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Q: So, apparently the Secretary General of the UN came here...

for this... I don't know, are they calling this a 'celebration'?


Personally, I don't think this is a wise move, both in the current political climate, and also from the perspective of what really happened 70 years ago. I mean, what happened? 70 years ago, this nation was getting its butt kicked, there was a civil war imminent, and only one side was prepared to try to fight for the land (while the other side held back and waited to take power), and then, some other country came along and basically saved them all with 1 bomb. There was no "Chinese victory".


And, for the last 70 years, China has kept up its war against Japan.


In Europe, there is no anger, no 'humilitation', no angst... and yet here, it's totally prevalent - and so I think the SG coming (along with other dignitaries) just adds fuel to the fire.

9 years 3 weeks ago in  Culture - China

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It was 2 bombs!


Apart from that I agree with you. There was absolutely no need for a massive military parade to remember/celebrate the 70th anniversary of the final end of WW2. It's just to rub the noses of the Japanese in it. 


The second bomb wasn't necessary - which is why I mention only the one - the first... EVERYBODY knows there was both Hiroshima AND Nagasaki which were destroyed.

9 years 3 weeks ago
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I understand your comment now, thanks. You're right again....that 2nd bomb was pure vindictiveness.


i don't approve of nuclear weapons either but do understand the USA used the first brought an end to WW2 a lot earlier than would have happened if they'd had to fight their way across Japanese territory to force a surrender. Did it save more lives than those who died from the A-bombs? I don't know....though they killed civilians, not soldiers, so I still find their use very distasteful 

9 years 3 weeks ago
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9 years 3 weeks ago
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It was 2 bombs!


Apart from that I agree with you. There was absolutely no need for a massive military parade to remember/celebrate the 70th anniversary of the final end of WW2. It's just to rub the noses of the Japanese in it. 


The second bomb wasn't necessary - which is why I mention only the one - the first... EVERYBODY knows there was both Hiroshima AND Nagasaki which were destroyed.

9 years 3 weeks ago
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I understand your comment now, thanks. You're right again....that 2nd bomb was pure vindictiveness.


i don't approve of nuclear weapons either but do understand the USA used the first brought an end to WW2 a lot earlier than would have happened if they'd had to fight their way across Japanese territory to force a surrender. Did it save more lives than those who died from the A-bombs? I don't know....though they killed civilians, not soldiers, so I still find their use very distasteful 

9 years 3 weeks ago
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9 years 3 weeks ago
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There are two parts to this military parade, these two parts contradict one another.


A. Internal appeasement --- to gain support from mainlanders by showing off how strong CCP's leadership (merit) is with "advance military capability". Mutual ego massage in short.


B. External appeasement --- to put on a peaceful outlook as the world wakes up to what china is really about, behind the facades of "I come in peace". This is the main reason for that 300,000 cut in PLA soldiers. 


A & B contradicts each other so CCP is playing a two-faces move. Neighbor countries' apparently don't buy it by their leaders not attending the celebration (except South Korea and Vietnam). They are right.


Military invasion is too apparent,  economic and people infiltration, and 'cultural' invasion is what really is going on. Look at their building of railways on a map, all strategically calculated, going after other countries' natural resources, and when the time comes, flood them with mainlanders. When communists say we come in peace that's the time to load your weapons.


You forgot the third part.... arms sales.

9 years 3 weeks ago
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Aye, a weaponry showroom. Money & face, violence, can't go far wrong when it comes to china's (mainland chinese) motives. 

9 years 3 weeks ago
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I think a big parade wasn't the problem, if it was any other country,,,but the fact China still keeps blaming Japan for 70 years ago...I mean most of America was stolen from Indians. The Mongols murdered Russians for a few centuries...The French killed pretty much every protestant in the country. How long catn you hold a grudge? If anybody has a reason to hate anybody, the Vietnamese should be pissed at thus US, but they want to be friends now because of China...

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9 years 3 weeks ago
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For about the past 10 years I have struggled with the whole Remembernce Sunday we have in Europe.  The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. The end of WW1. The war to end all wars.


I struggle, because the armistice had actually been agreed many hours before, but the announcement was delayed so a dramatic announcement could be made in the UK house of commons.


But in those hours, between the German surrender and the actual announcement, thousands died.


However, Europe has it right. It remembers the dead. The dead on both sides. And we recognize the stupidity of it.  The leaders of Europe stand united to lay wreaths at the tomb of the unknown soldier.  It's not about glory, its about doing our best to make sure it never happens again. And we do this because of lessons learnt. We do this because the life of the individual is important. Every person matters. 


As we stand at the monument, or we stand in our house or  our workplace on the 11th, we think of the pain and the suffering of every individual involved.  We remember the people, not the victory.


At least that's what I do. I despise these politicians that stand at the Cenotaph, bow their heads and offer their flowers, then return to their Ivory towers and order air strikes in the Middle East.  This is why I struggle with the 11th of the 11th of the 11th.


These politicians seek their new glory in their elected office.  They want their place in history. And the ordinary people will suffer for their ambition.


Today, China has celebrated glory. The glory of war, and the victory. It has shown it is ready, that it will never be invaded and humiliated again. Go for it China.


And lets be honest. China displayed its guns today. Both in Beijing and off the coast of Alaska. China is saying don't mess with us. Good on them. 


The Western press reports on this.... Chinese arms build up. Blah blah blah. Yeah, but Chinese millitary spending is still only a 5th of the US.


For me, the might of China was overshadowed today. No matter how many guns they have, or power, or money, one little three year old boy overshadowed it all. This little boy put the aircraft carriers, the submarines, the land forces all to shame. This little boy is our shared shame. He is proof that we have forgotten what it is to be humans.


What did he do? This little boy called Aylan Kurdi. 


He drowned at sea as his family tried to escape a war zone. His little body was washed up on a Turkish beach. 


We might have victories to celebrate and dead to remember. But when the hell will we start to learn?


This is what I will remember today for.


Aylan Kurdi's family were trying to escape British bombs. 


If you want to know shame..... I feel it. 










Just to add. China does not bomb people. We do. So who is bad?

9 years 3 weeks ago
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Yeah I saw that picture in the news today. Poor little dude never had a chance, it's a very sad thing.

9 years 3 weeks ago
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This country has killed Russian, Korean, Vietnamese, Indian, and Taiwanese troops in the last 50 years....Peaceful Italy. Or hey Brazil. China...not so much.

9 years 3 weeks ago
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China doesn't bomb other people because it can't afford to, yet. 


China 'bombs' its own people (5-8 million killed in the cultural revolution, mostly scholars, business people, landlords, through physical and mental violence, i.e. psychological torture through public humiliations, framing them with never heard of sins, to torture them until they commit suicide. Who is more violent and insidious?


There are a thousand ways to skin a cat, says westerners, mainlanders put that into practice. Look at the grudge they hold against the Japanese, after all these years. Who is the most pathological?Look at their emphasis on VICTORY, instead of using this occasion to remember the dead as you mentioned, in Europe, which is the way to go. Not for mainlanders though, so who has the nastiest win-lose EGO? Of all people from other countries you have met, have you seen the kind of resistance in admitting they are wrong, even when they are clearly are, scientically let alone morally (i.e. face thing)? Bad sport, and extremely dangerous.

9 years 3 weeks ago
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Go back 100 years Rasknik, to the war to end all wars. Millions dead.


Go back 70 years. 65 million dead.


Keep going, history on fast forward. Lets define now as 24 hours. How many are China killing now?


How many has the West killed today?


Not by pollution or disease. But by bombs and guns. Machines and devices designed for the sole purpose of killing people. Delivered by people trained and paid by Government to kill. We don't design pollution to kill people. We design guns and bombs to kill people. We spend money on guns rather than cure disease.


It is utter stupidity.


Fine. Go ahead and use history as justification for tomorrows war. Use your history as justification to arm yourself and buy more guns.


But just think about it. Maybe tomorrow it will be your son washed up on a beach. Or maybe it will be your wife who has her head blown off..


Aylan Kurdi.


Washed up dead on a Turkish beach.


If I had been born somewhere else, he could be my son. If I had been born in Syria, I would try to escape.


Time to break these border walls down. Lets dismantle the fences rather than build more.



9 years 3 weeks ago
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I don't remember you going all that emotional last year over that picture of a dismembered Palestinian kid on a Gaza beach. Although he for one was the victim of a bomb with no military target within a war that doesn't need to be.


So where were your tears by then? Oh yeah, sorry, there was no parade to justify I guess.


See the problem with dictatorship of emotion? He who controls publishing controls the minds, and stupid and coward people are only too happy to buy their dose of cheap compassion.

9 years 3 weeks ago
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What I find bizarre, is that I agree with everything ScotsAlan says up until he gets to "So China is good because it isn't bombing anybody."

-Well, true, China is not, right now bombing aniybody. It simply burns down churches, crushes minorities, tortures people in prison, and arrests journalists, but you are right it doesn't bomb anybody...

-And China deserves to be humiliated. So did the US in Vietnam. It is called hubris.

9 years 3 weeks ago
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The UK is deliberately killing people with bombs - some of whom are 'innocent' (for whatever that word actually means).


China is deliberately killing its own people, through pollution and the corruption which allows it to continue. That number is in the hundreds of thousands.


China is also preparing to go to war rather than to negotiate.


As for the boy - Aylan - he is one person amongst the tens of millions who die every year - through poverty, starvation, curable diseases, through military dictatorships who won't allow any form or resistance (including mental or emotional resistance - you can't even THINK something bad about the leaders).


(your rant failed to make the connection to the UK's non-immigration policy).



Sorry Scots, but that IS humanity!

9 years 3 weeks ago
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9 years 3 weeks ago
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Quote RiRi..



I don't remember you going all that emotional last year over that picture of a dismembered Palestinian kid on a Gaza beach. Although he for one was the victim of a bomb with no military target within a war that doesn't need to be.


So where were your tears by then? Oh yeah, sorry, there was no parade to justify I guess.


See the problem with dictatorship of emotion? He who controls publishing controls the minds, and stupid and coward people are only too happy to buy their dose of cheap compassion."


The three young boys on the beach?


On the Gaza Strip.


How dare you presume what I thought.


There was no context to post about it on a Chinese forum.


Are you somehow more qualified to feel pain and compassion than me? Do you actually have an opinion, do you have empathy?  Is it wrong for me to feel the pain and the loss?


Am I the wrong colour/religion/nationality to feel compassion or to feel the pain?


Am I a member of the wrong social strata? I am the wrong class? Am I in the wrong profession.?


Please tell me Ririri... What box have you put me into that renders me as a cold hearted bastard trying to score netizen points with crocodile tears?


My point was simple. Big display of guns... of all sorts.  A baby dies trying to escape them.


My tears are real. Same as they were when the boys were bombed on the beach on the Gaza strip.


So let me understand: this time there was a context to bring in a sobstory, and this context was to justify last week's mussolinian parade...

on the other side of the globe...

because war is baaaaad.


Yeah, makes total sense for sure.


You know, the problem with leftist tears over sensational news is that, beyond what I said in my precedent post, these always happen with absolutely no personal involvement other than calling for everyone's good will and generosity. Let alone, obviously, any kind of rational thinking over what is really at stake behind all that shit.


But I admit what's singular with you is how you use this to actually dare justify the that little toy display that only betrays the missing phallus of some very little men in a manner we hoped was gone with the last century.

9 years 3 weeks ago
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9 years 3 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77