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Q: Marriage Visa ( L )

Dearest.. i married in chongqing with local chongqing girl, for more than 4 years now. i am from Africa.,but 9 months, ago, the PSB start to ask me for Bank statement of my account to support my application for 3 months visa issued to me, but recently, they told me, i must earn 20.000 RMB every months,. which i have no right to work , but only doing little trading ,Means, every 3 months of my visa application i must have balance of 60.000 RMB. which i always beg them each time, but now, they let me know that without the balance of 60.000 RMB they will reject my visa . so, i was wondering, they want to cut my relationship with my wife and ask me to go back to my country with a baseless requirement which i believe is not from top authority. i live with my wife who is a teacher in county with low income. with our daughter who is just 2years 9 month. i would like to know, if this is Chinese law or individual law. also, i would like to know why they want to separate a happy family. also, i would like to know, if African's are not eligeable to married chinese anymore.

11 years 50 weeks ago in  Visa & Legalities - Chongqing

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Just get a legitimate job and apply for a Z visa then you can live and work legally in China 

you can still do your trading on the side

Dont play the Race card in China they don't care if you are Black ,white or Purple with green dots

Get off you Ass and get on with life

Good luck and tell us what happens

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11 years 50 weeks ago
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Why haven't you tried to get a "Z Visa" during the entire four years you have been married? Sounds like she is the breadwinner in the family as anyone who does "little trading" rarely make ends meet.  You think the cops haven't noticed?

Seems to me that  the PSB is doing its job  and making sure that there aren't any freeloaders here in China or at least that they are kept to a minimum.  

You have a wife, you have a daughter. They need your support, so get off your butt and get a legal job, no matter what it is, and be a Man.  Do that  and you wont have any problems with your visa renewal, your family will be intact AND you will enjoy the newfound respect of your wife and friends.

Good luck.

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11 years 50 weeks ago
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if You want to stay on L visa - just keep untouched 60k RMB on You account, that's all

the same rule goes for everyone - or inviting person or company claims that will cover all You expenses, or You have to have money for it

yes, living in China is usually much cheaper then 20k RMB/month
but for example hospital is not free...

if Your wife, while inviting You formally, claimed that will cover all casts - it could solve the case, but embassy/PSB can always ask for mentioned amount if they have a hint that "something may not be OK"

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11 years 50 weeks ago
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Your question is dificult to understand, at least by me,because the way you refer to things  The L visa in China is a tourist visa, there is no marriage visa for China.  Then, a tourist visa can get only two extensions at PSB, and for that you need to have funds to support yourself for the extra time requested, to the tune of 20,000 Rmb/month.  That is requested from all applicants.


Now, because you are married to a Chinese natioinal, you can apply for a residence permit based on that marriage, supplying the documents needed, and it is normally granted first for a 3 to 6months period, and afterwards goes to one year, and after five years it goes to 2 years, and no money required, just pay the indicated fees.  This permit will take over your visa even if it expires, and works like a visa, eventhough is not really one

Now, what are you really requesting?  An extension of your L visa?

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11 years 50 weeks ago
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 I have never heard of this requirment of 20000 rmb or 60000 rmb a month in the bank account before.  This is new to me.    Usually they just let us come here and dont ask no questions about bank account     The goverment has created the problem.   The problem is they are not fair or consistent.  They set standards that they themselves do not keep.  They are always creating laws, changing them, and not following them.   I encourage people not to come here anymore and leave.    As for the comments posted above its not easy for black people or even some white people to get the Z visa.   Yeah, just get off your ass and get the Z visa.   Sounds like a great plan but its not easy as you guys say it is .     Most of the schools and many companies want to hire us but the stupid goverment makes it hard for them to employ us.    To be honest, I think if the foreigners marry Chinese locals they should have more opporunties to get the Z visa.   They shoudl show some leinancy.    The guy has a family and they are going to kick him out if he dont have 60k in the bank account?   Are you serious!   If they dont want so many illegalls over here and they want to solve the problem of some foreingers who are deadbeats than in the beginning they should have required them to have so much in the bank account before they could ever come here the first time and not wait until years later to finally start enforcing and yet at the same time making it harder for us to get z visas.  Even starting a business here is a major obstacle because of all their taxes, rules, regualtions and the rediculous housing prices.   My advice to this guy is to fight it and if they dont bend than go back to Africa and try to find the best opportunity you can and tell everybody in africa and china how rediculous these people are.    The End.

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11 years 24 weeks ago
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It seems a lot but I have heard of such rules for Chinese wanting to go to the UK for "travel".  It's to prove you can support yourself while you are here, and won't be working illegally or freeloading off someone.   

I don't really have anything to add.  You've been here for 4 years, get a Z visa for god's sake.  If you're doing trading you could set up your own company, but it sounds like your not going through the proper channels when trading so I guess that's out of the question.


Honestly man, you need to get your act together and start taking some responsibility for your actions.  You got married and had a kid with a local, you should have made sure you could legally stay here before all this.  If you get sent home it's your own fault.   You seriously need to have a think about the consequences of what you've done, because if you can't get a job and get deported wtf is going to happen to your family?    Just thinking about it makes me mad.   You could have potentially fucked up their lives.   Get your fucking act together and get a real job.    I seriously hope you didn't marry and have a kid just so you could get a visa.....

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11 years 24 weeks ago
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 Let me ask all of you who are calling this guy a deadbeat a question.   If this guy is telling the truth which I believe he is , do you think its reasonable to tell this man he needs 60k rmb in his bank account, or have 20k for each month when most chinese and a great majority of foreigners never spend or need to spend this month per month?    I think this is racists, I am not even black and I can see this.    I have never heard of anyone needing 60k rmb in the bank account for a little  90 tourist visa.   Yeah, i agree the goverment should start requiring people to have money in their bank accounts to do this.   Even in America to stay for  6months its no more than 10k rmb and the prices in America are much higher than here in China.    They are messing with this guy.  How do you know this guy is a deadbeat?    Do you know him oh arrogant ones,  have you walked a mile in his shoes.   You sit here and prejudge like you are Jesus Christ in the flesh.   Yet you never ask the guy why he didnt have the money?   How many of you can boast you are making enough to put away 20k a month!       The End


The "you need 60K" is a polite way of them saying the same thing everyone here is saying. If he has a family here and he's been here for 4 years, he shouldn't still be applying for a tourist visa. They are pretty much saying "fuck off it's been four years, what the hell are you doing with your life". It's not racist, they could flat out deny him one! Get off your high horse and look at the problem objectively. The PSB have the power to turn him away straight away but they haven't. I agree 20K a month is a lot, and so what he should do is get a real job and a Z visa! How the hell are you defending him? He should have checked all this out before settling down here. Let me ask you seen as though we're all arrogant idiots, do YOU seriously think this guy could stay in China for the rest of his life (or however long he plans) on a toursit visa, renewing it every 3 months? Seriously? And p.s. stop saying "The End" like your the authoritative voice on everything.

11 years 24 weeks ago
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He is right. When i was in Yiwu, after i changed my F visa to L, because I was already married to my wife and trying to get residence permit, they require at least 25k rmb for month when i asked for visa extension. And there was finally no way to get residence permit in Yiwu, unless me or my wife own some property, means house. Sure, we have 2 milion rmb to buy house there. If we have, we will move out of china and have a nice life anywhere else :D 

But the PSB demand is like this, when you extend L visa. for every one. 

11 years 24 weeks ago
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11 years 24 weeks ago
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