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Q: Those 7th graders are out!

Well here we are with some sad news again:

As of last month the educational bureau won't allow legally working foreign residents children to go to public school anymore and those who are in public school now must leave before 7th grade..

So you gotta go to a private primary school to high school which most B talent foreigners won't be able to afford or even 50% of A talent foreigners won't be able to afford.

I'll be a victim of this too, this is how I found out, I found out directly and witnessed the good bye of foreign 7th graders leaving school.

Always have a plan A, B and C, as we keep telling everyone don't invest here, save here because China can't be your home, even if you pretend it to be!

6 years 21 weeks ago in  Family & Kids - China

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even if one of the parents is Chinese?


That is the main reason, I see 'RACIST' in this new regulation!

On the side note, Chinese wants you spend your 'high salary' .... It's win-win for them!

6 years 20 weeks ago
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Technically yes if they have a foreign passport.

6 years 20 weeks ago
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Scott is right, its all about the passport

6 years 20 weeks ago
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I know parents who get around it by hiding the kids foreign passport. They use emergency travel docs to leave the country etc. The PSB seems ok with this up to age 18. When I say an emergency travel doc, its some sort of book that is not a passport. The brit guys I know here leave it to their wifes. But applying for a chinese passport while the kid has a foreign one is a big no no.

6 years 20 weeks ago
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6 years 20 weeks ago
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Very racists ... and big 'WHY????' ... bump!


Did you leave China?

6 years 20 weeks ago
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@icnif77, you are spot on, a HK school here that only takes foreign passport holders was 18,500 per semester in 2017 but now 40,800 RMB. My son has dual passports for Philippines and the U.S, I'll probably send him to Philippines at a private High School I found, at least he'll be close by to Shenzhen, China.

6 years 20 weeks ago
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I left China last June and I tried S. Russia for few months, but disorganised stuff got me ... now, I am in Istanbul, overwhelmed with part-time work at two Training mills after 2nd week in the city. Pay is lousy without any benes, but SA DOS is telling me he'll give me raise after a month or so.

I would say, English teachers are better off in China pay&benes wise than anywhere else I tried by now.

However, one must deal with leader's BS ... Never forget, every School you'll step-in in China is aware of your 'high salary' and will try to make you spend all this money for this or for that ...

Make sure, you charge well for everything you do there .... Good luck Laowai!

6 years 20 weeks ago
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6 years 21 weeks ago
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I wish America would do the same but we let illegals go to school.


I understand China's reasoning for this. There aren't enough spots for Chinese citizens so why give them to foreign kids. 


There shouldn't be that many of us with kids who are fluent in Chinese as me and my son came here before he was 2.. it's really a difficult issue to solve.

6 years 21 weeks ago
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One 'solution' is: 'price of foreign/Native English teaching should skyrocket in China!', i.e. one must earn first to be able to spend for your kids education. 


Or 'just boycott English teaching in China ...' as my sentiment was last year, when I left for good. Scumbags!

I am single, thou!

6 years 21 weeks ago
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You do realize that a Chinese citizen from another city can't send their send their kids to school? 

I don't know if you've been paying attention the last few years, but China's having money issues. And you having remember something, taking care of illegals and immigrants while you leave your own citizens out in the cold is a western country thing, other countries aren't that dumb.

6 years 21 weeks ago
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6 years 21 weeks ago
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But it has always been the case that foreign kids need to go to private international schools here. That is why I decided my daughter should have Chinese citizenship rather than British.

Yeah, it is wrong. Racist and Xenophobic.

Uncle wants us out.

Do you have a link to the news Ironman? I have not heard this anywhere else.


Didn’t you fully grasp his post. He knows because...


I'll be a victim of this too, this is how I found out, I found out directly and witnessed the good bye of foreign 7th graders leaving school.



6 years 21 weeks ago
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6 years 21 weeks ago
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even if one of the parents is Chinese?


That is the main reason, I see 'RACIST' in this new regulation!

On the side note, Chinese wants you spend your 'high salary' .... It's win-win for them!

6 years 20 weeks ago
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Technically yes if they have a foreign passport.

6 years 20 weeks ago
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Scott is right, its all about the passport

6 years 20 weeks ago
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I know parents who get around it by hiding the kids foreign passport. They use emergency travel docs to leave the country etc. The PSB seems ok with this up to age 18. When I say an emergency travel doc, its some sort of book that is not a passport. The brit guys I know here leave it to their wifes. But applying for a chinese passport while the kid has a foreign one is a big no no.

6 years 20 weeks ago
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6 years 20 weeks ago
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