there is not much they can do.

From your own perspective, as long as your hair is neat, it should be ok.

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9 years 48 weeks ago
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I have never discussed this with anyone, but I have at a couple of occasions observed long haired dudes out in public. Often they are flanked by not one, but two above average looking girls. 


Remember there are different ways of growing your hair as a man. 


Don't do this

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9 years 48 weeks ago
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In China, it probably isn't associated with the progressive '60s. It's more likely you'll be perceived as some superstitious traditionalist who visits a monastery and lets a shifu dictate your hygiene and grooming. Though it might seem strange that you are a foreigner, it isn't unheard of. You will come across as backward and outdated unless you make an effort to assert your different-ness. Most locals are exactly that, but they wouldn't be caught dead *looking* backward and outdated. You will get little respect for your appearance, and people will be less interested in you. It might seem nice to get less attention on the street, but in practice it will hurt your career, opportunities, and you'll be perceived as stupid (=weak), making you a viable target for whatever malicious scam locals have cooked up. I'd get a haircut if I were you.

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9 years 48 weeks ago
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I think it is, too sad, long hair look good on Asian men, look at Japan and South Korea, most singers have those impressive visual key hairstyles and girls are crazy about it. In another way Chinese have awful tastes when it comes to fashion, design or luxury.


Yip, terriblE. I cant find deCent clothEs here....

9 years 48 weeks ago
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Not even decent spelling can be found in China...

9 years 48 weeks ago
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9 years 48 weeks ago
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I'm a guy, and I have hair past my belt.


I sometimes get looks (but hey, who doesn't?), but I haven't noticed much commentary (but I could be deaf).


I *DO get respect in what I do (well, except from my students - but they're lazy).


If someone comments on it to me (in English), they are usually assuming I am an artist, as it's the artists and musicians who are more likely to have longer hair.


The legal contract I have with work says I have to have short hair. The 'real' contract doesn't. (of course, the legal contract says I have to work a lot more than I do ;p)


really? it says you have to have short hair?


That's really funny it's so specific. Is there a length longer than which it's not appropriate?

9 years 48 weeks ago
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9 years 48 weeks ago
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Just curious - what do you do for a living?  Artists for example are expected to have long hair in China. Banks forbid it.

9 years 47 weeks ago
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9 years 48 weeks ago
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Only if it's worn up in a beehive and accompanied by high heels and a skirt.

9 years 48 weeks ago
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And is blue.

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9 years 48 weeks ago
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I'm really kinda surprised at this thread...I think chinese men are WAY less conservative than americans at least when it comes to flashy haircuts being socially acceptable.


I know tons of normal corporate guys that must visit a barber/salon at least every 10 days or so to keep up their style. I don't think you see that at a big office in the west from younger professionals. Not making a judgement on that either way, but I think in general we're way more conservative about mens haircuts than they are.


Most male's haircuts here (in Shenzhen) appear to be delivered via a pencil sharpener.

9 years 48 weeks ago
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9 years 48 weeks ago
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I like men with long hair,it is very sexy in my eyes.Having a long hair won't make the men lookl girly.It was just some people's idear.But most Chinese do not appreciate men with long hair,they think it makes a man girly.But who cares,my ex has a bit long hair and has earings,he is nothing girly.His friend has the blonde very long hair,this guy's hair might be longer than his gf,but he is nothing girly.



I shouldn't have cut my hair. Now I'll never have a chance with Vicky :(. 

9 years 48 weeks ago
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You should start keeping your hair growing as my date may break up with me.Everything is possible.At that time your hair will be long and I will catch you.Ha ha ha

9 years 48 weeks ago
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9 years 48 weeks ago
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Grow yOur hair if yOu wanT to, dOnt care about what Others think. Just keep it decent anD keep yoUr job. But I BEG plEas DOnt grow your nails. These chinese Men wIth there long dirtY nails are DISGUSTING. 

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9 years 48 weeks ago
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Get a haircut and get a real job. Clean your act up and don't be a slob. 



He could be a wannabe next white token rockstar

9 years 48 weeks ago
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And he might be, if he's bad to the bone. 

9 years 48 weeks ago
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Could be the next real rock star. I could be famous

9 years 48 weeks ago
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9 years 48 weeks ago
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It only depends on whether you have a handsome face..... If not, don't try, we may laugh at you...

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9 years 48 weeks ago
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If you're a teacher or someone else that should be respectable then long hair is usually ok, but nothing too outlandish.  If you've got dreadlocks and tattoos then parents will take one look at you and send their little emperors elsewhere.  Sorry.

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9 years 48 weeks ago
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