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Q: Showering in China - will the water make you lose your hair?

Given all the sediments and metals that are present in it - will it cause gradual hair loss you reckon? Or will it contribute to early baldness? 

11 years 22 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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Possible, but I would be more concerned about stuff in the food, shampoo, and crazy gf's


(not the stuff in the crazy gf's, but the girls themselves, you know, the ones who make you pull your hair out, or who pull your hair when fighting.

11 years 22 weeks ago
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Amen to the crazy gf's...but I am more worried about an ulcer than losing my hair!

11 years 22 weeks ago
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11 years 22 weeks ago
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Hey! What's wrong with bald? 


absolutely nothing. It is natures way of preventing men getting crap haircuts

11 years 22 weeks ago
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Nothing wrong with bald! Was just curious that's all. I also thought judging by your picture that you had a full head of hair anyway :) 

11 years 22 weeks ago
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LOL, just jossing. I'm balding I've got a (VERY) receding hairline and thinning on top so I maintain a very close cropped crew cut.


The man in my avatar pic is Professor Lawrence Krauss, a famous Physicist author of "A Universe From Nothing: Why There Is Something Rather Than Nothing." whom I greatly admire. (Cosmology is a major hobby of mine).

11 years 22 weeks ago
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11 years 22 weeks ago
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There are drugs and creams to prevent hair loss. I'm not bothering. I just won't pay full price for a haircut.

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11 years 22 weeks ago
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I also would love some answers on this. I am wondering whether I should be putting on a cap in the shower and only using bottled water on my head. Early 20s is too young for a receding hairline... And I make a point of only using Korean soaps, shampoo, and conditioner with an import sticker.


I can sell you some genuine copy import stickers, only 5RMB each!

11 years 22 weeks ago
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So expensive ! You may get 20.000 stickers for 50rmb :P

11 years 22 weeks ago
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@amok: Bottled water will surely prevent hormones 'working you' out, must choose right water brand!


Nangfu water apparently makes man look like jetiagain!

11 years 22 weeks ago
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11 years 22 weeks ago
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For men, loosing hair just means we are REAL men full of testosterone.



Really? Hmmm, that's new to me. I'll Google it and see if it's correct. 

11 years 22 weeks ago
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11 years 22 weeks ago
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11 years 22 weeks ago
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Yep too late for me to start worrying about it now

I've been receding for years now, and to be honest i just don't care

Why worry about something beyond my control.


Because if its the water then it is in our control.

11 years 22 weeks ago
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But its beyond MY control as it has already gone

That was before i came to china

11 years 22 weeks ago
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11 years 22 weeks ago
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A little off topic but have any of you baldies ever noticed the amount of Chiense people who think's it's weird when a foreigner is bald.  I don't know how many times Chinese people have asked me why I have no hair (I shave my head completely because I think it looks more clean).  


I was at a wedding once and a BALD Chinese guy actually asked me why I didn't have hair and later I overheard him laughing about me with some of his friends.  Now that was REALLY weird since he was bald as well hahaha.  

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11 years 22 weeks ago
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A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman