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Q: teaching hours, classes, prep and office time?

How many classes do you teach a week, hours you work with prep and office time?

12 years 33 weeks ago in  Teaching & Learning - China

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Last semester I worked 14 periods (45 minutes each) per week, and this semester calls for 16. My prep time varies, but I usually spend a portion of my vacation time preparing for the next semester. If I have to change direction, I usually spend a few hours a day doing that.

No office time is required at our school, so I don't have to bother with that. It's all "in class" time with, of course, proper prep. Also, during the week, I try and show a movie two nights a week at the school, but that is more of a social activity for the students.

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12 years 33 weeks ago
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I teach in an IS. I need to be with my kindergarten 5 hours a day and 2 hours prep that includes PD and meetings. I find it much comfortable than my previous schedule.

I know it sounds tiring but I do like my schedule now.wink

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12 years 33 weeks ago


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Normally only 25-30 1 hour classes a week and it might take 20 minutes or so a day to prepare classes, if I'm feeling genererous I make take 2 hours or so to make a nice presentation. And I usually go to work early since it's boring at my house so I go and play on the internet until class time so probably 45-50 hours altogether.

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12 years 33 weeks ago
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My contract stipulates a 40 hour working week, at present I do 15 hours teaching over three consecutive days -- the rest of the time is spent doing prep work, demonstration classes (very few) and surfing the internet. Quickest time to plan a lesson? Changing the date on an old lesson plan for another class, done in 15 seconds. Normally 20-30 mins.

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12 years 33 weeks ago
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6-8 classes, 1 hour each class, 2 days out the week.

1-2 hours max of office time, usually marking, filing and recapping with my Japanese-teaching partner.

20-30 minutes prep time for each lesson.


But beware, I work part-time, fixed hourly rate and no visa.

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11 years 51 weeks ago
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I will admit to having a VERY easy time in my 'new' position. They copied the contract I had at my last place but improved it drastically, (perhaps unwittingly, but I'll give them credit anyway).


At my last place my contract was for up to 22 days per month and up to 100 teaching hours. However, they always filled those teaching hours and so 100% of my prep was in my own time, (which is considerable for the first few months of a new position).

My new school said, OK well we want you to do the same, but we don't have 100 hours a month teaching so we want you to do at least 6 hours every working day, so when your not teaching you will be in the office doing lesson plans and helping out with management, course design etc. I said ok fine. So now I work 18 days a month and 100% of my prep is done at work. Happy!

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11 years 51 weeks ago
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Are here only teachers ? cool. I have hard working on hard office chair, 9am to 6pm, 5 days a week. no prep, no home work Smile

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11 years 51 weeks ago
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Not only teachers Wink

My work is similar - 8 to 18 wit 2h break, but for most of time extensive and with a lot of walking...

but then... another few hours "under the phone" for my homeland company (-6h difference)
not exactly preparations or "homework", but sometimes I have to open computer and reply some urgent mails...

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11 years 51 weeks ago
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14 periods a week (45 min each), only 3 days a week (2 of them done at noon!).

No office hours whatsoever. Prep - my students change every term which means no prep now smiley

How can I ever leave China crying

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11 years 51 weeks ago
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