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Q: Samsara is Male

I am not, in fact, a scantily clad woman who hangs out in cathedrals. I like my avatar, and don't feel the need for it to denote my maleness.


10 years 36 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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Whos been calling you a woman??? I thought you made it pretty clear you were a married dude.


See RobK's "punch in the face" topic. Someone suggested The Hulk should protect me because I'm a girl, so I thought I'd better clarify that I am in fact male and quite self-reliant.


I have, as you said, frequently mentioned that I have a Chinese girlfriend (though that still leaves the unlikely possibility of being in a foreign-Chinese lesbian relationship), and I don't mind having to clarify occasionally.

10 years 36 weeks ago
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They were just joggling. All men knew, you also have two heads.

10 years 36 weeks ago
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10 years 36 weeks ago
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Well I too think it's a cool avatar and I don't think it needs to reflect your gender. Otherwise I'd be an animated dog


Also, you'd have to be quite conceited to put that kinda picture of yourself...

10 years 36 weeks ago
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I avatar is pretty close to the truth

10 years 36 weeks ago
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Wait, you're not Brian? 

10 years 36 weeks ago
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Isn't Brian dead?

10 years 36 weeks ago
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'I knew, your pic is real! I just wasn't sure, what is the condition of your ship.'

10 years 36 weeks ago
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spoiler alert: Brian comes back to life... A Christmas miracle!

10 years 36 weeks ago
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10 years 36 weeks ago
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I do advise my boss on a specific scientific domain

    Dr. Strangelove: I would not rule out the chance to preserve a nucleus of human specimens. It would be quite easy...heh, the bottom of ah...some of our deeper mineshafts. Radioactivity would never penetrate a mine some thousands of feet deep, and in a matter of weeks, sufficient improvements in dwelling space could easily be provided.
    Muffley: How long would you have to stay down there?
    Dr. Strangelove: Well let's see now ah...cobalt thorium G....Radioactive halflife of uh,...I would think that uh... possibly uh... one hundred years.
    Muffley: You mean, people could actually stay down there for a hundred years?
    Dr. Strangelove: It would not be difficult, Mein Führer! Nuclear reactors could, heh...I'm sorry, Mr. President. Nuclear reactors could provide power almost indefinitely. Greenhouses could maintain plant life. Animals could be bred and slaughtered. A quick survey would have to be made of all the available mine sites in the country, but I would guess that dwelling space for several hundred thousands of our people could easily be provided.
    Muffley: Well, I, I would hate to have to decide...who stays up and...who goes down.
    Dr. Strangelove: Well, that would not be necessary, Mr. President. It could easily be accomplished with a computer. And a computer could be set and programmed to accept factors from youth, health, sexual fertility, intelligence, and a cross-section of necessary skills. Of course, it would be absolutely vital that our top government and military men be included to foster and impart the required principles of leadership and tradition. Naturally, they would breed prodigiously, eh? There would be much time, and little to do. Ha, ha. But ah, with the proper breeding techniques and a ratio of say, ten females to each male, I would guess that they could then work their way back to the present Gross National Product within say, twenty years.
    Muffley: But look here doctor, wouldn't this nucleus of survivors be so grief-stricken and anguished that they'd, well, envy the dead and not want to go on living?
    Dr. Strangelove: No, sir...excuse me...When they go down into the mine, everyone would still be alive. There would be no shocking memories, and the prevailing emotion will be one of nostalgia for those left behind, combined with a spirit of bold curiosity for the adventure ahead! [involuntarily gives the Nazi salute and forces it down with his other hand]Ahhh!
    Turgidson: Doctor, you mentioned the ratio of ten women to each man. Now, wouldn't that necessitate the abandonment of the so-called monogamous sexual relationship, I mean, as far as men were concerned?
    Dr. Strangelove: Regrettably, yes. But it is, you know, a sacrifice required for the future of the human race. I hasten to add that since each man will be required to do prodigious...service along these lines, the women will have to be selected for their sexual characteristics which will have to be of a highly stimulating nature.
    Russian Ambassador: I must confess, you have an astonishingly good idea there, Doctor.

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10 years 36 weeks ago
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is this sort of like that Big Bang Theory episode with Wolawitz bumping uglys with Lucinda the troll aka Steve from Maintance ?


I don't watch the Big Bang Theory, but whatever you're implying, it's exactly like that.

10 years 36 weeks ago
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Mate ,even with the identity confustion you are still one of the more normal people here and have a lot to contribute

10 years 36 weeks ago
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10 years 36 weeks ago
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I knew that, sorry about the PMs, Shock) Mines a screaming maniac, I don't look like mine either, just feel like him


Don't worry about the PMs. I can still find someone who would be willing to do those things for you.

10 years 36 weeks ago
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Go get 'her', Ted

10 years 36 weeks ago
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But it takes 3 to do that thing now, forget doggie style, I'm into pyramids.

10 years 36 weeks ago
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10 years 36 weeks ago
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I think it does reflect your gender. You're a man who appreciates women in bikinis.


Anyway, in other news, I'm not blue.

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10 years 36 weeks ago
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It looks to me at the first glance, Sam's wearing his GF's swimsuit. That isn't girl's '6 pack'.


Six pack where?

10 years 36 weeks ago
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Coordinates: '1 mm above the knickers rim'.surprise People sometimes call me 'eagle eye'

10 years 36 weeks ago
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10 years 36 weeks ago
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I always kind of guessed you were a guy.


I'm not an anime character by the way! Laughing out loud

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10 years 36 weeks ago
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Sams. You generally write so sensible posts that my inner misogynist would never consider you girly.


Ah, just saw Rin making a very sensible remark. I am indeed not a red/yellow flag.

10 years 36 weeks ago
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10 years 36 weeks ago
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I look exactly the same as my avatar.


Well feel like it anyway...

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10 years 36 weeks ago
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I am a motorcycle. 

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10 years 36 weeks ago
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I am disappoint... I thought you were a girl.

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10 years 36 weeks ago
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I am a koala being racially profiled

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10 years 36 weeks ago
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I am an... don't mind ask my wife

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10 years 36 weeks ago
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In more astonishing news, MissA is not actually a tiger...


She is a shark pretending to be a tiger online. For deviant sexual purposes.

10 years 36 weeks ago
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Can we please stick to Chinese zodiac animals - like the Koala?

10 years 36 weeks ago
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10 years 36 weeks ago
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A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman