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Q: So are non natives leaving china or just teaching illegally?? Or can they still get work visas?

8 years 6 weeks ago in  Visa & Legalities - China

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Many working illegally, many leaving. I can tell you that this year many schools are having a hard time to find teachers.


China acts like it can afford to be picky, like it's a great place where many certified native English teachers want to come LOL, they couldn't be further from the truth.

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8 years 5 weeks ago
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Non natives that were already hired can stay with their company and Non natives can also apply for jobs still. The law was reversed.


surprised icnif hasn't weighed in on this one even if just to say "call safea!"

8 years 5 weeks ago
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8 years 6 weeks ago
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Many working illegally, many leaving. I can tell you that this year many schools are having a hard time to find teachers.


China acts like it can afford to be picky, like it's a great place where many certified native English teachers want to come LOL, they couldn't be further from the truth.

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8 years 5 weeks ago
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I know of 2 people from Kenya with PhDs  who are working here legally as teachers.

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8 years 5 weeks ago
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I just don't get why non-natives just couldn't get a visa for teaching their own mother language, whatever that is? You know even if it's for English in the end.


Or am I just a mastermind of sorts who just found a loophole?

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8 years 5 weeks ago
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Heaps of them still applying for jobs. My school was given a list of places that were acceptable to hire teachers from. Near the top of the list was the British Antarctic Territory. Hmm... Yeah.

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8 years 5 weeks ago
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Yes non-natives can get jobs and work visas. If they are qualified and have teaching experience can get Foreign Expert Certificates, of course, sometimes Universities and Schools do the visas as if they are going to teach their languages but at the end only assign to them English lessons, I know a Brazilian guy that was appointed as "Portuguese Teacher" for the visa but at the end he is teaching English 

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7 years 51 weeks ago
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In the entire 5000 year history of China, they have perhaps taken in 5 or 6 thousand immigrants. Limited to 10 years max visa of course.

Germany took a million last year.

Xenophobia is not something to boast about.


I think, 'quantity' is the matter in China.... 

You have to have limit on the birth rate and now, 'cause somebody else bombed one country to dust (Syria as the most recent) for which action China opposed ..... it isn't 'xenophobia', IMO.


Germans on other hand are similar to Japs: ''everybody's getting old with very low birth rate, so let's open the doors and get some 'refreshment' in''.

There is also an experiment going on, about which ordinary people aren't aware off..... hint: 'testing is hidden and can't be performed on the citizens...of the country' and Germans 'hand in hand' with US in ME.

I love, how Vlad replied...LOLOL

No such need in China. Not xenophobia, by this facts.

Now, what Chinese think about foreigners is a different matter.

Personally, I don't think they hate me, 'cause laowai. I always get laugh out of them with my reply 'ni shi laowai' & finger pointing.

It's more 'Great-Wall-tradition' than 'we don't like foreigners'. We should give them more time with 'no-more-wall'.

Another thing is, 2nd language speakers are rarity among Chinese. We're like ETs to them-common people.

7 years 51 weeks ago
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@Mr ScotsAlan


Your comment made me wonder exactly how many refugees are in China.


I am aware that some 10,000 jews were resettled (mostly in Shanghai) after WWII.


So, anyway, I did a Bing and wikipedia came up with the UNHCR statistics for "registered" refugees.


We know that wikipedia is hardly the definitive source for anything.


I was surprised that China has around 300k refugees. I can only assume most would be from Vietnam, Cambodia and other nearby Asian countries. But it was a surprise nevertheless.


And I also found this tidbit of Amnesty International naming China the most refugee friendly country....that was a huge surprise considering the intake in the past few decades. 


7 years 51 weeks ago
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7 years 51 weeks ago
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Yes, I am leaving China as Non-native English teacher ..... for the last 7 years. In the meantime, I lost my umbrella twice, just for your info ....


Where's 'expat-brat'? I am chipping....Call Ra-ri, too.


2 umbrellas in 7 years. Good going. Well done sir.

7 years 51 weeks ago
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 two different umbrellas.

7 years 51 weeks ago
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7 years 51 weeks ago
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I'm not sure about work visas but I know lots of non-natives that easily find work with no problems. I know 3 russian girls working at kindergartens in Shanghai who have no the jobs easy pay is decent and on time.


Every year there seems to be this panic like "OMG THIS IS THE YEAR 4 REALZ THIS TIME!!" and every year I see enterprising people looking to work not having any problems. At least when those enterprising people are pretty white girls.


Are these 3 Russians the same ones as per your post some 2-3 years ago or-rrr ... you found new-the-same-ones? the same city..? ... you never know, Shanghai is big ...

If the same ones, that must be long term thinks.

' .....Valerie, Valerie, I hope you didn't catch a tan ....hope, you find the right man, who'll fix it for ya-aa....'

7 years 50 weeks ago
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Yeah probably.


But my point still stands.

7 years 50 weeks ago
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7 years 50 weeks ago
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My impression is that switching jobs within China has never been easier for non-native ESL teachers than it is right now.


WeChat groups are buzzing,  LinkedIn recruiters are thirstier than ever - overall, landing a nice (whichever way you wish to define it) job has never been easier.

And I'm just referring to legitimate institutions that can extend existing visas.


As expatlife26 mentioned, plenty of  illegal work in places like Shanghai, which I don't condone, but it is reality. 

Shanghai and Shenzhen seem to be meccas for Slavs,  who are here mostly to make money, are well connected and hep each other out. 




OP is asking about legal work (WP&RP) for Non's, not illegal.

As Non, I could never land a job in Shanghai, Beijing or Shenzhen.

I am small cities fan, but sometimes I send CV to the job vacancy in big city. As soon as I clear the matter as 'I am Non...', reply is 'we can't secure WP for Non'.

7 years 50 weeks ago
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@ icnif: okay, let's stick to the legal employment.

The first part of my comment was referring  to regular job switching - yes, it's entirely possible to get a  teaching job as a  non-native English speaker.

A good buddy of mine is about to  (legally) switch jobs as we speak, he's leaving the  burnt-plastic smelling  shithole known as Changchun for a 10k  university gig in Guanzhou. 


From what I can see in Wechat groups, people are still getting the paperwork done and applying for Z-visas in their home countries. 

Not-so-desirable places will go out of their way to secure visas and get teachers.


7 years 50 weeks ago
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I switch jobs fairly often as valid RP holder (since 2010) and on the top of everything, I am in the contact with SAFEA, which I usually ask for help, because employer doesn't respect the Contract.


I have payment/salary problem at my present employer and last week I suggested to the owner 'peaceful Contract termination' instead 'call SAFEA'.....I am sick of it, honestly!


How one could know some FT is working illegally? Is the T-shirt illegals are wearing or is anything else?

How could lying-expat-brat know somebody in China is working illegally? I'm just saying....

7 years 50 weeks ago
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Qualifications... it makes all the difference!

7 years 50 weeks ago
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7 years 50 weeks ago
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