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Q: Is there moar and moar obesity in China?

This morning at work, the Chinese secretary forgot to greet me with a double arm wave because she was talking on the phone with I don't know who. I try to be patient but sometimes it's really painful when they don't learn. I had to scold her because the double arm wave is a must-do on monday morning. It gives an added value to the regular hello. She started crying a little bit, so I decided to be nice and asked her what she was talking on the phone. She then started crying a river because her friend's daughter gained a couple of pound. She's 26 and trying to get married, but the mother is scared the extra pound will make it extra harder to find a husband.

I laughed at her and said there is no chance that Chinese women turn into mythical Irish land whales, at least not before they start their menopause. Everybody knows that.

But thinking about it, it's true i see moar and moar obese people walking down the streets. There are moar and moar Irish land whales i even saw Germans walking strudels and Big Black mambas! Is it me dreaming, or obesity becoming a problem?

Is it because they are embracing 'Merican culture too seriously?

13 years 6 weeks ago in  Health & Safety - China

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First and foremost, "Moar" should be spelled "More".

Now to get to your question, yes obesity is on the rise in China and yes American fast food culture is partially to blame. Chinese waistlines have been expanding at about the same rate as MacDonalds and KFC have been opening more stores. But at the same time, nobody forces this junk food down their throat so people's attitudes and willingness to consume this rubbish food is also to blame. The author of the article below does a better chance at explaining the cause of this.

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13 years 6 weeks ago
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I'm still laughing at dancing chicken outfit, please tell me moar.
i think the tinkin in Merica is tat obiesity is a disease. maybe the wind carry it.
where i live in the great white north, first i can not see much, but when out hunting I have been noticing how fat the people get, At first I think how whale get here, no walrus, no that woman, I don't believe they get that big. What can yoa eat to get that big, not enough blubber in the world to do that. Laughing out loud

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13 years 6 weeks ago
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Toss her my way, I love a bit of chub, especially on an asian!

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13 years 6 weeks ago
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Irish land whales? Big black mambas? What?

You seem to be talking specifically about obese women - there certainly are, but from my experience there aren't that many young obese women.

Mostly though, if there are any fatties, they're men in their early 40s, downing regular bottles of beer.

Also, it's rude to make fun of fat people. I've been trying to lose weight myself, but the baozi here are just too damn good.

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13 years 6 weeks ago
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