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Q: Moving from Shanghai to Beijing

So, my husband and I are moving to Beijing at the end of August and I thought it would be a good idea to get some insider perspective.


I am currently studying Chinese in Shanghai (have been here almost nine months, and will be here for two more), and will be moving to Beijing for work.  A change from student life to full-time work life will be pretty big,  let alone moving to another city. i have previously visited Beijing on a number of occasions (including an extended stay during Chinese New Year), but visiting and living are quite different. I want to know what life can be like in Beijing, particularly for a young couple - have any of you done a similar move from Shanghai to Beijing? if so, did you bring stuff with you from Shanghai, and if so, how? i don't have a lot to bring with me, and i was just thinking of mailing it, but want to look into other options. Beijing doesn't always have the greatest reputation, but im hoping to hear from people who live there, or have lived there, to tell me what keeps you there, what you like the most about Beijing, etc. 


From discussions with the company I'll be working with, i am most likely going to be working in the Wanliu (my husband's job isn't secured yet, so we don't know where he might be working). I am not familiar with the districts of Beijing, so if anyone has information about area, such as what apartment rentals are like, shopping, recreational, and such, that would be great. 

11 years 18 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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Hi Izzy, I've been living in Beijing for many years and despite complaining a lot, something keeps me here. I think it's the culture, hutongs and buzzing music scene. I aso really love northern Chinese food. Beijing does suffer from bad air quality, but when the smog clears and a blue sky takes over, the city honestly turns into a beautiful, charming place especially in late Spring when everything is green and it's just the right temperature to sit outside while sipping on a beer and eating lamb skewers. I'm personally a big fan of live music and Beijing is the best place in China to enjoy it. There's been an explosion of music bars, big and small, in recent years and the Gulou area also has some of the cosiest bars and roof terraces around.


As for your work area, I've never heard of wanliu. Are you sure that's the correct name? Is it a building name perhaps? The best areas to live as a foreigner are either Chaoyang District or Dongcheng District. Don't move to Haidian District - it's an area of dull, grey concrete, office blocks and no culture whatsoever. It'll such your soul dry.

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11 years 18 weeks ago
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SInce coming here I've seen the growth of shopping malls. Heck there is even a shopping mall; several shopping malls across the street from where I stay. The rentals can vary but if you want to get a decent place you are probably looking at 3500 to 4000 rmb a month. There is one place close to where I stay that has a swimming pool, tennis courts at the apartment complex. 


For recreational activities you can go to the parks. If you want to do something more extreme they have trekking to the mountains close to where I work at. You can also go to the parks and rent a small boat to ride on the lake that they have. There is an amusement park here called Happy Valley and another one called Bajiao amusement park. I've been to Happy Valley and it's not too bad. My favorite ride is the water ride! 


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11 years 18 weeks ago

There are cookies, bookies and too many rookies for me to sit here trying to be a hooky! Looky Looky don't call me a wooky. Touchy Touchy Feely Feely Spicy Spicy Nicey Nicey & that's what the doctor Ordered!!

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