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Q: This one takes the cake, wouldn't you agree?

Today while I was fixing a problem with my computer a 13 year old boy started hitting another 13 year old boy five times really hard on the back.


When I looked up he looked straight at me and made a gesture like, "yeah, what are you going to do about it?"


I simply pointed to the camera above me and said that in my whole life I'd never expected that it was possible for another human being to be so incredibly stupid and that he was beyond help.


I took him to the office and said to the head teacher that I wanted them to watch the video of my class and then try to offer me a better explanation as to how such a thing can occur than my view that the kid was some kind of ape who'd been strategically shaved when someone's real kid died a few years ago and the family didn't want to give up on receiving the government money.


13 years old and the camera was pointing directly at him!

9 years 28 weeks ago in  Teaching & Learning - China

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How dare you bring to light the fact that a Chinese BOY is anything other than obviously a far superior entity than anything in existence!?  That boy is not cruel, he is simply toughening the other boy up! You don't understand anything! This is China where we are never wrong even when we kill our husband and ourselves by backing up in a garage (seriously the most retarded thing I have EVER heard of... true story look it up on Chinasmack) or block ambulances from saving others on purpose, so they die!


We are all demi-gods from the mighty Han people! You better just learn to respect our godliness and fast! 






Careful, they don't understand irony 

9 years 28 weeks ago
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9 years 28 weeks ago
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Not saying the kid isn't incredibly stupid and beyond help, but he has nothing on the guys you see pretty regularly online trying to break into an ATM with a brick or something, and  several good cameras recording every detail of their uncovered faces.


Yeah who would expect to see security cameras in a bank?




I guess he's predestined.


They use that plexi-glass don't they?


There is a semi-famous writer in NZ who wrote something controversial and woke up one morning to find a man lying dead on his front lawn about 15 metres away from his living room window.


Turns out the guy hurled a brick at the plexi-glass, it rebounded, flew back and killed the guy.


Moral of the story, if you have plexi-glass, get up and take the rubbish out before your kids get up just in case they wind up traumatised from seeing a dead body on the front lawn.


Darwin's revenge.

9 years 28 weeks ago
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He'll probably mature and move on to the ATMs. I don't know what they're made of but I do know they're not easily broken into by an idiot off the street.


Who was the author? Did he write anything good?

9 years 28 weeks ago
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No. It was an article about how the Treaty of Waitangi is a crock of shit and that the attempts by Maori people to suck money out of practically everything they can means the courts should consider them vexatious litigants.


The reason I say no is because lots of people think this, he just put pen to paper and had it published.


He used to be an MP and a mayor of a small North Island city. His name is Michael Laws.

9 years 28 weeks ago
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I like the fact that most classrooms have cameras in China, we don't in Germany (or at least didn't when I was at school).


Still even with video proof, in some cases if the kid's parents are well connected they can get away with everything like hitting another kid in the backbone resulting in paralyzing or stabbing a pencil in his eye and making him blind.


This is China, a disgusting country where people with the right connections get away with murder.


The biggest lie I have heard about China: Chinese students are well behaved and respect their teachers.


I agree as that is the biggest lie , I just would take it one step further-  the lie that they respect their family/parents.  the reason I say this is how can a student let their parent/s go off to work each day and suffer the 10+ hour day common in the MK workplace to provide them with an education that they did not have the opportunity to receive yet sit in a classroom and pay close to Zero attention and/or even lay their heads down as if to sleep?  I am not speaking of an isolated, one-off episode, I am speaking off continuous determined behavior. Nor am I speaking of young children in whom perhaps it could be understood.

 * I am definitely viewing things thru Western eyes and perhaps my concept of 'respect for one's parents' is a bit different than the Chinese norm.  

9 years 28 weeks ago
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The day before I took a group of boys outside to teach them how to play rugby.


They didn't listen to me explain the rules and just started playing gridiron very badly, dropping almost every pass which all of which seemed to be directed upward rather than outward.


One boy flew at me leading with his knees, one of which clashed with the side of one of my right knee which now has bruising. I had to stop the game when another boy started kicking and punching a kid who he had pinned on the ground and once the kid got up he started kicking the other one in the back.


Whenever I go out to watch the kids on the playground there's always someone whose been hurt and the accident is never caused by someone slipping over or tripping but almost always by someone nutting off and hitting someone or doing those dirty slide tackles that footballers use. Another kid elbow fended a boy in his neck right in front of me. It was really sickening to see.


These guys must have the shittiest dads in the world because they're already rotten opportunists before they reach the fabled age of reason.

9 years 28 weeks ago
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9 years 28 weeks ago
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students never get bad grades, you must be a bad teacher, nobody ever commits a crime, they must have been temporarily crazy at the time, no responsibility for any action, just excuses, and these people think they can rule the world.


sir, may i use your words in my profiles ? Thanks

9 years 28 weeks ago
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It's so funny how they do the tests again when students fail, and I mean the same tests so they already know the questions and can check the answers beforehand. Here lies the reason why everyone think that Chinese students are the best, the tuth is they aren't and the vast majority fail really hard when they go to study overseas. I know teachers who were blamed for being teachers, because they didn't pass everyone, "there are no bad students, only bad teachers" BS.

9 years 28 weeks ago
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yes nessquick, copy to the profile, after all every one copies in china, lol, be a roman with my good graces.

9 years 28 weeks ago
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9 years 28 weeks ago
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How dare you bring to light the fact that a Chinese BOY is anything other than obviously a far superior entity than anything in existence!?  That boy is not cruel, he is simply toughening the other boy up! You don't understand anything! This is China where we are never wrong even when we kill our husband and ourselves by backing up in a garage (seriously the most retarded thing I have EVER heard of... true story look it up on Chinasmack) or block ambulances from saving others on purpose, so they die!


We are all demi-gods from the mighty Han people! You better just learn to respect our godliness and fast! 






Careful, they don't understand irony 

9 years 28 weeks ago
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9 years 28 weeks ago
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And it moves up into university with them 


my wife is a professor at large university.

has two students that routinely are absent 

one came back and said " I had to work, so will be back soon"


my answer " kick him out, fail him" done

her answer " I cannot because then he will give me a bad review to university head"


basically means I have to graduate the little shit no matter what , or risk the parents and school attacking me 


spoiled little kids  !!


of course the fallout of all this special treatment for kids is that they have no idea about work, applying themselves or dealing with life.

china  will undo itself eventually , guess that means more jobs for us foreigners here haha

besides we need people to run convenience stores , restaurants and laundry places back home

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9 years 28 weeks ago
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The previous poster makes an interesting point that illustrates exactly why China will be unable to reach the top tier of the world's cultures. They have nothing to offer. Western countries breed creativity and innovation, even Asian countries such as Korea and Japan. You could argue that the Saudis can afford to have this attitude. They have oil. But no other nation can prosper if they put face before true knowledge. Knowledge and education are the hallmarks of a great culture. It is the backbone of a strong nation. The CCP is in a catch 22 situation. They feel they can't afford to give their students free exploration of knowledge for fear that they will discover that the "king has no clothes". On the other hand, it's quite evident that if they don't change the academics, they can progress no more. China's 30 year "boost" (coming from cheap labor and large population) in economic growth is coming to an end. They no longer have anything real to sustain it. Unless they take the pursuit of knowledge seriously, they will have nothing to offer anyone except cheap copies.

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9 years 28 weeks ago
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Sounds like a nightmare. I now see where some of your bitterness comes from. You're on the front lines having to "educate" some of these gremlins who have never been taught any kind of discipline in their life...  And they're lumped right in there with better ones.  If I wanted a work visa there's no way I'd take a job that included teaching children that age. No way. I don't have the patience for it. 


Unfortunately in my country (Good ole US of A) if you go down to the poor areas / ghettos / boondocks you'll see them overrun on a much larger scale with the same spectacle. And these types are all given a pass in society, too - going on to the next grade, being allowed to make far lower scores than normal to get into universities and play sports, bring "glory" to the school ect. 

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9 years 28 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77