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Q: is my cat Chinese?

I'm taking him home to Canada and I'm wondering if he'll have trouble socializing with the Canadian cats, since he's already been indoctrinated here. Are Chinese cat bodies different? He likes to drink warm water.

8 years 39 weeks ago in  Family & Kids - China

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You mean that your cat will roam the streets going "miaoooooow" every time it sees a Canadian cat then run away laughing in the opposite direction? Or shout "waiguomao" in cat language every time it sees a Canadian counterpart? Does your cat do a dump in the street rather than digging a hole and burying it like other cats?


isn't the correct wording "MAAAAAAOOOOOO" ? 

8 years 39 weeks ago
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8 years 39 weeks ago
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You mean that your cat will roam the streets going "miaoooooow" every time it sees a Canadian cat then run away laughing in the opposite direction? Or shout "waiguomao" in cat language every time it sees a Canadian counterpart? Does your cat do a dump in the street rather than digging a hole and burying it like other cats?


isn't the correct wording "MAAAAAAOOOOOO" ? 

8 years 39 weeks ago
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8 years 39 weeks ago
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The School campus here is full of cats. Campus looks like park with loads of flowers and some 10 cats, who aren't that afraid of the students.

One comes up the stairs, and beg for the food when hungry, or rests in the middle of the stairs. When she's on the stairs during the break, students walk up and down, and she just rests. She doesn't run away. I find it very funny.

She called me 'waiguo' only once, and I replied 'ni shi waiguo', so everybody on Campus is careful now, when talking in Chinese to/about me.


Back in EU, I knew dog (Irish Setter&Cocker Spaniel mix), who had to move to a different language area because his owner passed. New owner had to speak to a dog in dog's (human) native language', because dog wouldn't understand anything spoken in new language.

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8 years 39 weeks ago
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Yes...his prior indoctrination makes him unable to grasp open western culture and critical comes out easily when in a social alcohol consuming environment.

Rote memory and CCP apologetics does not go over well at a Canadian dinner party.

Sorry dude.

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8 years 39 weeks ago
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Canadian cats might think he's weird and paranoid, what with him always going on about how people want to skin him and eat him.

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8 years 39 weeks ago
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Cats are not racist. You cat is a first class world citizen. 


Unlike people, cats are allowed to put their feet on the toilet set, this is why it is impossible to tell their ethnic roots. 

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8 years 39 weeks ago
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I have no idea what you are worried about. Canada is more socialist than China.  Your indoctrinated cat will have his eyes opened when he sees real democratic socialism at work.


I hope you set him up with a Miowbo account so he can share his experiences with his feline friends Smile

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8 years 32 weeks ago
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i started wondering if my cat was Chinese too. I looked deeply into its eyes…
In its reply, I heard praise of Mao! My cat chanted the Chairman's name!
It then pretended to be my friend, but I know the cat only stays for personal gain. Just because it's a cute, cuddly pussy, we let cats get away with too much mischief.
There is the obsession with meat, especially "strange" meat I wouldn't consider tasty.
And just sitting around being useless on a professional level.
Also, the authorities are concerned about excessive births, and may even recommend neutering.

I have to ask the profound question, though: Are cats Chinese-y, or are Chinese catty?

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8 years 31 weeks ago
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forget the kitty litter and put a bin next to the toilet
and the hair balls ....well that's your problem

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8 years 31 weeks ago
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