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Q: Qingdao maritime college--AVOID

Avoid this college.  The international dept which is crucial for foreign teachers, is inept.  No skills whatsoever, and frequently out on "illness".  Claims, "only a clerk", to avoid responsibility, yet holds power over English dept  dean.  Required and scheduled lectures to be performed by foreign teachers are regularly canceled without notice to foreign teacher.  Arrive to lecture hall only to find it occupied for some other purpose.  No support when this issue addressed.  Text books along with teacher dormatory, worst that I have experienced in china.  Surprising, considering QD is one of the best cities.

9 years 51 weeks ago in  Teaching & Learning - Qingdao

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When complaining about a school state facts and details not your opinion. Post links to photos or any other evidence. I silly rant like this just makes you look immature. 


Says the guy with cleavage in his profile pic indecision

9 years 51 weeks ago
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9 years 51 weeks ago
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Additionally, high turn over rate, not  only for foreign teacher,  but Chinese staff as well.


It makes me smile when people post anonymously and then forget that their comments arent anonymous.

9 years 51 weeks ago
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 forget? 'Bu zhi dao' probably....we're tricky here.

9 years 51 weeks ago
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You're screwed now tbh66, now you're not anonymous. The police will get you now.

9 years 51 weeks ago
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9 years 51 weeks ago
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When complaining about a school state facts and details not your opinion. Post links to photos or any other evidence. I silly rant like this just makes you look immature. 


Says the guy with cleavage in his profile pic indecision

9 years 51 weeks ago
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9 years 51 weeks ago
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Not my posting, just in agreement with posting


You're a bad liar.

9 years 51 weeks ago
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You could edit the post and provide adequate details. 

9 years 51 weeks ago
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9 years 51 weeks ago
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this is not new, many colleges never tell foreigners anything to the last minute, you dont deserve to know is their thinking. i received textbooks and schedules the last day in the evening before classes started at shandong polytechnical, shandong trade union and shandong architectural university, this is standard, they want change, this is china, they would all hire me back again, but you should always be looking for a better school to work for, if your going to be a whore, be a well paid whore. i have painted my own apartments without permission and changed shoddy plumbing for quality parts because they would repair with the same same cheap shit you had before. 

dont expect china to do anything for a foreigner, but they better pay correctly and own time, thats not negotiable.


qingdao is the worst city to teach, many foreigners and they know how we love the beach view and clean air and they think we will work for less just to be there and the foolish foreigner will put up with our shitty pay and schools to be here, and sadly they are exactly right, unless you get lucky and work at the snob rich international schools with their haughty we are the best attitude, your basically screwed working in qingdao. try rizhao, they have less people, few tall buildings along the water and you can see the ocean, and only crowded in july and august, and the pay is better. good luck to you.


"qingdao is the worst city to teach,"


100% RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9 years 51 weeks ago
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9 years 51 weeks ago
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You have been all over qingdao it seems, why so many colleges?  You mean paid on time or own time, maybe typo on your end

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9 years 51 weeks ago
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You have been all over qingdao it seems, why so many colleges?  You mean paid on time or own time, maybe typo on your end

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9 years 51 weeks ago
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You have been all over qingdao it seems, why so many colleges?  You mean paid on time or own time, maybe typo on your end

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9 years 51 weeks ago
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Are you talking about the Ocean University of China?

I was there for a semester as part of an exchange program, from last September to December.


Here's what I felt, from a student's point of view:

-The dorms were so god damn expensive for the pieces of crap they were: 1250/month if you share a room with a roommate, twice the price just for the extra empty bed if you want to be alone. No kitchen, no fridge, just 2 beds, 2 desks, a TV, a toilet and a shower. What a shameless ripoff. Also, cold as balls during winter.

-The classes were... Well I spent most of my time playing WoW, but the few times I did attend class made them seem ok. I guess. A shitton of presentations to make, though.

-Everyone in the university was nice, which was cool.


5/10, would not skip their classes again.

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9 years 51 weeks ago
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A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman