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Q: phone banking password, what exactly is?

Hi everybody, 


I have a Great Wall BOC debit card. I am trying to register to Online Banking. I am required to input a "Phone banking password" but I just don't get what is what. I went to the BOC on Friday and specifically asked for Online Banking. Thus, I was given an 8 digits password on this purpose. Is my phone number the so called  Phone banking password, or any part of my my phone number I registered my debit card with at BOC? 

Has any of you experienced this issue? Please let me know and many thanks in advance for any answer. 

11 years 25 weeks ago in  Money & Banking - China

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hi Jeaniacob

Your phone number is not the Phone Banking password.


Phone Banking and Online Banking are two separate services, however when a customer goes to open Online Banking, the bank always tries to let the customer open Phone Banking Service too, which actually should just be(or is) an option that you can say yes or no.


Phone Banking is a service that you can manage your money through phone call with a certain number of the bank. 

Phone Banking password, Online Banking password can be the same or different. Your choice.

For the sake of security, phone number shouldn't be used as password.


But I wonder why"you were given an 8 digits password" on the purpose of opening Online Banking? It's supposed to be set by yourself.  Whatever. remember to change it that only known to you.


Thank you for all the encouragement and supports that you give me.






ohChina, thanks for your replying indeed. The  8 digits password I was told it goes along with my debit card password and the key USB, as paulmartin mentions in his answer in order to to online banking. But it's not that 8 digit number that 8 digit nr the issue so far but the Phone banking password. I've tried and input the debit card 6 digits password and it wouldn't work at all. So, I guess I need to return to the Bank on Monday for this info. I believe the guy at the Bank didn't know what he was doing. 

11 years 25 weeks ago
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11 years 25 weeks ago
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You should have got a fob key usb sort of thing,and on the back of it,is your numbered password ,you have too use first



Hi paulmartin, thanks for the tip. I will try out that out and see if it's working. 

11 years 25 weeks ago
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11 years 25 weeks ago
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Phone banking password as easy as it may sound

Is really something that can get you access at your 

hand in the blink of an eye or the shut of your mouth.


The mouth that talks through the phone to tell the automated

telephone operator what your every desire and command shall

be will be put forth so that they may be carried out! enlightened



hahahahahaha Silva, you just made me lough. Thanks Doug. 

11 years 25 weeks ago
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11 years 25 weeks ago

There are cookies, bookies and too many rookies for me to sit here trying to be a hooky! Looky Looky don't call me a wooky. Touchy Touchy Feely Feely Spicy Spicy Nicey Nicey & that's what the doctor Ordered!!

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How is the banking password thing going?



Unfortunately nothing it worked out at all. It looks that what paulmartin suggested it's only a 5 digit number as it is marked on the back of the Usb. And what I am asked to input actually it's a 6 digits number. I input also the debit card password which is a 6 digit number, it wouldn't work either. After trying different number I believe that the Bank didn't provide me with the right info. The guy who helped me out with all the Online Banking issue, may have skipped this information. So, tomorrow I will be back the bank and inquire about it. Honestly, the BOC online banking it's the worst I've ever experienced. It's so burocratical, so task repetitive, so compulsive controlling and so annoying. No user friendly, no intuitve, no easy to register and so on in order for the clients to start online banking right away. It's another reason as of why business in China, as many other issues in this country requires nerves of steel and a long way running until one can find some safetiness about anything. It's just another world, with rules upside down and I jsut wonder how is that this Country has done business so far with anybody outside of China, when the rules here are not the same. No judgemental comment, only observations based on facts like that one.

11 years 24 weeks ago
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11 years 24 weeks ago
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The bank services used to be worse. Until the latest few years it began to improve a little. But I can't talk much about it now. Need to go soon. I will just focus on the password thing.

From what you have described , you have already opened Online Banking Service, right? You got the USB key thing, you got an Online Banking password.


But I am not sure if you have opened Phone Banking service yet? Like I said in the very first post, Phone Banking and Online Banking are two independent services. Also, ATM password, Online Banking password and Phone Banking password are all different. Of course you can set them all the same but they are essentially different. I hope this makes sense to you.


I am actually wondering when it requires you to input Phone banking password, it's actually asking you to set one? I haven't used it so I don't know.


You can give me a screenshot of that part or private message me if you like to. 


Oh just one more thing: try the last 6 numbers of your card number to see if it works!



"I am actually wondering when it requires you to input Phone banking password, it's actually asking you to set one? I haven't used it so I don't know."


Actually it only requires to input the 6 digit phone banking password, nothing else. 

11 years 24 weeks ago
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what happens when you input a wrong password or just leave it empty there?

11 years 24 weeks ago
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I'm asked to input it again.

11 years 24 weeks ago
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11 years 24 weeks ago
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All I know you have to fill the following: code number:  the code will be sent to your mobile number that you registered in BOC. If your mobile number is not the same as you registered it, you will not receive anything.


2.USB secret code.



Thanks Silverstein. I will try that one and see if it works. Thanks for your suggestion.

11 years 24 weeks ago
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11 years 24 weeks ago
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