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Q: ls it possibe for a Nigerian with a degree to get a teaching Job in China?

ls it possible for a Nigerian with a degree to get a teaching Job in China?

11 years 51 weeks ago in  Teaching & Learning - Other cities

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Realistically, man, you will face pretty severe racism. As an African generally, but as a Nigerian specifically, you'll need to have a thick, thick skin if you're going to go job hunting in China.


I remember, one time, the Chinese school I worked at was looking for more staff. They told one of my western colleagues "if you know anyone looking for a job, then tell them to come to us. But not if they're black. We don't want the black man."


This attitude was seen as entirely acceptable and they couldn't see why that annoyed my American and British colleagues (we were desperately short staffed at the time, and working more hours than we should have been, but they were turning away qualified applicants for being the wrong colour.) (ED: obviously, it annoyed me too!)


With that said, I did meet a few people from sub-saharan Africa in my time in China, who had worked hard, persisted, and earned the respect of their school and parents, along with building up a steady stream of private students. It can be done. Good luck. I'm sure some there are more, um, qualified people than me on this forum who can give you more practical advice.



This is the truth. Why climb mountains when you van find flat roads to walk elsewhere?These are by far the most racist people I have encountered in my life- at least when it comes to blacks.

11 years 51 weeks ago
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11 years 51 weeks ago
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Realistically, man, you will face pretty severe racism. As an African generally, but as a Nigerian specifically, you'll need to have a thick, thick skin if you're going to go job hunting in China.


I remember, one time, the Chinese school I worked at was looking for more staff. They told one of my western colleagues "if you know anyone looking for a job, then tell them to come to us. But not if they're black. We don't want the black man."


This attitude was seen as entirely acceptable and they couldn't see why that annoyed my American and British colleagues (we were desperately short staffed at the time, and working more hours than we should have been, but they were turning away qualified applicants for being the wrong colour.) (ED: obviously, it annoyed me too!)


With that said, I did meet a few people from sub-saharan Africa in my time in China, who had worked hard, persisted, and earned the respect of their school and parents, along with building up a steady stream of private students. It can be done. Good luck. I'm sure some there are more, um, qualified people than me on this forum who can give you more practical advice.



This is the truth. Why climb mountains when you van find flat roads to walk elsewhere?These are by far the most racist people I have encountered in my life- at least when it comes to blacks.

11 years 51 weeks ago
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11 years 51 weeks ago
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yes you can focus on universities. especially outside of beijing shanghai shenzhen and gz. do the leg work yourself and do not use recruiters.

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11 years 51 weeks ago
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Personally I have met several African and Nigerians who have obtain employment  at private training centers. All seem to be happy enough and without little or no  gripes, unless it is the usual with regards t salary, contracts, which many including  white Caucasian will experience. I guess it just about your manner and how good you sell yourself.

Happy hunting and Good Luck to you.

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11 years 45 weeks ago
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It depends upon the province, these days, and upon local authorities within the province.  Apparently Guangzhou has become really strict about this.  As others have written, this is not an easy process.

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11 years 45 weeks ago
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Possible, yes.


Difficult, yes.


Dig into smaller cities, towns and villages.


If your degree is English or TESOL that will be good.

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11 years 45 weeks ago
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with all the racism going on!!! yeap its difficult not for Nigerians only but for all Africans...and be ready to hear all sorts  of heartbreaking comments... small towns are worse that is what i have experienced....all the best!!

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11 years 24 weeks ago
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Yes, it is possible, but no matter how much you have to suffer to get that job, never, ever give up. The only problems you may have to face are not coming from people who deny your chance for a job, but how you take all this personally. As long as you show secure of yourself, with a high self esteem, the rest it doesn't matter. You will struggle, maybe not, but you need to be strong. I know of a school where there is a teacher from Cameroun. She is of no English Country whatsoever, but she is doing good because she proves to have a high esteem of herself. People will try to belittle you because of your color. So what? You know you are and can be a good teacher, then go for it. 

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11 years 24 weeks ago
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I think looking for a job is particularly difficult in guangdong region, many school don't black teacher, as long as the white foreign teachers, but it is particularly difficult for Nigeria, including their visa problems, it is difficult work to sign, I think that is a problem, the government is also a social problem, let blacks came to China but I don't give jobs to them, only business.Because blacks out a lot of problems in China, the Chinese people are afraid of this is real problem.Because there are many Chinese people to work in Africa or trade, the market is certainly not acceptable, the market should be open, should be how to deal with the problem of black.Is lets them here to survive or escape.


Can I just ask what made you feel so compulsive that you felt that you just had to answer a question that was asked over 3 years ago?? 

8 years 27 weeks ago
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8 years 27 weeks ago
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The OP should spend more time looking for a place to deposit the US$10,000,000 left by his dead auntie and less time looking for teaching jobs in China, in my opinion.


Having a bad Monday?

8 years 27 weeks ago
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Yep, how did you guess?

8 years 27 weeks ago
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8 years 27 weeks ago
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It is definitely possible but be aware that you will face obvious racism and stereotypes that permeate all aspects of Chinese society.


Not ugly violent racism though, more like "sorry we don't hire Black people" without even looking at your qualifications and experience. Also institutionalized racism from the government, you will never, NEVER, become part of this society, you will always be an outsider in the eyes of the local people, just because you look different.


Foreigners need a thick skin to live in China, be they Black, White, Arab or else, Chinese hold very stereotypical views on other races and often think themselves as racially superior to those outsiders, mocking and ridiculing them on a normal basis without anyone around batting an eyelid.


Don't take what they say too seriously, one way to get by is to laugh at their ignorance. For example whenever a local Chinese calls me a White Devil (白鬼子) which is a pejorative term used to describe Foreigners, exist for Black people too (黑鬼子), I will just call them Yellow Devil (黄鬼子) and laugh at it, while they get butthurt. Also it's a no brainer that learning the language will help you a lot to get by and make the experience enjoyable.


TLDR; Don't take China/Chinese or yourself too seriously and have fun, that's about it.

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8 years 27 weeks ago
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