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Q: A question about ayis...

I just hired an ayi today, because I'm basically lazy (and pretty busy too!)


Thing is, she does things quite... 'differently' to how I'd like them.


Such as, not bothering to sweep before mopping. Also, the use of cold water instead of hot.


What should I do, given my lack of ability with Chinese (and, obviously, her lack of English...).

11 years 19 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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Buy cleaning supplies that you expect her to use (especially bleach on the tile floors). Make sure she cleans 'where the sun don't shine'...behind doors and under beds. You have to anticipate where she'll try to save money by cutting corners whereas you'll want her to be extravagant (like using fabric softener in the laundry). Funniest thing ever...I worked with several guys who had ayis and lived in my building. I came home early from work one day and ALL of the neighborhood ayis were parked in front of the T.V. in one guy's apartment. Caveat emptor.

With a lack of Chinese, have someone in your workplace make up a list of to-do daily items in Chinese and make it clear what you want done or not touched. Make sure you have a copy of her i.d card in case all goes south.


Thanks for the suggestions Sino.


But, I won't have an ayi in my home unless I'm here as well (although, in the past, I did... but she'd been recommended by a colleague, and she knew she had a good thing, so didn't seem to abuse it - especially since it was on-campus). That stipulation has been reason why my place looks crappy - I'm not here often enough to have an ayi - except for those times when I just want to be left alone!


(I do my laundry and cooking!! AND washing up!!!)


True about the products (though, no tiles to worry about... do have some issues with my fake wood floor, and stuff not coming up off it :(  )

11 years 19 weeks ago
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11 years 19 weeks ago
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Get a translator to explain exactly what you want from her. You pointed out two things. How hard can it be to get those two things changed? Ask yourself that!

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11 years 19 weeks ago

There are cookies, bookies and too many rookies for me to sit here trying to be a hooky! Looky Looky don't call me a wooky. Touchy Touchy Feely Feely Spicy Spicy Nicey Nicey & that's what the doctor Ordered!!

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use body language or bring a chinese friend. but i wonder how u manager to hire her if you too have such communication problems...

if u cant solve the problem, get an english speaking ayi for a few kuai more...


Luggi, I got her through an agency. General ideas ("I want an ayi") is pretty easy. Other things are a little harder! I think it's more that, like many here, choose not to try to understand :(


Not sure if they have any English speaking ayis around my area...

11 years 18 weeks ago
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11 years 18 weeks ago
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