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Q: Scorched Earth and American Politics?

Trump is a loose cannon ?
remember this is what Obama and Clinton where saying.
How come then are they causing so much trouble before they leave office.
expelling Russians and turning thier back on Israel .
What about next week .?...,,,, they say it comes in 3s .

7 years 26 weeks ago in  Relationships - China

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To be fair to Obama, the Russians are supposed to have hacked the election and Israel have been acting pretty outragously. What is he supposed to do?

I wouldn't say the reaction is causing trouble, the trouble was caused by others.


you got to admit it looks pretty sus that he gets all tough and upetty 3 weeks before he leaves .

7 years 26 weeks ago
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Maybe so, but the Russians at least didn't hack the elections earlier. I don't know about the Israel situation because I don't really follow it much. Re Russia, I don't see how Obama can't react somehow. You can't let that go without doing something.

7 years 26 weeks ago
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7 years 26 weeks ago
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To be fair to Obama, the Russians are supposed to have hacked the election and Israel have been acting pretty outragously. What is he supposed to do?

I wouldn't say the reaction is causing trouble, the trouble was caused by others.


you got to admit it looks pretty sus that he gets all tough and upetty 3 weeks before he leaves .

7 years 26 weeks ago
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Maybe so, but the Russians at least didn't hack the elections earlier. I don't know about the Israel situation because I don't really follow it much. Re Russia, I don't see how Obama can't react somehow. You can't let that go without doing something.

7 years 26 weeks ago
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'Chinese air carrier looks pretty' around .....


‘Mighty & pretty’: China says Japan scrambled jets over its air carrier ‘for love of beauty’

Waiting for Trump-a to take an office.

There's no proof in hacking, so all is hearsay. Obummer must reply to Ruski somehow for Syria ....LOLOLOLO

Trump-a will normalise relations with Vlad.





The true target of these sanctions is Donald Trump.


By imposing sanctions on Russia, Obama is lending the authority of the Presidency to the CIA’s claims of Russian hacking, daring Trump to deny their truth.


If Trump as President allows the sanctions to continue, he will be deemed to have accepted the CIA’s claims of Russian hacking as true.  If Trump cancels the sanctions when he becomes President, he will be accused of being Russia’s stooge.


It is a well known lawyer’s trick, and Obama the former lawyer doubtless calculates that either way Trump’s legitimacy and authority as President will be damaged, with the insinuation that he owes his Presidency to the Russians now given extra force.


Like so many of Obama’s other moves in the last weeks of his Presidency, it is an ugly and small minded act, seeking to undermine his successor as President in a way that is completely contrary to US tradition.angel

7 years 26 weeks ago
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7 years 26 weeks ago
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Vladimir Putin Rejects His Minister's Proposal to Expel 35 US Diplomats

 back to golf, Obummer 

7 years 26 weeks ago
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Putin Stunner: "We Will Not Expel Anyone; We Refuse To Sink To Obama's Level"

“We reserve the right to retaliate, but we will not sink to the level of this irresponsible ‘kitchen’ diplomacy. We will take further moves on restoring Russian-American relations based on the policies that the administration of President-elect Donald Trump adopts,” 




Vladimir the Merciful?

From the full statement posted on the Kremlin website:

Although we have the right to retaliate, we will not resort to irresponsible ‘kitchen’ diplomacy but will plan our further steps to restore Russian-US relations based on the policies of the Trump Administration.

And with that one statement, Obama lost the diplomatic war with Russia.

7 years 26 weeks ago
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The CIA have most probably presented Obama with evidence of Russian hacking. This would have had to have Putin's direct involvement. If Obama doesn't do something about a foreign power interfering with the democratic processes of his country then what sort of leader would he be? Wars have been started for less.


Israel is breaking international law by allowing armed civilians to illegally occupy land. What would you want the international community to do if someone bulldozed your house and shot at you? The resolution is only symbolic, it's effectively toothless. America didn't vote for it, they abstained.




the cia had better have solid proof, if not, Trump will be retiring many CIA agents, unfortunately with retirement instead of a bullet they deserve if this is a fabrication by the current administration. Obama's CIA, becomes Trumps CIA, in 19 days, so I have a hard time understanding why they would put their heads on the chopping block for a narcissistic has been lame duck, it will be fun to watch the heads roll though, bring out the guillotine.

7 years 26 weeks ago
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Do you know anything about the Israel situation? Israel is occupying land that does not belong to them. Russia, really? 

And while we're on the topic of Israel, let's not forget the USS Liberty, they attacked it with unmarked Migs (guess what they were trying to trigger) while jamming their communications they were trying to sink it (they tried to finish it off with torpedoes) Luckily they 'only' killed 30something sailors. Funny how the salute the troops party completely overlooks that.

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So, Obama is leaving office, and he finally doesn't even bother to stand up to the BS Israel has been pulling for the last 8 years he was in office (not to mention the previous few decades). And, instead of actually pulling Netanyahu into line, he merely 'abstains' (ie, hasn't got the guts to actually do anything symbolically meaningful!)


As for Russia... stupid game that Obama is playing. If it's as H0 in Icniff's post above is correct, only a moron would fall for that stupid powerplay.... so easy to expose! Which I can imagine Putin will expose! After all, he's said for a while now - "if you have the evidence, show it! Otherwise, STFU!"


Trump will have a responsibility to not be a child and fall for that crap. And, if he's serious about Russian co-operation, he'll say to the CIA "show the evidence, or I'm lifting this crap". And, then, show the fkn evidence! The only thing Trump will look like is moron if he does nothing and doesn't ask for this 'evidence'.


the threat from muslims taking over Europe and changing the balance of power that America has completely ignored has forced Russia's hand and now they realize that America is nothing but a bunch of wusses that want do anything. When muslims took over a school in Moscow, terrorists, students, everybody died, no concern for casualties, no worries of collateral damage, no concern for the press, no negotiating with terrorists. A rabid dog has to be put down and asking why or how you feel and why the dog does not like you does not change anything.

Russia hoped America would maintain some sense of order in the world and we bowed out and left Putin no choice.

Putin has internal problems he would much rather be taking care of but America failed to lead and Europe has a problem because America did not commit to win in Syria but Europe can't complain because they always told America they interfere while secretly glad they did the dirty work for them and not use their money.

Those days are over and Trump will leave Europe and Asia, you are own your own, we're outta here. Most Europeans forget how bad they have treated Jews through out the ages and Israel exists because our European enlightened brethren could not guaranty the safety of Jews living peacefully in Europe after WWii, makes you wonder about how peacefully muslims will be treated as history repeats itself. Perhaps if they had tried to be multicultural then instead of now, things would be better in the middle east.

7 years 26 weeks ago
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I read post on Dave's ESL Cafe, International Board Forums how Russians closed down AAS Anglo-American International School in Moscow ....


Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 8:14 am    Post subject: AAS Closed Down!Reply with quoteAccording to Russian news sources, the AAS has been closed down. I wonder if it is going to be a temporary situation until Trump comes into office or more permanent. I feel bad for the teachers and other workers there as they are now caught up in a big power game outside of their control.


BuTT ...


‘White House sanctioning own children now?’ Moscow blasts CNN's ‘false’ US school closure reportPublished time: 30 Dec, 2016 18:06


The CNN is spreading ‘false information’ by reporting that Russia closed the Anglo-American School of Moscow in retaliation to a new set of US sanctions, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

“It’s a lie. It appears the White House has completely lost its mind and is now coming up with sanctions against their own children,” Zakharova commented on the report on her Facebook page.

“The CNN broadcaster and other Western media have again distributed false information citing official US sources,” the spokeswoman added.

The Anglo-American School of Moscow has also denied media speculation, with director Ian Forster writing on Facebook that the “school is planning to open as scheduled following the New Year’s break.”

Earlier, CNN cited an unnamed US official who claimed that the Russian authorities ordered the closure of the Anglo-American School of Moscow, attended by children from the US, UK, and Canadian embassy staffs, and a US Embassy vacation house in Serebryany Bor.

The report was quickly picked up by other Western media outlets, which came up with juicy, Star Wars-style headlines for their stories, including “Russia Strikes Back: Moscow Closes US School in Response to Obama Sanctions,” from ABC, and “Putin fires back by closing American school and embassy vacation home in Moscow…” from the Daily Mail.

The CNN source called the move a direct retaliation to the closure of two Russian diplomatic compounds in Maryland and New York, which US President Barack Obama announced on Thursday as part of a set of new sanctions against Russian.

You've been fake'd, people. Semantic acrobatics in progress. Parents of pupils were miles ahead of reporters.

— IvorCrotty (@IvorCrotty) December 30, 2016

According to Obama, the countermeasures were introduced in response to what he called “the Russian government’s aggressive harassment of US officials and cyber operations aimed at the US election.”

READ MORE: US expels 35 Russian diplomats, closes 2 compounds

Thirty-five Russian diplomats have been expelled from the US, and nine Russian entities, including the GRU (Russian Military Intelligence) and the FSB (Federal Security Service), added to Washington’s blacklist.

The facilities in Maryland and New York, located in the coastal area, were used by Russian Embassy staff for recreational purposes. Many diplomats and their families who went there to celebrate New Year’s were forced to leave after the announcement of the sanctions.

Putin's superb response, CNN disgraced again with "closed school" fakenews & noone found on a sanctioned entity address in Moscow. Yum!

— Alexey Yaroshevsky (@Yaro_RT) December 30, 2016

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Moscow will not respond in kind to the US restrictions.

“We won't cause problems for American diplomats. We’re not going to expel anybody. We won’t forbid their families and kids from using familiar vacation spots during the New Year holidays,” he said.

READ MORE: Putin: Russia will not expel anyone in response to US sanctions

“Moreover, I invite the children of all American diplomats with accreditation in Russia to New Year’s and Christmas festivities in the Kremlin,” Putin added.

Though the Russian leader expressed regret that President Obama is concluding his term “in such a way,” he added: “I still wish him and his family a Happy New Year.
“I also wish President-elect Donald Trump and the entire American people a Happy New Year!”

According to Putin, Russia will “take further moves on restoring Russian-American relations based on the policies that the administration of President-elect Donald Trump adopts.”

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http://While the campaign motorcade proceeded down a lonely rural road in west Texas, a very aged cow that had wandered away from its farm pasture suddenly stepped onto the road directly in the path of the oncoming vehicles. The Secret Service limo driver tried to avoid the aging bovine but just couldn't stop the car in time. Unfortunately, the old cow was struck and killed. From the back seat of the limo, Hillary Clinton demanded that her driver to go up to the nearby farmhouse and explain to the owners what had happened. She insisted, however, that the agent should resist any request from the farmer to pay for the animal, and she added, "You killed it, so if they demand money, it will come out of your own pocket!" Meanwhile, Hillary stayed in the car making phone calls on her unsecured cell phone. About an hour later the driver staggered back to the car with his clothes in disarray. He was holding a half-empty bottle of expensive wine in one hand, a huge Cuban cigar in the other, and was smiling happily, smeared with lipstick. "What happened to you?" asked Hillary. "Well," the driver replied, "the farmer gave me the cigar, his wife gave me the wine, and their beautiful twin daughters made passionate love to me. "I had just stepped inside the door and all I said, ‘I'm Hillary Clinton's driver, and I've just killed the old cow.’ The rest happened so fast I couldn't stop it." Subject: Little Akio The teacher said, "Good Morning, Class, let's begin by reviewing some History. Who said: 'Give me Liberty, or give me Death'?" She saw a sea of blank faces, except for Little Akio, a bright foreign exchange student from Japan, who had his hand up: "Patrick Henry, 1775," he said. "Very good! Who said: 'Government of the People, by the People, for the People, shall not perish from the Earth'?" Again, no response except from Little Akio: "Abraham Lincoln, 1863." "Excellent!" said the teacher continuing. "Let's try one a bit more difficult. Who said, 'Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country?" Once again, Akio's was the only hand in the air and he said: "John F. Kennedy, 1961." The teacher snapped at the class, "Class, you should be ashamed of yourselves. Little Akio isn't from this country and he knows more about our history than you do." She heard a loud whisper: "F*** the Japs." "Who said that? I want to know right now !" ...she angrily demanded. Little Akio put his hand up, "General MacArthur, 1945." At that point, a student in the back said, "I'm gonna puke." The teacher glared at the class and asked, "All right! Now who said that?" Again, Little Akio says, "George Bush to the Japanese Prime Minister, 1991." Now furious, another student yelled, "Oh yeah? Suck this!" Little Akio jumped out of his chair waving his hand and shouted to the teacher, "Bill Clinton, to Monica Lewinsky, 1997!" Now with almost mob hysteria reigning in the class , someone said, "You little shit! If you say anything else, I'll kill you!" Little Akio frantically yelled at the top of his voice, "Michael Jackson to the children testifying against him, 2004." The teacher fainted. As the class gathered around the teacher on the floor, someone said, "Oh Crap, we are finished." Little Akio said quietly, "Americans, if Clinton gets elected."


the left has no sense of humor, the world is bad and everything is hopelesswink

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that's a great idea, get the UN building out of New York, how much does it cost New York to put up with these fools.

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It is sad that Mr Obama is doing his utmost to make the presidential transition a dog's breakfast.


He must feel pretty stupid for playing the expel diplomat card to have it trumped by putin doing nothing. Now he's off on a 200 million a day junket to india with 2000 of his closest friends. Let's not even go near the fictional hacking of the election.


The sad thing is that Mr Obama's january of shame will be all he is remembered for.


There should be more Kumbaya sing a longs and TVP buffets in the white house.


Peace out

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7 years 25 weeks ago
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