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Q: Should I stay or Should I go?

Hi all,


I've been a student here for about 2 years now and will soon graduate with my masters degree.  I'm really interested in doing something with research, journalism, or some kind of multicultural exchange/education.  My dream is to one day work for a research think tank or the UN.  After two years of being here I want to go back home, I've barely seen my family and being a laowai is taking its toll on me.  But I'm afraid that if I go home I won't be able to come back and my "adventurous" lifestyle will be done for.  I've had one company said they are interested in me for a consulting position, but it is for IT and business, neither of which are really interests of mine.  I'm definitely going home for a month, but the question now is: Should I stay or should I go? Interested to here your answers. Smile

11 years 19 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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Which life do YOU feel you want more, if you can't decide then flip a coin.

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11 years 19 weeks ago
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  Well it's good to see you posting again lil' Mo. But should you stay or should you go? Only you can answer that. Life is shorter than my d**k, you just have to grab hold of which part of it seems most appealing and heave-ho. Can't live it by what everyone else thinks, otherwise it ain't yours.

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11 years 19 weeks ago
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Your concern for going back is not rational. Why on earth would you not be able to return to China later in life, I mean, you've done it once, you can do it again. Any thoughts as to why it would not be possible are (I would guess) based on expectation you have no way of knowing if will hold true. 

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11 years 19 weeks ago
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1) Of course you can come back to China if you leave. What would be stopping you? You need nothing more than a quick visit to an embassy to get a visa and then a plane ticket. 


2). Only you can decide what path you want to take in life.  You should ask yourself though which country provides more career optturnities for the type of work your doing.  I don't know what country are from but I do know that career's outside of teaching or owning your own business are very limited in China for foreigners simply because there's already long lines of Chinese applications willing to take those jobs for less pay. 


It's good you're taking a trip back home though. That's what you really need it sounds like, a nice break to think things over. 


Have you considered doing more school  ? Why stop at a masters degree ?


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11 years 19 weeks ago
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Look, it is really easy to get stuck at home again if you get a job and a flat and do all that boring stuff. But, if you're going home for just one month's holiday I don't think you have anything to worry about.


Take a holiday - you probably need one and it'll help you get some perspective on what's really important. 

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11 years 19 weeks ago
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I had a similar predicament. I left. First weeks were hard, things are easier now. I don't regret it, it was my time to go.
So if you feel like your adventurous life is going to be over ;probably means you like china. So stay , a person I love deeply told me "if you survive in china, you can survive anywhere" Once you feel like you can't stand living there then it's time to go.

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11 years 19 weeks ago
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if you gotta ask then you gotta go.

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11 years 19 weeks ago
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If you go there will be trouble. And if you stay it will be double.

The Clash.

Please ignore me.

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11 years 19 weeks ago
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