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Sign up with Google Sign up with FacebookQ: Nobody is answering my questions in the chat
I have reached out after I have made an application and sent a message in the chat. It says 'unread' . I have not received an single hit on a job application. I know that I meet 100% of the criteria the employers are asking for. I need to know what is the problem?
3 years 17 weeks ago in Teaching & Learning - Tianjin
Welcome to China
You won't get any response unless they want you.
This is normal.
You should just get used to it if you want to work in China.
Welcome to China
You won't get any response unless they want you.
This is normal.
You should just get used to it if you want to work in China.
Chinese borders remained closed ... it might be one of the reasons.
Many Training mills in China got closed/prohibited a month ago ... could be another one.
Chinese employers don't reply with "Thank you for your application, but ..." as the Western employers do.
If Chinese employer cannot place you to the advertised job for this or that reason, they will just move on to the another applicant.
As I was working in China, I would advise:
"Never mind for no replies to your application. Don't stop sending your CV until you receive one or two invitations for an interview ... " with 'Good luck' wishes in the end.
I'd say, that still applies at looking for the job position in China, so keep sending your CV ...
Good luck!
Also review your CV and Letter of motivation, aside from all my previous echinacities fellows replied to your question. It may help you. Try a cross refferencing to Letter of Motication and CV fro the specialists and see what it may entice the employer to reply to you. My 2 cents, only. All the best, in your pursuit.
It may also depend on what job you are looking for. If it is highly specialized, you may have to wait longer. If you are a teacher, i am surprised you do not have recruiters contacting you. Have you made your CV visiable on echinacities, or is it hidden?
There are various economic factors at play too, beyond the governmental policies of tihtening against foreigners. If you are outside of China currently, you may have to wait until the 2022 Beijing Olympics when they will open their borders again.
Again, it would really help if you told us what job field you are applying to. You say that you meet all of the visa requirements set forth by the government, so that should not be a problem.