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Q: Therapy/Suicide hotline in china

***This is a legit question and not trolling for attention***

Like many people, I have struggled with Depression for a good portion of my life. Unfortunately, when I came to China I brought those issues with me (Wherever you go, there you are, right?) I have been having a rather difficult time with it lately. Is the mental health profession really as bad as i think it is here (as in, nonexistant)? is there a way to find therapists here, for those of us who might need it (specifically, in nanjing)? as a last resort, is there an equivalent of the Suicide Hotline in china?

My fear is that the answers are all "no,"

10 years 26 weeks ago in  Health & Safety - China

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I've never been in contact with that part of Chinese society, but from reading about it, the whole concept of mental illness is new in China and at the same time it is a massive taboo. I would think it must be possible to find a good psychologist in major cities, but outside that, don't count on it. 

There is a huge amount of Chinese people with undiagnosed mental conditions, there is also a lot who have used Dr. Google and thus started taking whatever "happy pills" their local pill peddler has without prescription, which is a really bad idea and could easily cause far worse conditions.


Did you look into if it is possible to get online counseling sessions via Skype ? 


Yeah, there's no real understanding of the concept here. I realized this when i tried to explain to someone how the 24/7 fireworks during Lunar New Year were triggering my PTSD and war nightmares (admitadly, going to China, when I have a very strong aversion to sudden unexpected explosions may not have been the BEST idea) and the responses that I got were 'so forget about it,' and 'don't think about it then.' (verbatim) The only internet access that i have is through my phone.. Which is a piece of junk.

10 years 26 weeks ago
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I can relate to that. Some days I would most of all just want to hide from the noise. 

Consider investing in a cheap phone that can run Skype so you can get in contact with some family or friends.

10 years 25 weeks ago
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If you want my opinion, I would trust hong kong alot more than anywhere in China.  More experienced dealing with mental health and alot more people that can relate.  Its now just a high speed train ride away plus they have hotlnes that you would be able to call 24 hours a day from anywhere


Good luck!.


The Samaritans
G.PO Box 7953
Hong Kong
Contact by: - Phone - E-mail:
Hotline: +852 28 960 000
E-mail Helpline:
24 Hour service:


Suicide Prevention Services

G/F, 14-15 Yat Tung House
Hong Kong
Contact by: - Phone
Hotline: +852 23820000
    Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun: 00:00 - 23:00 


Not all of us have the resources to make weekly trips to HK.

10 years 26 weeks ago
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If i wanted to die and needed help id find a way on the train. Instead of complaining that your poor you can do somethibg about it ya ungrateful ass. I gave you options not orders.

10 years 26 weeks ago
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Hey Mike, I understand your frustration but the guy is obviously depressed, so if he says something like that you should try and understand where it comes from. It might be part of his condition (sorry, not sure what to call it) to be negative or pessimistic about situations. You're not wrong, just take it easy.

10 years 26 weeks ago
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Yeah.. Alright.. Fair enough

10 years 26 weeks ago
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I wouldn't trust the price in Hong Kong. The OP would be broke unless he or she is making big money in Nanjing


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Dr. Peter Calafiura at Parkway Health in Shanghai

Phone number:  2164455999

Probably the only western psychiatrist in South China.

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10 years 26 weeks ago
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These are some hotlines I found:


Beijing Suicide Research and Prevention Center Hotline 
Hotline: Free: 0800-810-1117
Hotline: Mobile/IP/extension users: 010-8295-1332

Lifeline Shanghai 
Contact by: - Phone
Hotline: (21) 63798990

Lifeline Yanji 
Contact by: - Phone
Hotline: (0433) 273 9595 
    Mon: 08:00 - 16:00
    Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun: 08:00 - 16:00


They're not in Nanjing, as you can see, but you can call them from anywhere. They might be able to help with some counseling or help refer you to someone in Najing. 


Keep strong man!

10 years 26 weeks ago
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just hang on, keep strong, everything is gonna be fine

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10 years 26 weeks ago
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be careful who you talk to about this as there is a real stigma attached.

Don't speak to anyone local to yourself as word could get out.

you will pass through this. 


Why woul someone downvote this?

10 years 25 weeks ago
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i have a stalker no

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10 years 26 weeks ago
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Yes, there is a bit of a stigma about mental issues in China, but there shouldn't be any problems talking about this with the psych department in Nanjing. These doctors deal with dozens of people with similar issues daily and Nanjing isn't a small city -- so -- I'm sure they've helped foreigners out before.


Are you taking medication ATM ?


Look, you're not alone in this -- a lot of Chinese are going through the same thing too -- but they're not so open about it. So just make your way over to the best hospital in your city, ask for the psych dept and go see the doctor. Many of them speak English quite well.



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Another thing --


While there's a lot of western medicine and treatment available for depression in China, you may be a bit disappointed by the talk therapy portion of it -- yeah, that parts a bit underdeveloped -- however there are expat psychologists in the international cities who give more of that, "Let's talk about your issues," kinda thing.

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10 years 26 weeks ago
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All I can is you came to the wrong place to handle mental issues. I would contact your family back home to help you get back to them, I'll be honest, yes you can and should call those phone numbers. BUT you are in the wrong place to handle these personal handicaps, China it self is a mental challenge for anyone with no mental illness and it still gets to us from time to time. I'll never forget how crazy I went when the gov asked my Chinese wife to sign and fill out 80 sheets of paper and 2 trips to the U.S embassy just to get her health insurance and to allow her to give birth in China. Crazy day. ( We have a son born here but we put him on an American passport.) So it was harder to have a second one.


So my point is your illness is a walking disaster in China. You need to go home.


We can help you, give us your familes phone number. I'll call. Or ask a friend to call them.


I disagree, and here's why:


China helped me deal with problems on a massive scale. China helped me overcome a large portion of my PTSD. My wife and friends did the same by listening to me talk about my problems and helping me deal with them.


It helped me to become functional again. It's a good place to tough it out if you really want to change. You have to want to, though. Seeing as he's looking for help -- which is usually the first step -- I'd say he's off to a good start.

10 years 26 weeks ago
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I respect your thoughts on this, you or I could be right, we all have different ways of battling our inner demons. Like you said China could be a good way and it might not... Reaching out is a good step, I just wish he could reach out to his family, if the family would want to help..

10 years 25 weeks ago
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Home is something to consider, but sometimes that's not an immediate option for everybody. I would use home as a last resort -- you CAN get help here -- yes, China feels fucked sometimes, but the psychological health care is improving. I work at a medical university, so perhaps I'm just more exposed to how common it is for even the Chinese to admit their issues.  


If you're being properly medicated with no results, and the doctors here are of no help, including any kind of talk or controlled behavior therapy doesn't work, then yes, going home is of course always an option. 


If you were in the middle of no where, maybe going home would be one of the the first options, but you're in freakin' Nanjing, dude. Major metropolis.


Define 'home.' Of the past 10 years, ive spent 8 'Away' . 'Home' is no longer home.

10 years 25 weeks ago
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Hey, bro... I know how it is...


China triggered my PTSD something fierce... it was often disabling. I have it bad too, bro. I can say is that talking about it helps. I talked about it with my wife and my friends. I also complained/joked a lot on this site to keep the flashbacks at bay, lol. That's just one of the many ways I kept myself occupied. You also have to face your fears, because keeping occupied is only a distraction; the problem is still there. 


Under no circumstances would I suggest that you visit a mental hospital, or talk to a psychologist unless you're absolutely sure you can trust them. I know that for me, there was no way in hell I was going to talk to a Chinese psychologist. I was afraid I'd get deported if they thought I was "deranged." I am deranged, obviously, but for different reasons.


Find a friend, girlfriend, or your wife, and talk about it. Just talk about it. Talk about what bothers you, why it does, and what's going on. It could take a while to show some improvement, but it worked wonders for me. I strongly suggest finding someone to talk to about your problems. Chinese women LOVE talking non-stop, so this is good. Be prepared for a lot of ignorance, but keep an open mind.


Once you speak about and understand your problem, how horrible flashbacks are triggered, etc, it starts losing it's power over you. Give it a go.

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If you want, I can talk to you about stuff... everyone needs a friend. PM me.

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My  advice, find a good friend to talk to. Companies especially medical companies, are looking to screw you in any way possible. The more desperate you are the more  they will victimize you. 

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out of intrest how many of us besides me  have pm OP offering a ear ?

just curious


I didn't! 'cause I think, MD should help. It didn't cross my mind!

10 years 25 weeks ago
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see , now that is the problem

too many people worry about themselves and don't think that just listening to somebody can be a big help.

the same as when people are more worried about helping incase they are sued .

Why do I bother keep coming back to echina ? all it does is make me anti Chinese

10 years 25 weeks ago
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phil, I have the same feel. I kept 5 days without this site, and felt better a bit. When I came back, read some stuff, heat up my antichina, come home talk to wife, she yell at me why the f@ck always have something against anything chinese... and she is right.

10 years 25 weeks ago
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@phil&ness: In my family, there are 5 MDs, or all adult members, except me! However, I'm very good to make MDs feel, I'm really sick (even if I'm not), so I could always got day or more off, when younger!

I am aware, what I can and what I cannot advice in the medical field! When I give advice in medical field i.e. at 'losing weight', I clearly state, I'm not MD, and poster should seek MD's advice (too)!


It is not that, I (was) am thinking about myself! I don't feel knowledgeable enough to even say 'have a good day!' in this field!

10 years 25 weeks ago
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I want to say that Home is a place with welcoming friends and family, but home can also be the place where you can legally stay in at a psychiatric ward without fear of deportation.


You can get almost all of the mental illness related services you need in China except the one I just mentioned -- that one would require a trip back to the place listed on your passport. 

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Thank you for the advice and support.

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I think a lot of us are genuinely concered here for you so you should know that we're here for you too. Mental illness sucks and there's more to dealing with it than just "Suck it up" and "Don't think about it."


well said


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I thought I had it bad, with the poor access to healthcare and witchdoctor pill peddlers... I can't imagine what it's like if I'd need counseling, here, too. You'd probably have easier access in the Amazon or a remote African jungle than you have here in China. It's like Zombie Apocalypse, here:
"Excuse me, I'm in need of a psychiatrist."
"Boss, maybe you can help me get counseling?"
"My boss is proud of my intellect."
"Yeah, I thought it was a clever joke, too."

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If someday you need to talk Smile I know how does it feel like.

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10 years 25 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77