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Q: (Much) higher expectation for performances JUST because you ain't Mainlanders?

My boss said I have to perform much a lot better than the mainlanders as I got paid times more than them.


Better go back to home if I wanna be a normal person?




Does your boss have (much) higher expectation for your performances JUST because you ain't Mainlanders?


11 years 40 weeks ago in  Business & Jobs - Shenzhen

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Oh give me a break this is more of a stereotype than anything else. I have never heard of this before. If you are teaching english or doing something that is more familiar to you then other employers of course more higher expectations will be presented your way!


If you've never heard of it before how can you also call it a stereotype? Duh. 

11 years 40 weeks ago
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11 years 40 weeks ago
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I told my boss off once because they were lumping far more work on me. I said "You have an office full of people sleeping at their desks, get one of them to do this" she tried to deny people sleep at their desks, so I opened the door and pointed to one. She never put more work on me after that.

They are masters at trying to get others to do their work for them.


"They....................................them." Yes, that's called laziness.

11 years 40 weeks ago
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11 years 40 weeks ago
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I am more than 100% agree with the questioner, the same thing is with me..I want to work more and more because after all it will increase my ability, knowledge and skill..the hell..the problem is that they only gibe responsibility authority..i do not know why..

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11 years 40 weeks ago
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As a boss, if I was paying someone a lot more than anyone else, I would expect that person to turn the same % of profit as any of my other workers.


Otherwise, that highly paid person better have skills that make them a useful commodity.  But it all comes down to profit vs price.

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11 years 40 weeks ago
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can only do so much, and as long as you are getting things done to the best of your ability, then that is all the boss gets........  can always say NO, to additional work......we all have options..........  just QUIT,  if the boss demands too much .......  of course if you are a slacker, that's another story.

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11 years 40 weeks ago
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i think it has more to do with the fact that you come from outside of  chinese culture. so you should be a more competent worker. you should not be a lazy lima bean who just goes to work to sleep and use qq. you should actually know how to do things as opposed to just having certifications that say you can. in my experience, employers always take advantage of employees who are more hard working. many simply do not want the hassle of dealing with their employees how will try to manipulate their way out of doing the work.

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11 years 40 weeks ago
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well,Almost All bosses are greedy .

So,you can not blame them.

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11 years 39 weeks ago
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It sounds like they want you to do more because you're paid more, not just because you're  not a mainlander. It sounds like you have experience and or skills they need. Is the work worth your pay? Only you can answer that. 


I agree with crimochina - some people here seem to get paid to sleep, QQ and Taobao all day, but maybe you are paid well enough to avoid that rut.


Are you paid well enough to do the work? 

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11 years 39 weeks ago
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