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Q: poor Europeans and americans

I'm a Chinese who's rich in money and men.


Some europeans and americans told me they are so poor, everyone's unemployed!


I told them to come to china and I'll make them my concubines. 


But they told me they need to work for years to get plane tickets to come, and told me their new job is paying great, like 12 dollars per hour!


And this is not one or two, plenty of men are telling me they are this poor.


It makes me wonder, if developed countries are actually quite poor?


So why the hell do i want to immigrate to those shit holes. Can anyone help me to think straight?

8 years 8 weeks ago in  Business & Jobs - China

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Median income per country (in USD) according to the IMF in 2015:


United States $55,805.

Germany $46,893

Switzerland $58,551

France $41,181

Canada $45,553

Belgium $43,585

Australia $47,389



China $14,107


Sounds to me like 'not being able to buy a plane ticket' was just an excuse to drop your ugly fat ass.


Exchange rate between USD Dollars and RMB is 1.65:1


I can make a living by 600rmb cooking my food for a month in the first tier city. 

8 years 8 weeks ago
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@iki87 its been a while since i checked but the last time i looked 6 RMB is/was equal to 1 USD unless it changed that is/was the going rate

8 years 8 weeks ago
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I could eat like a Chinese person eats (600rmb, rice, instant noodles, no juice just water, poor quality, no nutrition) for the same money in the states. 

8 years 8 weeks ago
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8 years 8 weeks ago
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Seriously that you are that retard?


Food in Chinese food market is so cheap for people who makes decent money around 10K.


I can have egg, homemade juice and some bread for breakfast all together at 5rmb

I can a bowel of rice goes with chicken cooked with mushroom for around 8-9rmb.

I can have noodle with vegetable at around 5rmb for dinner.


Are you really that dumb to not aware of the food price here?



8 years 8 weeks ago
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If I truly live very economic, I would save si much money here.


But unfortunately I don't cook much and I rent in the city center.

8 years 8 weeks ago
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Viki? Did you forget to change accounts again?

8 years 8 weeks ago
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8 years 7 weeks ago
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8 years 8 weeks ago
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Because people here are still learning where to find a toilet, they let it out on the street. So you won't see that in the U.S. So careful. Don't get me started. We've got a list 贝贝!


Show me that list,贝贝

8 years 8 weeks ago
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8 years 8 weeks ago
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Haha They aren't telling the truth. You should know many westerners love face too.


Of course it's much better to make you think that everyone is unemployed and poor there. In this way they don't feel like losing face.


Actually I don't think it's their fault to lie. It's the fault of some people who laughed at jobless people. They just afraid of to be laughed at.

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8 years 8 weeks ago
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most people that talk about how much money they have sre usually poor and the ones who talk about how poor they are actually wealthy so i think u are a wanna be lmao go get a job and stop living off mommy and daddy


I know Uniqlo. Actually she's making a very good money for her age. Lol She doesn't need financial supports from her parents.

8 years 8 weeks ago
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iam livingbin china and ill bet i spend more money playibg golf than she makesin a year

8 years 8 weeks ago
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Of course I am not saying she's making as much as most westerners do here. But I suppose she makes something around 15K-20K as a Chinese at 27. Which is incredible! 

It's a salary a very senior manager will get in China at age about 35 years old or more.

8 years 8 weeks ago
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Most westerners in China aren't getting Chinese salary. So you guys can't compare your income to us.


I am also getting nice income here but it definetely nothing compares to westerners making here.

8 years 8 weeks ago
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Most of all people who brag about their money are deeply insecure and trying to overcompensate for something else.

8 years 8 weeks ago
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Probally but I am not sure. Maybe some people just simply likes to show off.

8 years 8 weeks ago
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"Most westerners in China aren't getting Chinese salary. So you guys can't compare your income to us."


We didn't - she did!

8 years 8 weeks ago
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8 years 8 weeks ago
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Make sure you get the men in different sizes just like the money here is in different sizes. You don't want to get bored. Also being poor is a frame of mind, being broke is just a temporary situation. Who would buy a plane ticket to China for a piece of ass anyway, Columbians and Filipinos are light years ahead in the bedroom and ask you what you do for a living after sex instead of before.


For instructional videos, i would suggest two torrents for you ladies,


Chemistry season 01, 13 episodes

Submission season 01, 6 episodes


for additional hands on training, send me a pm.

8 years 7 weeks ago
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8 years 8 weeks ago
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uniglo please sign off this site go lose yourself ok? enough of your lying fantasies go bash your own country since china is so perfect but u want to immigrate with your imaginary husband to the US u are very pathetic a disgrace to the Chinese race


imaginary husband? Lol Only Uniqlo can have an imaginary husband, I'd say awesome. GIRL! 

Don't swear at her. She's funny though. She's been contributing a lot to keep the forum interesting. She's like a new carton character likes Pokemon. 


When everyone saw Uniqlo, you guys couldn't nhelp peaking into it, All of us love drama sometimes because we get bored in our daily life sometimes. We have too many boring "calm" people in our life. 


She's an atomic bomb to energise the website. Love it!

8 years 8 weeks ago
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Cub, viki and uniqlo are both employed by this website to stop the threads dying due to inactivity.

8 years 8 weeks ago
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@ hanson, if thats true im not surprised!

8 years 8 weeks ago
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sorry vicky87, this site dont need ''spicing up'' with lies and bashing other countries sex talk and acts of cheating and being a hoar/prositute ok? And i never swore at her. So, we all have to keep the language clean no profanity/swearing at uniglo but uniglo dont? rules are rules not to be bent or broken. sometimes u can take things too far where they are not spicy or funny any more

8 years 8 weeks ago
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She is the personification of everything that is wrong with this forum, and I regret ever introducing it to her. 


Sorry guys. 

8 years 8 weeks ago
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Are you obsessed with bone soup?

8 years 8 weeks ago
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Hahaha Poor uncle Spider. It's time for the dark force to do her revenge.

8 years 8 weeks ago
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Cub, what have it to do with being disgrace to a Chinese race for wanting to immigrate to America?


China isn't perfect, I breath the toxic air everyday now I am ill.

8 years 7 weeks ago
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viki87, i was talking about and to uniglo being a disgrace to the chinese race and pathetic because of her/him/it/ whatever using any cheating ilegal way to climb on the top of the hill of manure taking advantage of foreigners no respect for thier rules or laws being selfish and greedy to make a rmb. IF uniglo is supposed to be and set a example to foriegners of her/ it country like china and the chinese people Well, then its a poor pittiful example we see ok? The bad thing is that we are not surprised and expect this from china. Sorry about the pollution in china but that's the price people pay for being a wealthy and successful country without any rules moving to a foreign country to cheat a system and a husband to get a green card and rich while trashing everyone around u to get rich is pathetic

8 years 7 weeks ago
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8 years 8 weeks ago
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Median income per country (in USD) according to the IMF in 2015:


United States $55,805.

Germany $46,893

Switzerland $58,551

France $41,181

Canada $45,553

Belgium $43,585

Australia $47,389



China $14,107


Sounds to me like 'not being able to buy a plane ticket' was just an excuse to drop your ugly fat ass.


Exchange rate between USD Dollars and RMB is 1.65:1


I can make a living by 600rmb cooking my food for a month in the first tier city. 

8 years 8 weeks ago
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@iki87 its been a while since i checked but the last time i looked 6 RMB is/was equal to 1 USD unless it changed that is/was the going rate

8 years 8 weeks ago
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I could eat like a Chinese person eats (600rmb, rice, instant noodles, no juice just water, poor quality, no nutrition) for the same money in the states. 

8 years 8 weeks ago
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8 years 8 weeks ago
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Seriously that you are that retard?


Food in Chinese food market is so cheap for people who makes decent money around 10K.


I can have egg, homemade juice and some bread for breakfast all together at 5rmb

I can a bowel of rice goes with chicken cooked with mushroom for around 8-9rmb.

I can have noodle with vegetable at around 5rmb for dinner.


Are you really that dumb to not aware of the food price here?



8 years 8 weeks ago
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If I truly live very economic, I would save si much money here.


But unfortunately I don't cook much and I rent in the city center.

8 years 8 weeks ago
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Viki? Did you forget to change accounts again?

8 years 8 weeks ago
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8 years 7 weeks ago
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8 years 8 weeks ago
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maybe u want to immigrate to the US because u supposedly fell in love with your imaginary husband and u only want a green card so u can act like a hoar cheating on your imaginary husband, why else uniglo? u said soyourself we read your other posts

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8 years 8 weeks ago
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The company you keep and the people you talk to reveals more about you. People who keep low class company are generally low class. People who have low class imaginary friends are just sad.

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8 years 8 weeks ago
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seriously who's that dumb to think that Uniqulo is a man, or a woman for what it matters. Probably there are some accounts here used by more than a person, and i dont have tell you i guess who has interest.

This website is almost done, isnt...article section is just crap, looks like a copycat from yahoo news. This section became like Answers...




being said that uniqlo sounds indeed like some bitchy friends of my ex...

8 years 8 weeks ago
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it's Vicki, everyone should know this already. She admitted it months ago. Even made mistakes posting under the wrong account.

8 years 8 weeks ago
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You are just a dumb ass to think Uniqlo is me. I wish I do have her level of English.

8 years 8 weeks ago
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come on vicky, enough with the profanity and name calling no matter how hard or bad u are trying to keep conversations and this site alive ok? very unecessary

8 years 8 weeks ago
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But cub, they are just stupid, don't you see?



Of course i will have my say. I have my speech freedom!

8 years 7 weeks ago
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You're the living proof that Internet should be controlled and in case harmonized ...good job


8 years 7 weeks ago
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ok uniglo, u see them as ''stupid'' so what? stupid is what stupid does just let it rest dont make it worse Sorry uniglo, the freedom of speech is a american concept a american freedom its our 1st amendment of our constitution and china dont have a 1st amendment nor a constitution but good try! an ''A'' for effort!

8 years 7 weeks ago
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Do americans eat cubs? Americans freedom get out of here. Shut up!

8 years 7 weeks ago
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8 years 8 weeks ago
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I believe they play the poor so they can protect themselves from predators like you. That's wisdom you lack so hard. That's why you actually are so poor. 

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8 years 8 weeks ago
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Chinese confuse civilized with having money. Having money does not mean you're civilized. Second, Chinese always say they're modest but think about. Is that a modest thing to do? The truth is Chinese are not modest. Modest people will say they're poor.


One day you'll figure this out. Which is why we don't run around asking each other 'What is your salary?"


Additionally, Chinese confuse earning respect with earning money. I for one can't respect a person just because he or she has money, respect is earned through one's actions and behavior, one own values, it can not be bought nor commanded upon others.

8 years 8 weeks ago
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thats why when u have the worlds wealth riches and jobs get dumped on a country all at once in the last 40 to 50 years on a poor backward society where they cant handle it with all the crime pollution and corruption and greed that follows. Its too much too soon

8 years 8 weeks ago
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Don't try to act that you are civilized, in fact some of you are the biggest failure of human being for not earning any respect at all.


I am not talking money but I am sure you are well aware of what I am talking about.

8 years 7 weeks ago
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vicky-uniqlo, pls before you ever write again here read this


now, go kill urself.




8 years 7 weeks ago
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8 years 8 weeks ago
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You are talking to the wrong men (I am sure they have good personalities and all...)


There are lots of people trying to make a living in every country. Not everyone is rich or well-off. China does have a lot of money at the moment, but it severely lacks in manners, class and regulations. Not to be offensive, but the people you find looking for online dates or chasing you are not a good representation of the people in each country. 


You may find it very difficult to get a job in these places if you don't really have any skills in demand. These countries have a strong focus on ability and experience... you can't fake it or get a job solely through connections like you could in China. 


So while you may have a lot of money, it is quite possible you would not acclimate well in a Western developed country and may not even be able to find a minimum-wage paying job like those men you speak of... 


I believe your rants are actually due to a superiority complex. I advise you NOT to try and live in America, Canada, U.K et all because your ego will be brutally ravaged. 




Ha. Of course I have skills! I can pick up mushrooms and cucumbers.

  And i have my own pump business.

I will be rich wherever I go!

8 years 8 weeks ago
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You have your own pump business? So you are Vicky! Gave yourself away with that one Miss vic_vacuum!

8 years 8 weeks ago
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Hahaha Uniqlo, are you trying to join my pump business?

8 years 7 weeks ago
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@ hotwater


Why are you so stupid?



Everyone can have their pump business so of course I am not uniqlo!

8 years 7 weeks ago
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Hahahahahaha! @ Vicky/Uniqlo, you messed up on that last reply! So Uniqlo says everyone can have a pump business and she's not Uniqlo!


Looks like you forgot to log out of your Uniqlo account when you mean to reply as Vicky! Numbskull :-)

8 years 7 weeks ago
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@Vicky - Ahahaha... yeah, point and case. 


You will get sniffed out. 

8 years 7 weeks ago
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8 years 8 weeks ago
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they wuldnt be 'developd' if poor.

howevr u seem to be (mis) guided by those in whose hands wealth is not concentrated on.

btw yr name reminds a japanese apparel

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psst...all nations have poor people, just like all nations have rich ones too. you appear to be an uninformed retard. 


Hahaha thumps up!

8 years 8 weeks ago
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8 years 8 weeks ago
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You're rich in China, and they are poor in their countries. There are no comparison of this topic.

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8 years 1 week ago
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Empty Ghost cities. 65 million people displaced according to the UN. Not a single person granted asylum in China.

Enjoy your handbag's and your paid for cock.

I would rather have China be famous for giving refugees a home. To give refugees a future. But at the moment, the regime considers it more important to keep you supplied with nice handbags and hard cock.

But you wont offer a safe haven to a war torn kid.

Why not?

If China is so great, why do they not recognise asylum?

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8 years 1 week ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77