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Q: Significance of colours...

Two questions: 


1. What is the significance of colors here?

2. Why red red so popular?  



Specially I am wondering about 'pink', In my home country, men are repulsed by pink, maybe a really light pink shirt is okay, if you have a body to pull it off... 


But here I've seen, A guy steps out a shining beamer wearing a pink capri pant (whatever that means), or a somewhat muscular shirtless guy covered in tattoos but!... riding a Pink electric bike. 


Is there a color considered 'girly', or there is no concept of it? 

9 years 2 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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Red is lucky.

Gold is luckier.

Yellow is porno.

Pink is metrosexual.

Blue is for a working area.

Green is for if your wife is F**king someone else (if you are wearing a green hat).

White is or funerals.


really, yellow yellow dirty fellow?


didn't know any of these... Thanks! wink

9 years 2 weeks ago
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yeah, the thing about the green hats also holds true in Ireland on St. Pattys Day

9 years 2 weeks ago
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9 years 2 weeks ago
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If you know design (of anything) of products you want to sell worldwide, then you know the significance of numbers, colors, sounds etc. It really matters a lot. But because Red is associated with something good (e.g. I can associate it with Santa Claus and the CCP) doesn't mean that all colors have a significant meaning. 

However, Pink symbolizes love in China. So a dude who drives a pink car, is (apart from being gay and in denial) probably in love. 


haha, the last sentence was funny... Thanks for your answer wink

9 years 2 weeks ago
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9 years 2 weeks ago
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Red is considered lucky in Chinese culture. It is also the colour associated with socialism and communism. I am curious in the title you say colour and in the question you say color, why?


Thanks for noticing… since this forum has folks from different countries and color/colour is spelled differently everywhere… so a small gesture to address everyone.





And also because I wasn’t sure how exactly it is spelled 

9 years 2 weeks ago
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9 years 2 weeks ago
Posts: 62


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Red is lucky.

Gold is luckier.

Yellow is porno.

Pink is metrosexual.

Blue is for a working area.

Green is for if your wife is F**king someone else (if you are wearing a green hat).

White is or funerals.


really, yellow yellow dirty fellow?


didn't know any of these... Thanks! wink

9 years 2 weeks ago
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yeah, the thing about the green hats also holds true in Ireland on St. Pattys Day

9 years 2 weeks ago
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9 years 2 weeks ago
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