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Q: That Question Which Everyone Who Has or Is Here Has Contemplated at Least Once

To stay or not to stay?


So, I'm now beginning to hit that wall that I've heard some other posters talk about on here.


I'm at this point in my life in China where the disadvantages of living here seem as if they're beginning to outweigh the advantages. The constant hassle that's involved with getting some of the simplest things done here, while catching on to the fact that teaching jobs here of all kinds seem to be getting worse with regards to the hours, duties and pay, not to mention the dense, smoggy skies that I'm met with nearly every afternoon, it's all, to say the least, getting to me.


The rationale behind me coming to China and staying here was that the opportunities for new, interesting experiences as well as careers were vast, and would therefore help elevate me to places and positions which would otherwise be a lot more difficult in my home country (United Kingdom).


I'm beginning to flirt with the idea of finding a position within a Chinese company with operations in the UK. Of course, the chances of that happening might be a long-shot, but even if that were to happen, life in the UK, for young people especially, isn't exactly rosy. The economy's anaemic, with graduate jobs (among many other jobs for salaried professionals) not paying as well as they may have say, 20 or more years ago. Depending on what the job pays, you'll be very lucky to be able to scrap together some level of savings. I also want to learn more Chinese and potentially study it next year, but of course, I need money for that!


Just venting, kind of a BCD. How should this situation be approached?

9 years 6 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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-China can, and could, at a moment's notice, throw all foreigners out of the country, seize your assets, and refuse to allow your local wife/child to leave.

-This place is not your home.

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9 years 6 weeks ago
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-China can, and could, at a moment's notice, throw all foreigners out of the country, seize your assets, and refuse to allow your local wife/child to leave.

-This place is not your home.

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9 years 6 weeks ago
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Just say'in, leaving China does not mean going back to UK. I returned to France, but I was yearning for NZ (didn't, work & visa) and Nordic countries (wife said 'nope').

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9 years 6 weeks ago
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"China can, and could, at a moment's notice, throw all foreigners out of the country, seize your assets, and refuse to allow your local wife/child to leave"

That seems like such a scary thought would China really do that?

9 years 6 weeks ago
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Rasklnk is right, just read China Cuckoo for the confirmation mate.

9 years 6 weeks ago
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Not sure if they would, but they definitely can. That's why I own very little here, rent places that are already furnished and send most of my earnings back home.

9 years 6 weeks ago
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9 years 6 weeks ago
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A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman