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Q: New Tax Laws & Part Timers, what it means for you! (Also my 2 cents on the Exit ban for U.S Guys.)

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Hi Guys!

Long time no post, that means the new visa laws are working so well, not good, but wonderfully, so I haven't had to really post anything unit today.


So lets get on to it: New Tax Law & Part time workers on Business Visa's & Q visa's.


I know probably a lot of you only skimmed through the new tax law thinking to yourself, "This won't affect me, I'm on a Biz visa or Q visa." Well WRONG! Dangerously wrong.


If you are a freelance worker on a Biz visa or Q visa (Resident Family permit visa) then a few things can happen to you, I'll make it simple:


1. If you have over 5000 RMB in the bank and you DON'T have a legal working visa then your China bank will be frozen and they'll investigate how you earned anything over 5000 RMB and why it wasn't taxed. No you can't pay tax working illegally like they do in the U.S..


2. For all of us legal or illegally working in China that has over 5000 RMB in or transferred to you from an Alipay or Wechat scan or contact into your Wechat or Alipay Wallet will be frozen for investigation, in some cases can be unfrozen. So how do must part timers get paid? By wechat!


3. For legal workers, like myself I have 3 banks, if my other two banks "that are NOT my main salary account" have over 5000 in the bank, then it will be frozen for investigation. So #2 applies to us too if we worked or did extra jobs at other companies or teach outside like say at a parents house. If they transfer to us by wechat / Alipay or to other banks anything over 5000 will be frozen.


I use to roll my eyes at stuff like this 5 years ago, but not anymore, what they say they will do! It is what I’m seeing in real life and daily life nowadays. I laughed at the idea of AI cameras, but now they are everywhere in Shenzhen, they are round small basketball sized with a square shaped lens. (Hint: I'll be back!)


Now on to the Exit ban:


I'm an American, and yes yes, I know the level was raised to #2 but as long as you have the proper visa and have done nothing wrong than there is nothing to worry about. It's not China's style to come after us, no, they are not like this, only the stereo type media lovers make us think that they are and us low time normal everyday workers are NOT the target. So don't worry about this, we'll all be fine.


Happy New Years Guys. I'm still loving the new visa, its great that it lets us book train tickets and a few other features. Going to the PBS for a new visa is so easy now.  Love the ABC Card!

5 years 37 weeks ago in  Visa & Legalities - China

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It’s 50,000 RMB, not 5000! Lots of crappy rumors circulating st the moment. 


Better check the government translated version, here's the link, wish it was 50k, but doesn't seem to be:

5 years 37 weeks ago
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I heard that too, but no one can point to a link that says 50k as far as i've seen. 5k does seem like a low amount....expecially when talking about a foreigners salary. Unless its just an excuse to check all foreigners.

5 years 37 weeks ago
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Lots of rumors. Here is the proof. Mike with your official version and the other one with its own other version of the news. We're in China and this is how it works. With the laws under their noses, the officers wouldn't know how to explain it although it is there black on white. However this it goes, I find this country the Orwelian lab where once experimented, all sort of social engineering  endeavors are world widely applied later on. It makes sense afterall since all these tools related to money are hitting strong at human rights and freedom and help in the best way to enforce the mass control. I may sound too skeptical about the future of the Humanity's freedom. We're slowly like frogs boiled, lured like preys in the social engineering mutations to which all these social media serve so excellently it's own goal: end of Freedom. We are being duped today with not even a glimpse of the Freedom, we are given a fake meaning of it and we're being swallowed by a system which had decided our near future. Worst of all is that people are mass brain washed already and for money, they will give up willingly on their Freedom. This is not only in China, although here whatever other countries never succeeded or hoped to succeed is being brought to reality so effectively and so surrealistic. The way China excells at least this technological and social revolution would surprise and make gelous the very fathers of the Comunism, the very despots and tyrans throughout the Human's history and Orwell would feel sorry he was right. 

People in China conjugate their daily lives in the wechat way. They have given up their lives on this tool this able and powerful to the point that one strike would lead to the seizure of their bank account and away from their social life. In the best case the wechat is blocked. The worst case is when they seize their bank account. They are doomed to the social oblivion, pushed in the darkness and taken away the resources of their own sustaint. Here, in China, Descartes would be shocked at how Dubbito Ergo Cogito reverberates in a rather weird way since these people are so challenged and consumed at thinking. Instead "I wechat therefore I am" fits perfectly the masses so vulgalr looked upon by a system sound and perfectly fine tuned to enforce the ever control over them despots and tyrans dreamt of throughout history. 


Dumbnessness and laziness has been fueled at the strike of evert click and encouraged to stop thinking since for that there is this outstanding tool which from the classic Internet has misteriously metamorphosized into the new being called A.I able to guess our wishes, able to choose for us and decide instead which, what and without any explanations any further. 


Like cattle to the slaughters the path to the loss of our Freedom is so smoothly and entertaingly secured, finding joy and pleasure at not thinking and leaving that value of us humans to be handled by the aleatory judgement of the digital platforms, its programming language and its derivative outcome that is the Artificial Inteligence. 


Why should I keep thinking when it is so funny and entertaining not to think anymore? Let the system decide for me, let the tools able to magically guess my thoughts decide my wishes for today, choose and deliver the dishes to entice my senses and fill in my apetite and bellies at a simple strike of the keyboard. Lazy and dumb as we have become, we're being boiled slow and surely. How lazy,lazy, stupid and fools we've become is measured by how this social media resources have made their ways this deep into our lives and manage us from within our fears of loss of our daily sustaint. 


No offenses intended, only my two cents. 

5 years 36 weeks ago
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Better check the government translated version, here's the link, wish it was 50k, but doesn't seem to be:

5 years 36 weeks ago
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5 years 37 weeks ago
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Bump. Sorry for the mess above, just scroll till you see where I started my post.


What do you use to post?  I see windows, but it's imposible to edit it. 


Get good puter!

5 years 37 weeks ago
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Chrome Book. yeah its messy

5 years 37 weeks ago
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5 years 37 weeks ago
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In an earlier post it was hypothesised that only half the foreign teachers had legal work visas. I guess this new tax law will ensure that those without the proper paperwork won't be here for much longer. Afterall; why would a person continue to work for free. I can see a couple of things happening. If schools really want a foreign teacher, will they pay more. And what about the recruiting companies that make a profit sending FTs to schools. Life continues to get interesting


It will get interesting, and the part time side workers will have to be paid in cash rather wechat or bank transfers or companies will need to send it to ther accounts. IF VIPkids can do that why not a training center too, who knows. If I know the underground world of teachers they will find away around this, well some of them. I agree with your point of view rather than my own, just looking at all options.

5 years 37 weeks ago
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Lotsa options:  

1. Pay whomever in cash (personal note: I like it anyway to help the workin' stiff beat state taxation)

2.  guanxi


* ok,,, maybe not a lot,,, but two sound options

5 years 37 weeks ago
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I dont think it will make much of a difference to people working without a proper visa. Most cant get a bank account now anyway and most have the option to get paid in cash. So its not hard to get around.

5 years 37 weeks ago
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all wechat accounts are monitored and money moving and spending on wechat more than taxable salary will flag further review. It's going to get ugly real fast.

5 years 36 weeks ago
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5 years 37 weeks ago
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It’s 50,000 RMB, not 5000! Lots of crappy rumors circulating st the moment. 


Better check the government translated version, here's the link, wish it was 50k, but doesn't seem to be:

5 years 37 weeks ago
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I heard that too, but no one can point to a link that says 50k as far as i've seen. 5k does seem like a low amount....expecially when talking about a foreigners salary. Unless its just an excuse to check all foreigners.

5 years 37 weeks ago
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Lots of rumors. Here is the proof. Mike with your official version and the other one with its own other version of the news. We're in China and this is how it works. With the laws under their noses, the officers wouldn't know how to explain it although it is there black on white. However this it goes, I find this country the Orwelian lab where once experimented, all sort of social engineering  endeavors are world widely applied later on. It makes sense afterall since all these tools related to money are hitting strong at human rights and freedom and help in the best way to enforce the mass control. I may sound too skeptical about the future of the Humanity's freedom. We're slowly like frogs boiled, lured like preys in the social engineering mutations to which all these social media serve so excellently it's own goal: end of Freedom. We are being duped today with not even a glimpse of the Freedom, we are given a fake meaning of it and we're being swallowed by a system which had decided our near future. Worst of all is that people are mass brain washed already and for money, they will give up willingly on their Freedom. This is not only in China, although here whatever other countries never succeeded or hoped to succeed is being brought to reality so effectively and so surrealistic. The way China excells at least this technological and social revolution would surprise and make gelous the very fathers of the Comunism, the very despots and tyrans throughout the Human's history and Orwell would feel sorry he was right. 

People in China conjugate their daily lives in the wechat way. They have given up their lives on this tool this able and powerful to the point that one strike would lead to the seizure of their bank account and away from their social life. In the best case the wechat is blocked. The worst case is when they seize their bank account. They are doomed to the social oblivion, pushed in the darkness and taken away the resources of their own sustaint. Here, in China, Descartes would be shocked at how Dubbito Ergo Cogito reverberates in a rather weird way since these people are so challenged and consumed at thinking. Instead "I wechat therefore I am" fits perfectly the masses so vulgalr looked upon by a system sound and perfectly fine tuned to enforce the ever control over them despots and tyrans dreamt of throughout history. 


Dumbnessness and laziness has been fueled at the strike of evert click and encouraged to stop thinking since for that there is this outstanding tool which from the classic Internet has misteriously metamorphosized into the new being called A.I able to guess our wishes, able to choose for us and decide instead which, what and without any explanations any further. 


Like cattle to the slaughters the path to the loss of our Freedom is so smoothly and entertaingly secured, finding joy and pleasure at not thinking and leaving that value of us humans to be handled by the aleatory judgement of the digital platforms, its programming language and its derivative outcome that is the Artificial Inteligence. 


Why should I keep thinking when it is so funny and entertaining not to think anymore? Let the system decide for me, let the tools able to magically guess my thoughts decide my wishes for today, choose and deliver the dishes to entice my senses and fill in my apetite and bellies at a simple strike of the keyboard. Lazy and dumb as we have become, we're being boiled slow and surely. How lazy,lazy, stupid and fools we've become is measured by how this social media resources have made their ways this deep into our lives and manage us from within our fears of loss of our daily sustaint. 


No offenses intended, only my two cents. 

5 years 36 weeks ago
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Better check the government translated version, here's the link, wish it was 50k, but doesn't seem to be:

5 years 36 weeks ago
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5 years 37 weeks ago
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It seems some stuff will add to your tax allowance. For example , up to 5k I think on mortgage interest and 2k if you have a pensioner in your house.

Education is also covered in tax relief that can be claimed.

I see this new law as a way to get ppl to pay tax.

Beacause if tax payers can claim tax relief, just wait til they all start demanding tax fapio. Companies will need to register to pay tax. Same with landlords, english schools etc.


When the gravy train of trade tariffs falls to zero, then you have to tax your citizens that have been a getting a free ride from the west to pay for everything. It was going to happen sooner of later. Trump just sped up the plan by a decade or two.

5 years 36 weeks ago
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CHina has a very porous border, getting out if you really need to is not a problem.

5 years 36 weeks ago
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Huh? You do understand how tarrifs work Ambi?

5 years 36 weeks ago
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I know how they work, but other countries are not going to stand around and let you get rich and prosper at their expense forever and the money dries up and than you have to use consumption taxes. America lived with out income taxes, strictly on tariffs until 1913, nothing grandiose has changed about how money is collected and allocated. It's a great system for a foreigner working here because our taxes are really low compared to other countries for employment, but I never expected this to last forever.

5 years 36 weeks ago
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Update, I went the BOC today (The Bank Of China). They know me very well as I buy dollars all the time for sending home to pay bills, My friend cathy works there and speak perfect english, i sat for 40 minutes and I can confirm that this is NOT a rumor. If this isn't my salary account and I have over 5000 I gotta have proof that I paid taxes on it.

You guys can walk into your China bank too and ask yourself.


Again this isn't a rumor.


Someone posted a link today saying the tax ppl are speaking to the port ppl. If you owe tax they wont let you out.

5 years 36 weeks ago
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Imagine finding out at the airport that the taxes the school assured you were being deducted from your salary were actually going into someone's pocket.


It wouldn't be the first time that has happened but now it seems there's a chance you could get done at the airport for it. Good luck dealing with your dodgy ex-employer who doesn't want to know you anymore and trying to sort that mess out.

5 years 36 weeks ago
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Good point Stiggs.

5 years 36 weeks ago
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Ok all, I was mixing up reports. The 50,000 (50K) I’d read about was related to WeChat & Alipay transfers.




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5 years 36 weeks ago
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Would leaving China with a wad of cash be a problem? Cheaper that way for me to leave with my cash then using a ATM card in my country to empty my Chinese account.  


Wad of 10k RMB is legal exit China amount ....

5 years 36 weeks ago
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I think most countries have a restriction on how much cash you can bring into a country too. Or maybe you just have to declare it if it's over a certain amount I don't remember.


But yeah what icnif said..... It would really suck if you tried to take your money home and got it conviscated at Beijing airport.

5 years 36 weeks ago
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My best thingy was China Merchant Bank Visa/Mc ATM card. I am not sure if Gold account at CMB is still available to laowai, but you could run card at purchases abroad and conversion rate applied on the account was 'spot-rate', i.e. the lowest exchange rate/Bank to bank rate!

So, have a peek at CMB if you can still open Gold account with Visa/Mc logo... and exit China with just CMB ATM card in the pocket.

5 years 36 weeks ago
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I dont have a bank account,give my money to my wife,she saves and pays the bills.


same here, closed the bank accounts 3 years ago, my salary is taxed under her name, it would never benefit me anyway and the money is not needed by myself, so it works for the moment.

5 years 36 weeks ago
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Problem with that Rob comes if you want to apply for a visa for your wife to go to blighty. When the wife was doing her visa last year she got talking to a Chinese woman applying at the visa center. They kept in touch, and the woman was refused. She is married to a brit, have a baby son together, but refused cos no pay slips. Plenty of money going into her wechat every month. But no payslips to account for it means no visa.

5 years 36 weeks ago
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Why would England, or America, or any other country reject a visa for not paying Chinese taxes?

5 years 36 weeks ago
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Because non payment of Chinese tax indicates casual work and high risk of visa overstay. Chinese have to prove they have a need to return home to China. So payslips required. 10 years or so ago they also needed a letter from their employer granting permission to leave China. My wife needed that for her first UK tourist visa.

5 years 36 weeks ago
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Hi2u. When my wife, who does not work, done her UK visa last year she needed my payslips, my bank statements, her bank statements to balance my withdrawls v her deposits. I even had to produce my Chinese employment contract, our mortgage docs and our health insurance stuff. She and daughter were going to UK without me. In fact, I even had to do an invite letter from my sister in Scotland to say they would be staying with her. Because as soon as she passes imigration in the UK she could just vanish.. go work illegally somewhere, and claim asylum perhaps if caught. People who cant prove they pay tax in their home country might not be trusted with a visa for the UK. Wechat money without pay slips could come from drug dealing or any other criminal activity.

5 years 36 weeks ago
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Just to add. In the case of my wife, they have to be extra vigilent because our daughter has a certificate of entitlement in her Chinese passport. That means UK border control cannot deny our daughter entry to the UK. If border control denied entry to my wife, it would leave them in a rather sticky situation.

5 years 36 weeks ago
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I want you to put on your calendars that first news on tax changes in China came out of my library ... i.e. you'll pay ...! 


China's Uber Wealthy Are Preparing For $24 Trillion Tax Raid


People like to complain that China has abandoned its Communist values in favor of state-directed capitalism. But in at least one way, the rulers of the world's second-largest economy are adhering to the prescriptions of Karl Marx - with a burdensome progressive income tax.




    How is that for a joke when China doesn't respect property and seizes back by the end of a 70 years -under the best perspective conditions - or at the end of a 50 years the property being sold to its citizens?


    The absurdity and joke played on the tenants is not under my doubts just now, rather the arrogance to inflict on the citizens taxes on something which by nature of the giving and taking it back denies any meaning of a property.


    It's pure and savage madness where lack of logic is the rule of all this predatory system. Imagine Chinese people struggling to pay the mortgages to the bank at the knowledge that by the end of 70 years they will have to give back the property, however dully paid it was with the option of extention of the same contract for another 70 years on the condition that they must pay again something which was religiously paid throughout their lives.


    Doesn't that make you nurture the hope that you should never fail to live that long to see the day at elder age when you won't be able to pay for the house anymore and risk to end up homeless all of a sudden? Or is it that very thought which ironically is smiled under the breath by the tenants the moment they sign for this mockery? 


    It's creepy, sadistic, a terrible joke all at once already. The cynicism this time reaches creative a play: the tenants of a house must pay taxes on...their property? What property?




    Further down the road, China is preparing to introduce a property tax law that could go into effect as soon as 2020. Though the tax rate and the details remain unclear, the prospects of the tax has caused people with multiple apartments to worry and made properties a less desirable investment tool, EY’s Mi said


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