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Q: Is there any penalty for overstaying 7 hours In China?

i have been visiting china since 2010. i have never overstay in china in last 3 years. 


my current visa IS - L ( 90 days each entry ) and its Multiple Entry . the visa will expired on September 2013


i have entered china on 5th April 2013 and my visa suppose to expire on 3rd July 2013


But my China Southern Airline Flight is on 4th of July 2013 Morning 7 Am


Because,  On 3rd July 2013,  there is no flight to my destination by china southern airline. ( on my returning flight )


will it cause some sort of  penalty for overstaying 7 hours In China?


if anyone could answer my question it will greatly help because there is still a week left.




11 years 12 weeks ago in  Visa & Legalities - China

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If you pass the passport check inside your overstay, you risk being taken to an office, questioned a bit and given a fine, probably a small one. this can impact your application for future visas and it can also take more than 7 hours. So go to the airport 7 hours before your flight, I would assume that once you are through the passport check you are considered departed in the eyes of the PSB. 


The flight is the day after his visa expires, so they probably won't let him check in a full day before the flight. That would mean he would have to sleep in the airport, when it is possibly closed.

11 years 12 weeks ago
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11 years 12 weeks ago
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Chinese authorities don't like when one overstays visa, because it shows lack of respect for Chinese laws, and police will take time for 'interview' with you, even if you'll overstay your visa for an hour.


Plan your departure from China at least one day before. You must count in airports delays, what is usual thing in Chinese transportation, and night closure of border crossings.

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11 years 12 weeks ago
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If you entered China on April 5, 2013, and you have a 90 days stay each entry (it is not 3 months, but 90 days), then by counting 90 days from your entry you must leave by midnight of July 14, 2013.  Even if you entered on April 5, you do not count it towards the 90 days, your count starts on April 6 as day one.  Double check me to be sure, but leaving on July 14 at 7 am will not cause you any problems. 

And if you ever overstay your visa (and I hope you do not do it ever) it will not make a diference if you do for 1 minute, or 8 months, it is called an overstay. Now, the monetary penalty and subsequent actions will depend on the length of the overstay. I was once late by 23 minutes, due to an extremely long line at border station. No penalty was requested, no further action taken, but I was sort of "detained" in an office at border station for a bit over 4 hours. Quite embarrassing


How do you get 14th July? That's 101 days.

11 years 11 weeks ago
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Traveler, I, on purpose, did the math wrong and added the note that you must double check me and do your own math to see how many would jump at my throat. I had given up on the so called wise fellows here, when you posted your comment. Thank God there was at least one person awake !

11 years 11 weeks ago
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11 years 12 weeks ago
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If your location will be in the airport  during this time then there will be no problem, if you are past the border check point then no problem, if your location will be outside of these two, 500 rmb fine, slap on the wrist and go on your way would be the max of what they would do. I would go to the PSB with my ticket and ask for permission to stay until your flight arrives, staying in an airport for 7 hours would, well, suck.

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11 years 12 weeks ago
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  The guy doesnt know what he is talking about.  I am sure if you overstay buy one minute or one day  or seven hours they are going to throw you in jail, give you a big fine, kick you out of China, and throw away the key.   Some people are just too dramatic.  Worst case scenerio if you over stay 7 hours they will probally tell you to check it more carefully and dont do it again.   They will just give you a warning.   Now if its a month, 6 months or a year than that is a different story altogether.   Relax, take it easy and enjoy your flight.

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11 years 11 weeks ago
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If there is a penalty which means they do charge you for that 7 hours I don't believe it is too much to fork over. It might cost you 10 thousand kuai to get that settled but I don't think they'd throw you in jail since you are in a hurry to leave. That's a bummer. I've seen this happen before two girls went to the embassy and were freaking out that they were about to overstay their visit to China. You could try the same thing. Maybe they'd have the best advice! Your embassy!


Ha Ha, I said:"best"!!

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11 years 11 weeks ago

There are cookies, bookies and too many rookies for me to sit here trying to be a hooky! Looky Looky don't call me a wooky. Touchy Touchy Feely Feely Spicy Spicy Nicey Nicey & that's what the doctor Ordered!!

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