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Q: Religion in China?

What is your religion and how does living in China affect the way you practice?

13 years 5 weeks ago in  Culture - Lanzhou

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I am a Christian-born person, but not that much a praticant.

I also have interest in Buddhism (but not Chinese type)....

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13 years 5 weeks ago
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Chinese Buddhism is strange to say the least. The west often prefers Japanese Zen Buddhism which is a philosophical, moral and ethical way of living ones life.

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13 years 5 weeks ago

Tired of dirt and lies.

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I am an Odinist (I hate labels) I simply follow my ancestral folk way...

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13 years 5 weeks ago
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im christian but i dont believe in churches, they are run by people looking to put themselves in control of people by twisting religion so no effect

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13 years 5 weeks ago
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I am Roman Catholic. Only in Beijing have I found a Church that is in complete communion with Rome. Previously I had to go to the Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association churches.
That said, I do enjoy attending Temples and other places of worship, especially if accompanied by a friend who can explain to me the service and the beliefs held there.

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13 years 2 weeks ago
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I'm a christian. That being said, I haven't gone to church in over 4 years, and I don't care to. I like talking about religious things, since those types of conversations can be very interesting. I have my own interpretations of things in the Bible, including a space-time theory of how a god can be everywhere... China doesn't really care what my religion is, since I keep to myself.

My view on Adam and Eve: If it was all Eve's fault, why was Adam punished, too? Guilt by association? I don't think so. Tongue


It is kind of like when my sister and I were kids. Being older, if I misbehaved I was punished but if my sister misbehaved we were both punished. She for what she did and me for being older and "supposed to know better" or "letting it happen". I guess God was pretty new at parenting then, so He made the same mistake. Oh man! Now I gotta go to Confession AGAIN!

13 years 2 weeks ago
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no's because we are men,,,,it's always our fault no matter what,,, we know this

13 years 2 weeks ago
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Actually, that's not what I meant. I just thought that Adam was equally guilty in that he didn't own up to his mistake. After all, he just said it was Eve's fault, like he had no choice in eating it. I think Adam and Eve are equally guilty in their own way, one is not better than the other.

13 years 1 week ago
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13 years 2 weeks ago
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I have mixed feeling about religion and churches,, I wrote a post that states the changes believe the church needs. ( Is Christianity on the rise in China? )
I'm also drawn to being a pagan,, bring back human scarifices.. I'm sure anyone that gets sacrificed deserves it...


No!!!!!!! Way too often pretty maidens are the ones selected for sacrifice!!!! We need alternative criteria!!!

13 years 1 week ago
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I'm a born again heathen and proud of it...

13 years 1 week ago
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OK ,,,yeah,, forgot about sacrificing virgins,, never believed that anyway,, I think they nail her and she was going to tell,,,,, why waste one

13 years 1 week ago
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13 years 2 weeks ago
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I'm a lapsed catholic, went to school with the nuns and all that. I've met a few Chinese Christians, and they seem to see it as a fashion statement, like a Justin Bieber haircut or an iPod. I honestly wish the Chinese would get in touch more with their own religious roots, because as extremely corrupt as organized religion generally is, their own native religions promote values that the Chinese seriously need to get back in touch with. Could you believe that being honest, ethical and respectful was once a major priority for the Chinese, way back in the day?

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13 years 2 weeks ago
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living in non religious community is very difficulty i have seen it and have experienced, even if you find chinese of your same faith there culture, food , clothes, traditions are different.. it only gives you the taste of your religion... it does effect people alot.....people around you are doing many things which are prohibited for you just because of religion, so thought it difficult to live while having 50 ton stone on your heart and mind

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13 years 1 week ago
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I am bringing up an old thread because if I create a new one I'll probably be nagged for not using the search bar. I like to take part in many local church activities. I will even be doing an exchange between our church and a local mosque. Does anyone else here do things with their church/mosque/temple community?


Good luck! No, seriously!!


I hope you intend to invite in other religious groups as well. There's a lot that could be learned, if people are open to accepting differences. (which tends to mean, - accepting that one's religion is purely a personal choice).



I won't agree with some of your beliefs, nor some of the ways you choose to practice them... but as long as you stick to adhering to them yourself and not force others (and I would include any children in that) onto others... it's all good! :)

8 years 48 weeks ago
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8 years 48 weeks ago
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An exchange between Muslims and Christians? What are you exchanging? Bullets?


Views, ideas. Tips on how to avoid temptations in life that would lead to sin. p.s. your post made me chuckle so have an up vote

8 years 48 weeks ago
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Exchanging ideas about how to get away with kiddie fiddling in thw 21st century would be about the only thing that pair of hypocrites could agree upon.

8 years 48 weeks ago
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8 years 48 weeks ago
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Atheist pagan ...... Religion was made so some elite group can control the masses.... Law will prohibit someone from stealing killing etc .... but lets face it. If ur 100% sure that u wont get caught, many will do it. so some people invented something called religion so even if no one is seeing you and ur sure 100% that ur gonna get away with it, well there is an invisible dude that will put u thru eternal damnation of the fiery pits of hell  (Seems like a kids horror story / movie if u rly think about it)


The bottom line is that God loves you, God will damn u in hell for doing something wrong. but he loves you !!!!!!! Extreme Contradiction ....


I slightly disagree... religion was "created" (made) to keep people from being fully responsible for themselves - and thus, giving their power to other people - the ones at the top who control what you should and shouldn't feel (or do).


So, I think it's less about keeping criminals in check, and more about personal power issues.

8 years 48 weeks ago
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Btw - you do realise that 'pagan' and 'atheist' are virtually diametrically opposed, don't you?? Pagans believe in 'god' (for a given definition of 'god').

8 years 48 weeks ago
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8 years 48 weeks ago
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Hey Chewie, perhaps you should tell your new muslim friends to stop killing people.


Downvote from me.

8 years 48 weeks ago
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Sure don't stand uo to bullies, see how far that gets you.

8 years 48 weeks ago
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8 years 48 weeks ago
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I'm torn between being a Jedi, a weekend white rastafarian and a voodoo practitioner. All are equally plausible explanations of God, the universe and all that other shit when compared to the implausible fairytales and nutjobs that inhabit churches, mosques and temple.

I don't care if you believe in one god or several gods or even a talking banana or how you choose to pray, worship or venerate, but for fuck's sake don't tell me about it or try to rope me into it. It's a private thing. Please keep it that way.


If it's private, then why go on eChinacities to tell everyone about your views (especially when phrasing them as insults)?


You hate it when people tell you about their religious beliefs, but it's totally fine when you talk about yours. Absolutely no hypocrisy there.

8 years 48 weeks ago
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I never said I wasn't a hypocrite....


Your god is doing a bang-up job, isn't he/she/it? Open any website and tell me I'm wrong.


So keep your obtuse religious bullshit to yourself. Bother what ever god you want but don't bother other people with this crap.


8 years 48 weeks ago
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Other than human ego, what reason is there to suppose that 'god' actually gives s damn about what's happening down here on this planet, in the extremely short period of time that humans have been kicking about?

8 years 48 weeks ago
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Clearly, if you take the minute snapshot of the world in 2015 and all the terrible things that have happened this god/talking banana;

a) doesn't give a rat's arse 

b) is a nasty piece of work

c) has a sick sense of humour

d) doesn't exist


Don't forget that this is the guy who said (paraphrased) I will always love you, I give you free will, go forth and multiply (but make sure you worship me or you will burn in hell). Worshiping him hasn't worked out too well for a lot of people. But he will always love them, so I guess we'll call that a win.


While we are talking about being a hypocrite, he's also the guy who said all women should be sold into slavery, you should stoned to death if you work on sunday, couldn't find a couple of naked people in a garden after they ate some fruit, raped Jesus married mother, killed all the first-born boys in Egypt, flooded the world and killed almost everyone and everything....the list goes on.


And still the suckers who buy into this crap skulk around the world and scam people who have no historical connection to this brand into joining up and turn them into brainless sheep. I'm trying to think of one country that is now better off for their culture destroying presence. I'm open to any suggestions.


8 years 48 weeks ago
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No, iWolf - you've missed my point!


What's to say some 'thing' (that we may choose to use the term 'god' for) created this universe... and then just said "meh sod it", and moved on..


God may actually exist - but interpretations of god are a very human thing!


A and D can be very closely related, and it can be difficult to judge either way!


So - don't go bitching on this god... go bitching on those who choose to believe crap! (crap being - lack of evidence, and bucketloads of hypocrisy).

8 years 48 weeks ago
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I'm with you now and see no flaw in your argument

8 years 48 weeks ago
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Who exactly is "my god"?


Since you asked for it... you are wrong.


Also, keep your religious bullshit to yourself. The only people who care about your religion are people who share your religious views, so just stick your head in an echo chamber, and have fun.


You think you have it all figured out, that you are smart enough to understand the machinations of the universe. Cool. Your fellow zealots will pat you on the back and give you cookies for all your enlightenment. You'll find it far more productive to preach to them anyhow.

8 years 48 weeks ago
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Sorry Mobtuse but you don't make any sense. A little too much happy-clapping today perhaps? Drunk on the wine of god?


Who exactly is "my god"?

Your god would be the one you worship. Take your pick.

Since you asked for it... you are wrong

Yes, I asked for it. Please explain where I was wrong.

The only people who care about your religion are people who share your religious views

Sorry, I thought a person of average intelligence would have realised that I have no religion

Your fellow zealots will pat you on the back and give you cookies for all your enlightenment

Quick definition (Zealot) a member of an ancient Jewish sect in Judea in the first century who fought to the death against the Romans and who killed or persecuted Jews who collaborated with the Romans

I am not Jewish (see previous disambiguation) but I am circumsized and am not old enough to have fought against Romans

Why would Zealots give me cookies of all things?? Bagels perhaps or some Kosher sweetmeats.

You'll find it far more productive to preach to them anyhow.

Since these guys (The Zealots) were around about 2000 years ago, I'd have a stab in the dark and say that they are probably all dead.


8 years 48 weeks ago
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You’re the one who claimed to know about me and my religion, so why should I tell you? I don’t want to spoil your assumptions about others.

“Yes, I asked for it. Please explain where I was wrong.”

You never stated which God/god you are criticizing for failing to live up to your expectations, and you also never explained how you are qualified to be an authority on judging deities.

You also misspelled my name, unless you thought “Mobtuse” was a witty, biting insult. There was no clapping, happy or otherwise, nor am I intoxicated. Perhaps I’ll make unfounded judgments about you too, to be fair. Are you an angsty pre-teen? I really hope so, and that you’re not physically an adult. To be fair, I went through a phase like yours, insulting people who believed in a god/God I didn't, all because I was smarter than them, and I had it all figured out. I was as smug in my understanding of the world as you are. That was right before I started high school.

Tell me, how is it that you can presume to judge?
Are you:
1: Have total understanding reality, omniscience beyond any God/god, some level of superior being?
2: An authority about the moral code of the mulitverse/universe?
3: Talking out of your ass

If it’s the first one, I’m curious why you are wasting your talents online? If you have an understanding of the universe beyond mortal humans, enough to judge God (who you say doesn’t exist… having your cake, eating it too, then claiming the cake was too stale, and that there is no such thing as cake in the world), you should be out philosophizing, spreading your wisdom to the masses.

If it’s two, where does one get such a license? Understanding just human laws of one country requires considerable amount of time in a dedicated university.  What sort of institution teaches the about the legal code of reality?

It couldn’t possibly be that humans are limited beings, constrained in their ability to understand reality, and therefore if God did exist, that such a being would be beyond human understanding. That’s impossible… nothing is beyond human understanding (or at least your understanding).

“So keep your obtuse religious bullshit to yourself. Bother what ever god you want but don't bother other people with this crap.”

And yet, you post on, bothering people with your religious views, which you believe in so much that other people’s religious views are “bullshit”. Preach brother! Preach the Truth.

“Sorry, I thought a person of average intelligence would have realised that I have no religion”

I would have thought you would realize you have been spouting your religious views on this website… unless you have been randomly punching keys unaware of what comes onto the screen (plausible, considering the output).

Fun fact: Words can have more than one meaning.  It can also mean “a person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals.” Will you tell hip-hop fans that Tupac Shakur was never a thug, since he wasn’t part of an assassin cult devoted to Kali?

Bonus tip: Extra question marks doesn’t make you extra cool.

At least we agree you’re a hypocrite.

What exactly are you attempting to accomplish here? You can’t prove your point, and offer nothing but childish insults. Are you seriously hoping that others will see your wisdom, and come to a realization that they were wrong about their beliefs all along due to your rapier wit and brilliance, then drop their beliefs and follow yours? If not, you’re spouting your own views just to insult others, which is even worst that most evangelicals I have met. At least they have a genuine (if misguided) sense that their work will save people’s souls, rather than just being a dick to be a dick.

8 years 48 weeks ago
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Ha ha ha. Nice job Mobtuse but i couldn't get past the second paragraph of that turgid dribble. Once it was clear that you had nothing other than schoolboy taunts and butthurt crybaby whining and actually weren't going to address any of the points made in either a humorous, intelligent, or logical way, you lost me. But well done on the lenght.

8 years 48 weeks ago
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Go to your rooms!


And you can't come out, or have supper, till you've made up!

8 years 48 weeks ago
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8 years 48 weeks ago
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Celtic Shaman, Pagan, Jedi, Atheist, Scientologist.


No, seriously!


(although, that last one I don't identify as a religion, but as a tool).


God exists... in the same way that illusions are real.


And there is FAR more to this universe (multi-versre) than most people are even willing to conceptualise, or allow others to accept.


I'm almost tempted to go for the one with the magic underpants. Sounds cool. The Morons??

8 years 48 weeks ago
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How did your terrible idea go Chewie?

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There is.  Every govt department and every NGO has a meeting involving the flock during the afternoons on weekdays ending in 'y'.

And during these said meetings the flock yawn and play on their phones.  And verily, the Clergy (Leader) is happy.

Meanwhile, whilst these meetings are going on - for hours - , nothing is actually done in the workplace.  And this is considered irrelevant.  Go China!


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I am a Yangist.

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A: Good question!  I'd say, if you study at Uni in China beside
A:Good question!  I'd say, if you study at Uni in China beside working full-time as an E.T. with Residence permit, you don't interfere with your full-time employment.It's your free time and you can do anything you want, with respect to the Chinese laws and customs. Have a look at terms of Z visa/Residence permit and ... ".. you cannot work (and earn monies!) with another employer ..."That's all it is! Your RP sponsor title is written on the RP stamp in your passport, I think. It's in Mandarin, so I've heard about that from someone ...At I.D.-ing by cops, they know where you work and than more details about you are just a phone call away ... and it happened in person ... LOL ... during the day-time stroll through Wulumuqi, Xinjiang, 2012/13 semester. Now under RP, you're free to surf Internet, jog, ... and study, too. I suggest, you look and ask at the Uni, you plan to study in the future. Have a detailed look at requirements for studying and attending chosen Uni.Good luck! -- icnif77